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So,there is any MiG-19PF in this world?

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From wiki:


MiG-19 (NATO: "Farmer-A") First production version armed with 3x 23 mm NR-23 cannons.


MiG-19P (NATO: "Farmer-B") Version equipped with RP-1 Izumrud radar in the nose and armed with 2x 23x115mm NR-23 (later 2x 30 mm NR-30) cannons in the wings. Had provision for an unguided rocket pack under each wing, elongated tailfin fillet, all-moving tailplane, third airbrake added behind the ventral fin. Vympel K-13 (AA-2 'Atoll') air-to-air missile (AAM) capability was added late in its service life; entered production in 1955.


MiG-19PG MiG-19P equipped with the Gorizont-1 ground control datalink. MiG-19S (NATO: "Farmer-C") Development of the MiG-19P equipped with Svod long-range navigation receiver and armed with 3x 30 mm NR-30 cannons. Had provisions for an unguided rocket pack or a FAB-250 bomb under each wing; entered service in 1956.


MiG-19R Reconnaissance version of the MiG-19S with cameras replacing the nose cannon and powered by uprated RD-9BF-1 engines.


MiG-19SF Late production MiG-19S powered by the same uprated RD-9BF-1 engines as the MiG-19R.


MiG-19SV High-altitude version for intercepting reconnaissance balloons, reached 68,044 ft (20,740 m) on 6 December 1956; entered service in 1956. MiG-19SVK MiG-19SV with a new wing, small increase in altitude above MiG-19SV; did not warrant production.


MiG-19SU (SM-50) High-altitude version to intercept the Lockheed U-2, equipped with a self-contained liquid-fuel booster rocket pack; appears to have been abandoned because of inability to control the aircraft at very high altitudes and the aircraft's tendency to enter supersonic spins. MiG-19PF Single-seat radar-equipped, all-weather interceptor fighter aircraft; built in small numbers.


MiG-19PM (NATO: "Farmer-E") Variant with removed cannons, armed with 4x Kaliningrad K-5M (NATO: AA-1 "Alkali") beam-riding missiles. Entered production in 1957.


MiG-19PML MiG-19PM with Lazur ground control datalink. MiG-19PU Rocket pack fit similar to MiG-19SU.


MiG-19PT A single MiG-19P equipped to carry Vympel K-13 (NATO: AA-2 "Atoll") missiles.


MiG-19M Target drone converted from the MiG-19 and MiG-19S.


SM-6 Two MiG-19 Ps converted to flying laboratories for testing the Grushin K-6 developmental AAM (intended for the Sukhoi T-3 jet fighter) and Almaz-3 radar.


SM-12 New fighter prototype, developed into the MiG-21; four aircraft built SM-20 Missile simulator for testing the Raduga Kh-20 (NATO: AS-3 "Kangaroo") cruise missile.


SM-30 Zero-length launch (ZEL) version with PRD-22 booster rocket. SM-K Missile simulator for testing the Raduga K-10 (NATO: AS-2 "Kipper") cruise missile.


Avia S-105 Czechoslovak licenced built MiG-19S.


Shenyang J-6 Chinese-built version of the MiG-19. This version was inducted in to the Pakistani Air Force as the F-6. The F-6 was later modified by the Pakistani Air Force to carry U.S.-built AIM-9 Sidewinder missiles.


So,what is a MiG-19PF?Any pic or datebase ??

Edited by Erwin_Hans

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I have a MiG-19S in the pipe.. hope you like this bird




not finished yet and completle build from scratch

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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Wow! Great model! And MiG-19/J-6 pack is just a thought.......


You know we need them in most SF/WOX game ages.

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thx it`s my first complete plane, Have to adjust some things and it`s designed with the possibility to change the nose more easy than at other planes. More versions are planed.. PF,PFM and other stuff

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PF/PFM... :blowup:

That's the problem.........


I saw many "MiG-19PF" Pics... But I'm not sure that is a PF....They must be PMs.....


So......maybe,The MiG-19PFs/PFMs are just mistaked Ps/PMs?

Edited by Erwin_Hans

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The "F" usually stands for "Forsazhniy" (afterburner equipped). Maybe PFs are Ps with different engine? But it is only a guess.

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  The Trooper said:
The "F" usually stands for "Forsazhniy" (afterburner equipped). Maybe PFs are Ps with different engine? But it is only a guess.



No.....all MiG-19S with afterburner.And because of MiG-19s were built in small number,and short years [because of MiG-21s].So there is no chance for MiG-19s update with new engines.

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MiG-19PF is single-seat radar-equipped, all-weather interceptor fighter aircraft; built in small numbers, Chinese equivalent is J-6A


have radar and 2x30-mm cannons instead of 3.

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The difference between PF and PM was the Radar. The PM radar was updated

Early PFs had gun armament, later PF had no guns anymore.


My source: "MiG Flugzeuge" from K.H. Eyermann

transpress Verlag 1988

Edited by Gepard

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I don't remember but i think that PF version was equiped with 2 missile pods under wings on additional payloads.

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  starfighter2 said:
MiG-19PF is single-seat radar-equipped, all-weather interceptor fighter aircraft; built in small numbers, Chinese equivalent is J-6A


have radar and 2x30-mm cannons instead of 3.


Thanks..but J-6A with no Missiles..


J-6A with R-3S/PL-2 is a "China only" late version...





Edited by Erwin_Hans

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  Gepard said:
The difference between PF and PM was the Radar. The PM radar was updated

Early PFs had gun armament, later PF had no guns anymore.


My source: "MiG Flugzeuge" from K.H. Eyermann

transpress Verlag 1988


Thanks...this is a beliveable source.


BTW,it seems DDR MiG-19s is not completely same to USSR MiG-19s.


If I'm right,two addition rocket pods?

Edited by Erwin_Hans

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So....if you wanna to fly on "Farmer" you will need this simulator :smile:

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  starfighter2 said:
So....if you wanna to fly on "Farmer" you will need this simulator :smile:



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So, that would make, chronologically :


MiG-19P early, radar "A", 2x23mm


MiG-19PG, radar "A", 2x23mm, ground control link


MiG-19PM, radar RP-2U, no gun, AA-1


MiG-19PML, MiG-19PM with ground control link


MiG-19PT, prototype of a MiG-19P to carry AA-2


MiG-19P late, radar "A", 2x30mm, AA-2


MiG-19PF early, radar "A" or "B", 2x30mm, AA-2 ?


MiG-19PF late, radar "A" or "B", no gun, AA-2 ?


Right ?

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  Gunrunner said:
So, that would make, chronologically :


MiG-19P early, radar "A", 2x23mm


MiG-19PG, radar "A", 2x23mm, ground control link


MiG-19PM, radar RP-2U, no gun, AA-1


MiG-19PML, MiG-19PM with ground control link


MiG-19PT, prototype of a MiG-19P to carry AA-2


MiG-19P late, radar "A", 2x30mm, AA-2


MiG-19PF early, radar "A" or "B", 2x30mm, AA-2 ?


MiG-19PF late, radar "A" or "B", no gun, AA-2 ?


Right ?


MiG-19P/PG with 2x30-mm cannons


Not sure about MiG-19PF late/early with AA-2 or AA-1.




MiG-19 no radar 1x30mm+2X23mm


MiG-19S early no radar 3x30mm


MiG-19S late no radar 3x30mm with AA-2

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I know about:

MiG-19 guns 1x 37mm 2x23mm

MiG-19S guns 3x 30mm (NR-30 model)

MiG-19SF guns 2x 30mm

MiG-19SW this verson has 37mm guns but don't know how many. For close air support.

MiG-19P RP-5 radar, guns 2x 30mm

MiG-19PF RP-5 radar, guns 2x 30mm, unguided missile pods, ars-212 missiles ???

MiG-19PM RP-2u radar, no guns, 4 missiles Rs-2u

MiG-19R recon version ?

MiG-19PG ???

MiG-19PML It was PM version with lazur system

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