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B.S.G. Season Series End.

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Its tonight 2100 hrs e.s.t. Are you ready for it. Caught up today got some beers and Ambrosia ready to go.

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We at the other side of the Atlantic have to wait in excrutiating agony until next Tuesday night when it comes on @ 21:00 on Sky One :crazy:

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We at the other side of the Atlantic have to wait in excrutiating agony until next Tuesday night when it comes on @ 21:00 on Sky One :crazy:


When you do finally see it, try to keep in mind that the DVD release of that episode is promised to have an additional 20 minutes of footage. It's also about the most intense battle scene in the series, lasting over one half hour! I'm sure that you'll enjoy it.

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When you do finally see it, try to keep in mind that the DVD release of that episode is promised to have an additional 20 minutes of footage. It's also about the most intense battle scene in the series, lasting over one half hour! I'm sure that you'll enjoy it.


:good: Great intelligence coup, Fubar! I'm going to record this on my digital box so I can watch it as many times before the latest box set comes on the market

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That was...something.


While I think it was great overall, the resolutions of a few of the characters left me feeling a little hollow, and one in particular I found a bit irritatingly vague!

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I fell sort of... confused.






I guessed that the Gods -yeah, frak the Cylon one, I've always thought that the Gods and the Scriptures were right, and events proved it.- since "Hand of God" episode.

But I've always been a sceptic regarding all that humanoid Cylon thing, since the beginning. I accepted eventually, and as long as they acted like what they are: machines at war with their creators. But all that Hera thing, and then this alliance... Hey, come on, 3 years after a 20 billions dead holocaust, they are bff? Bulls**t. Looks like Galactica 1980-ish. Well, all became worse IMHO after this final five thing. Tigh, Chieff, Anders? Come on! And why not Adama or Boxey? It ruinded the whole show and character-drama became even worse in season 4.

And now what? They found Earth. Ok, It was how I conceived the end. An empty Earth, ok, I had the same idea. But scrapping tech? How come 30 000 will ALL accept to renounce techs and things able to feed them, to heal their babies and so? I don't like it much, but I accept it.

Actually, I would have prefered a more dark ending, with a massive crossed genocide between the human remnants and the Cylon, using for instance the useless virus of season 3. Having the colonial aslo becoming mass-murderers, being trapped by the remnants cylon above Earth and then, mutual destruction, with an handfull of survivor getting on the surface and starting once again.

I like the "all of this has happen before (BSG) and will happen again (final shoots on a robot factory)" thing, but I would have liked it, the end, and the whole season 4 more coherent and more dark.




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Confused? The finale established continuity with episodes going back to season one, and even as far back as the pilot mini-series. The dreams of Roslyn, Athena, Caprica 6, and Baltar were shown to be prophecies that were fulfilled in the end. The story behind Starbuck's return was settled (and she really did lead humanity to "its end"), and the truth about Baltar's "hallucinatory No. 6" was finally revealed.

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Yeah, indeed, but don't forget to read my spoilered text.


I'm more confused about the way the show evolved since mid/end season 3.

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Yeah, indeed, but don't forget to read my spoilered text.


I'm more confused about the way the show evolved since mid/end season 3.


I did read it. The answers were provided by Cavill in the second and third episodes of this season.

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