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Squadrons And Community Support For Lomac

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I have been searching for a good squadron to join that flies LOMAC. However, I have seen very few of them compared to what I´m used to from IL-2 and Falcon 4, and furthermore I see that most of them lighter on the training and realism side.


Also, I have yet to see one F-15 or A-10 unit (or even Russian ones for that matter) that pays tribute to the actual unit by using its designation, namesake, emblem etc.


Dedicated LOMAC sites. Too few to even mention, and none of the size and scope that we´ve seen before.


Does this reflect on the ¨lighter¨ aspect that the sim has? Is the game´s policy for openess or lack of, hurting community support?


Maybe it´s just me, maybe it´s still early but I have been getting this subdued community support vibe. It´s been in the back of my head for over a week now so I though I should share it you guys here.

Edited by ApolloFarStriker

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I think its still too early myself. I once tried a Falcon group although I was 'thirsty' to learn proper technique they were a little to hard-core and it wasn't a very good match.


I'm sorta hoping one of the veteran members around here would start up a NATO group. Would be nice to stay "close to home" and so far the freindly folks around here are pretty tolerant of "newb" questions.


I'm also hopeful we'll see Carrier Ops for LOMAC in the future. Everytime I roll off the end of the Russian boat I have this weird vision of "Tony Hawk Pro Skater" that my son plays like religion on his Gamecube.

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I have been searching for a good squadron to join that flies LOMAC. However, I have seen very few of them compared to what I´m used to from IL-2 and Falcon 4, and furthermore I see that most of them lighter on the training and realism side.


Also, I have yet to see one F-15 or A-10 unit (or even Russian ones for that matter) that pays tribute to the actual unit by using its designation, namesake, emblem etc.


Dedicated LOMAC sites. Too few to even mention, and none of the size and scope that we´ve seen before.


Does this reflect on the ¨lighter¨ aspect that the sim has? Is the game´s policy for openess or lack of, hurting community support?


Maybe it´s just me, maybe it´s still early but I have been getting this subdued community support vibe. It´s been in the back of my head for over a week now so I though I should share it you guys here.

I believe Ervani is working on a LO-MAC A-10 squadron. He's in the NL, so I'm not sure what demographic he's looking for (I haven't read the post in a while). Your can find him on WT and here every once in a while.

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I think its still too early myself. I once tried a Falcon group although I was 'thirsty' to learn proper technique they were a little to hard-core and it wasn't a very good match.


I'm sorta hoping one of the veteran members around here would start up a NATO group. Would be nice to stay "close to home" and so far the freindly folks around here are pretty tolerant of "newb" questions.


I'm also hopeful we'll see Carrier Ops for LOMAC in the future. Everytime I roll off the end of the Russian boat I have this weird vision of "Tony Hawk Pro Skater" that my son plays like religion on his Gamecube.



A good group, especially if they are ¨hardcore¨ should take pride on the training its pilots receive. 5 Hotshots don´t make a good unit, they make 5 good pilots. A well organized and well focused group just needs the system, and the people with which to create pilots.


That kind of group will be the winner in the long run. Its pilots will have gone through a comon syllabus, which besides teaching them valuable skills, can also help them share a common mentality, viewpoint and a closer bond than a unit that just takes in experienced guys and doesn´t attempt to string them together.


Personally, although I do have my preferences with regard to favourite aircraft in the sim, I would join any unit that´s squared away and has its sh!t together. :)


Let´s just hope that talented and visionary simmers are still out there in good supply. Maybe then we´ll see some good initiatives.

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Dedicated LOMAC sites. Too few to even mention, and none of the size and scope that we´ve seen before.

Hey! We're pretty dedicated around here... B)


Actually, I've seen several LOMAC-only sites pop up in just the past few weeks. It's early, I wouldn't worry too much about the community, it's only gonna get bigger, especially after the first patch.

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1) Mutiple aircraft, multiple systems to become familiar with.

2) Realism has a higher learning curve, takes longer to master.

3) LOMAC has been available for less than a week in many countries.

4) Additional freeware training materials gradually becoming available.

5) Some may be waiting for the patch.

6) Even those familiar with Flanker still have to check out in the A-10 and F-15 as they are new aircraft.

7) There was a delay in the availability of instructional materials in some languages even after the sim was released in Europe.

8) Organizing and maintaining a squad isn't easy! It can make one bald very quickly. :-)

9) Not everyone likes to play at "full realism". To each his own.


Are you offering to start a squad such as those you wish to join? If so, let people know and see what kind of response you get. Perhaps all that is needed is your leadership.


I hope that you will eventually find the kind of squad and community support which you desire. Have patience. It is still early in the game for a sim which offers so much potential complexity.


Best wishes,

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Since we originally flew in CFS1, PG (Pursuit Group) was founded on a WWII Fighter squad. It was the 14th Pursuit Group was based aat Wheeler Field, Oahu. They were one of the few squads able to get some planes airborn during the Pearl Harbour attack. Also, there was the 53rd Pursuit Group, based in Michigan.


This is the emblem of the 53rd, which became our squads emblem:




I plan to keep this going in LOMAC

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1) Mutiple aircraft, multiple systems to become familiar with.

2) Realism has a higher learning curve, takes longer to master.

3) LOMAC has been available for less than a week in many countries.

4) Additional freeware training materials gradually becoming available.

5) Some may be waiting for the patch.

6) Even those familiar with Flanker still have to check out in the A-10 and F-15 as they are new aircraft.

7) There was a delay in the availability of instructional materials in some languages even after the sim was released in Europe.

8) Organizing and maintaining a squad isn't easy! It can make one bald very quickly. :-)

9) Not everyone likes to play at "full realism". To each his own.


Are you offering to start a squad such as those you wish to join? If so, let people know and see what kind of response you get. Perhaps all that is needed is your leadership.


I hope that you will eventually find the kind of squad and community support which you desire. Have patience. It is still early in the game for a sim which offers so much potential complexity.


Best wishes,

Cretin those are all very valid points.


I would love to contribute actively to any such squad and have done so for nearly 6 years now that I´ve been involved with with some of the greatest guys on the net. However, having been a Squad C/O in a multi squad unit, and having to develop and maintain a training curicullum plus all other flight ops, I know what kind of time commitment it takes. And unfortunately I don´t have that time today.


I too hope that I can find something good to contribute in. Oh, and MadJeff, real world experience is something of great value to any such unit, so be sure you don´t stay solo! :)

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Thank you, ApolloFarStriker. I'm getting too old for the "let's start a squad" action any more. By the time I get my dentures in in the morning I'm all tuckered out. :lol:

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Hello There.


Myself and [PG] Raptor are currently working on forming a LOMAC Sqn. We plan on having all flyable A/C included within seperate 'wings'. Its early days yet but if you require any information please feel free to e-mail/pm me.



Edited by BearFoxtrot

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...all flyable aircraft within seperate 'wings'.


I see a lot more than furballs and H2H coming with that approach. Brilliant! Best of luck! You are brave taking on a challenge like that! Lots of heavy lifting. Don't get a hernia! :D

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Call me sick if you will but I find a challenge like that, er,...'fun'! :blink:

I would like to help create something a little more realistic and immersive (but fun, thats the most important aspect) than just furball'ing and ground pounding.... ;)


As for the hernia, well, ask me in a few months! :rolleyes:

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Yeah, it'll certainly be a challenge. But my squad PG (flight sim) and TSF (first person shooters) (same squad, just different names for different game types) have been doing this for several years now. I've got some great people to fall back on for advice too. So, yes, it'll be difficult, but it should be great fun! :D

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