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My Retail Version First Impressions...

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I just got my Retail LOMAC version today and have been messing with it for the past hour. All I can say is I must be extremely lucky, because on my middle of the road system I am getting silky smooth framerates. This is on an Xp1800+ (overclocked to a 2100), a Radeon 9600 Pro and 512Mb of RAM.


I have to say, I've had more fun with this sim in the past hour than I've had with any sim in years. The Hog is an absolute blast, as is the Su-25. I flew a couple of missions as well, and had no stutters at all. This is with the default graphics setting, I haven't even tweaked it yet.


Maybe it's because I flew the betas, but the damn thing seems pretty problem-free to me framerate-wise. Maybe I have read so much complaining in the forums I expected worse... :P

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Hmm... well I am not going to be one of the whinners. I am having issues... minor, but issues none the less.


It did take me about 2 hours to get it playable. Had to update my drivers. Got the details at medium, and still getting some skipping.


I freaked out for a bit when I couldn't get the damn thing to even load... wasn't even going to the game screen (crash in load)..... this was after I installed the drivers the first time.


Prior to getting the drivers installed, I was able to fly, but when I shot down the S-3 in the Su-33 quick mission, my PC killed itself and rebooted... this also happened the first time I tried to switch to external view.


Frame rates are meh.... do able, but I havent even done any flying in clutter yet. The track of the F-15 low that they give you, totally skips.


But hey, we all knew that this game was going to push our PC's to the limit, and I thought Splinter Cell would fry my computer :rolleyes: .... LOMAC has all the glitz ED said it would, and I havent even been able to see half of it :P


So I guess its time to start saving for more RAM, and a new Vid Card.... I really dont want to have to buy a new processor.... I only have a 1.8 Pent IV (DO I really need a new one?).


What the hell, its only money, and even with the poo frame rates.... all I gotta say is.... IM PLAYIN LOMAC MUTHA F*CKA'S.... after years of waiting.... and thats all that counts.




Edited by snapple2993

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Hi Madjeff Good to hear you have it running, I have a somewhat smaller system 1600+ no OC yet, and graphics choice is the Asus GF 5600 Ultra and 512 mb ram, it runs pretty good here, only issue is a little choppyness with explosions and the likes, but I have enjoyed this game more than I would have expected.





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i'm stuttering like a bitch on the 2nd mission ; :blink: but should have 512MB more RAM arriving on monday :) ground has a kill ratio of 1:0 and its killing me everytime i fly this mission.. happily flying along when system freezes for 3-5 seconds (long enough for me to fly into the side of a hill/ground without knowing it.. but then its my fault for setting all the textures etc to max (appart from water which is on low).. but 1024MB of RAM should do the trick ;)


oh and they didn't fix that fuel from the wing problem.. :(


but hey nothing can't live with till its patched :)

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oh and they didn't fix that fuel from the wing problem.. :(

Yojimbo, that`s probably a miner one compared to some serious one you`ll

encounter as you play along. But, like you said - as long as they keep those

patches coming, I`m gonna play it.

Now, since you mentioned system performance - My old problem is surfacing

again: The need for speed. I used to buy things that were always top of the

line (whether I really needed them or not). In the last couple of years, I used

more reason. Now it seems like Lo-mac messed me up again!

I`m already reading articles and "white papers" on 64 bit processors and OS`s

and checking ATI`s (and others) website almost daily! ... Let me check how

much I got left in my accounts...

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