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Nice idea, I have a book on the convoys so I may be able to help if you need more info than you can get from wikipedia. Also we should be releasing the early war Victorious in the near future which would fit in for any of the Illustrious class carriers that took part.

I might even have a Swordfish available soonish, depending on how much I find is wrong with it when I get the 'From the Cockpit' book through!

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If you have questions on the italian side feel free to ask, I have decent referenca and proably I can even ask a couple of contacts in the navy.

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Hi, which book do you have? So far in my MAW install, we have the scenery and most of the planes involved. as for the ships we need what you mentioend above and some we already have. the Italian battleships have different names and dont think we have. we have Cesare and Cavour but perhaps use the generic battleship and cruisers and destroyers for Sf and retexture them for British, American and Italian sides. same with subs. we do have a torpedo boats from spanish civil war. The American carrier Wasp participated also. Only real prob would be the Ohio tanker and the Freighter ships used as weonly have small cargo ship from spanish civil war and Liberty ship.

As for the campaign victory details, what percentage of shipping needed to win the campaign for the Axis?

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It's Malta Convoys by Richard Woodman, the underlined bit in my last post is actually a link to it on Amazon!

If you start off with stand in ships e.g. SF default tanker/cargo for development, if anyone can find some plans I could probably knock up some reasonable 1940s cargo and tanker ships. I'm thinking medium levels of detail so we can have a large convoy without single digit frame rates!

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You guys are going to force me finish my FAA Operation Pedestal skins, aren't you???? For the last 2 years, I've had a Sea Hurri nearly done ....



kevin stein

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hey, kevin, glad you can join us. iw ould really like to see this come to fruition as I think this would make for a good campaign with the key being USS Ohio getting through intact or a similar amt of shipping to the island. here is another link to a merchant ship in 1942 ss clan campbell.



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Conti de Cavour/Guilio Cesare could stand in for Andrea Doria/Caio Duilio as the two classes looked much the same from a distance. So that's four Italian battleships right there. My ancient (and inaccurate) model of a Soviet Chapaev class cruiser might pose nicely as an Italian cruiser as Soviet construction at the time was influenced by Italian design. My 'Foch' cruiser could pose as Italian at a pinch.


Just some thoughts off the top of my head.

Edited by Hinchinbrooke

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Conti de Cavour/Guilio Cesare could stand in for Andrea Doria/Caio Duilio as the two classes looked much the same from a distance. So that's four Italian battleships right there. My ancient (and inaccurate) model of a Soviet Chapaev class cruiser might pose nicely as an Italian cruiser as Soviet construction at the time was influenced by Italian design. My 'Foch' cruiser could pose as Italian at a pinch.


Just some thoughts off the top of my head.


Hinch asked me how my Gladiator was doing. The answer is that I set it aside to work on other stuff, but I could resume work on it after I finish 'dem Fokkers'.

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800 Squadron, FAA Sea Hurricane 1 (Eagle, perhaps???? Indomitable?? :dntknw: )


looking it over, I'd say it ok. I've only got 12 serial numbers made, so if more decals are needed.... it shouldn't take too long to whip them out


(decal bleed on starboard side is only fixable with a new lod -- it has some open meshes)



kevin stein

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Wrench, random thought, could you hide the decal bleed with a bit of weathering?


Separate thought, does anyone know where I can get an actual Hurricane for July the 11th? The one I was thinking of seems to have been damaged!

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This is making me think of laying down the 'increasingly sexy ship' (in the words of Borat)............ Littorio

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Don't know if people are still pondering this scenario, but doing some virtual dockyard cleaning this afternoon, I bunged some railings on to the Cavour, just to give the old model a bit more detail.





Hope to at least get the main battery working for a possible upload update.

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Okay, for those thinking Med, I've uploaded updates for Cavour and Cesare. The ships have a little more detail and the main 12.59" battery works (i.e., turrets move, guns move........................ don't ask about accurate naval gunnery, as I think that's beyond TW games at the moment). If there's sufficient interest, I might find the time to get AA working (but setting up guns, knowing that naval gunnery is basic, is something of a chore).



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That's a sharp looking ship there, Hinch!! :good:



kevin stein

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That's a sharp looking ship there, Hinch!! :good:



kevin stein




I'm even contemplating an Italian heavy cruiser (they might have been lightly armoured, but Italian ships were pleasant viewing).


Just contemplating mind.

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