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See ya soon

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Finally was able to order my copy of BHaH, long wait but looks well worth it. Be seeing you guys soon. :good:

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Happy for you godzilla. You're in for a heck of a battle but a damn good time. Cheers!

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Welcome to the messhall! See ya in the skies godzilla.



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Welcome to the messhall! See ya in the skies godzilla.




I thought the flying ones were Rodan or Mothra? :biggrin:

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I thought the flying ones were Rodan or Mothra? :biggrin:


No it's that baddass Gamera ! A particularly aggresive giant flying turtle with attitude common to parts of Japan with miniature cities.

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For ze case, zatt you vill join the Kaiser's Luftstreitkräfte, I vellcome you! Vee could need every hand

zatt can hold ze stick! (Laughter) You vill find yourself in ze priviledged posishion, to tchoose ze Jasta,

you vant to join. So, vellcome!

Ant if you should join ze crumpets, I vill meet you in ze skies over Flanders!

Edited by Olham

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LOL guys,

If I remember there is one Godzilla movie where he actually does fly! If I remember correctly he used his atomic breath as propulsion, not very aerodynamic but hey, it looked like the ultimate afterburner :biggrin:

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All of these monsters! Where oh where is Ultraman when you need him?

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All of these monsters! Where oh where is Ultraman when you need him?


I wonder whether there's a downloadable Rodan for OFF ? ...



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