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Aircraft Speed F-105F-1 Series

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I am at a loss on how to fix this problem.


I have the F-105F-1 A/C loaded into my WoV game. No special mods just the basic F-105F as packaged here at CA.


When I take off and fly out on a mission the max speed I can attain is around 550 knots at 100% throttle. If I reduce throttle to 63% the most I can attain is 450-460 kts.


Now comes the problem, if I use alt-N to jump ahead the aircraft comes out of the "jump" at 570+ knots.


Is there a way for me to increase the engines power to what I believe is a more realistic speed?

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Ehm ... you know that there is a indicated and real speed.... fly higher and the real spead increase during the indicated speed seems to be the same, I flew yesterday with the MiG-25 over mach 2 and the indicated speed was near 500 knots

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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Ehm ... you know that there is a indicated and real speed.... fly higher and the real spead increase during the indicated speed seems to be the same, I flew yesterday with the MiG-25 over mach 2 and the indicated speed was near 500 knots


Everyday is an opportunity to learn,,, thanks I didnt realize that.

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Yup, indicated airspeed drops off at higher altitude because air pressure decreases. :yes:

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To understand the difference between the two speeds, you have to consider how IAS (Indicated Air Speed) is mesured.


IAS is usually measured by the air pressure against a membrane... knowing that, and that air pressure decreases with altitude, you can understand why you should not trust IAS as a way to measure your speed (if you don't, just think about it, if you go at a certain speed at low level, there is a lot of air to push against the membrane, giving you a high number; now, you go to high altitude, you have the same real speed, alas, there is a lot less air to push against the membrane and thus the indicated speed will be lower; So, the same reason that allows you to get a higher real speed (thinner air and thus less friction) is what makes you have a lower indicated speed).


The cockpit might have a Machmeter, it is, barring an indication of True Airspeed, you best point of comparison with real world performances, keep in mind that a machmeter doesn't indicate a speed as you usually understand it, as the value of the Mach is not a constant, instead being relative to altitude, air pressure and temperature.


If you are really into comparing and understanding the various speeds and their effects and simulation ingame, search how to activate the debugging display, it will show you all speeds as well as a host of aerodynamic and physics data.

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Some planes have two speed indicaters one for knots and the other is a Mach indicater... there you can see your speed in mach numbers



I was to late with the mach meter

Edited by 76.IAP-Blackbird

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Some planes have two speed indicaters one for knots and the other is a Mach indicater... there you can see your speed in mach numbers



I was to late with the mach meter

It appears that the problem still hasn't been addressed. The Thud was able to get to just under 700 kts on the deck and I am assuming that the F model pretty much matched all other models. Clean (without external load) the max speed (for the WoV F-105F) is way too low. The bird was built for just this mission and the Aardvark was the only jet until recent times that could match the venerable Thud top-in low level. Thud drivers used to remark that less than 600 kts, you were dead meat over North Vietnam during the war. They didn't give that advice if the jet couldn't get there. I can get Armordave's F-105D-31 up to 630 kts in burner and sustain over 600 kts on the deck in full military power during egress from North Vietnam clean. Haven't been shot down once, so there is some truth to the story, to the extent our sim reflects real life and I think, by and large, it does a pretty good job of that. I haven't tried out the F model, but I will tonite and if she peaks at less than 600kts then she needs to be fixed.


FYI, on an average day, about 730 kts is equal to Mach 1 at sea level.

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Good point Jug.


But wasn't the F-105F one of AD's too ? It should have the same (or nearly) FM as his D model.

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Good point Jug.


But wasn't the F-105F one of AD's too ? It should have the same (or nearly) FM as his D model.

True, but I seem to recall that these FMs are a little old and I didn't spend much time in the sim F model.



Pilots deal in three speeds, indicated airspeed (IAS), calibrated airspeed (CAS), and true airspeed (TAS). IAS is the measure of airballs being stuffed down the pitot tube inflight Makes sense that the higher up you go the faster you have to go through the air to get the same speed because of air density (low altitude - airballs close together; high altitude - airballs further apart). CAS is the IAS corrected for installation error. The maintenance dings on the pitot tube when it was hammered inplace by Rosie the Riveter. TAS is the speed measure, no-wind, across the ground. In other words at 70, 000' my IAS was 105 Kts, my CAS was something different, and my TAS was 415 Kts.

Edited by Jug

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being too fast after ALT+N, I think that issue is cruise speed value related, iirc...

the data ini has a cruise speed value in the AircraftData section ( or similar) , the value is in meters per second ..

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That's why I love this forum. There is such a wealth of knowledge out there to be shared.


I have recently read To Hanoi and Back produced by the AF and I am fascinated by what I have learned about the air war over North Vietnam, particularly in regards to the Route Packages developed for the area as well as other restrictions placed on the AF/Navy when working up north.


To all who have supplied the posts above I thank you for further educating me on my limited knowledge of AF A/C capabilities.

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I know i have a pic of a WOE Thud going faster but this one is more reasonable.


Note the speed with a standard bomb load. Even with all that the speed is pretty impressive. Once rid of the weight there was no combat aircraft on earth that was going to catch a Thud on the deck.

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I guess we could "solve" this by adapting WoV/E F-105D FM for AD's D/F/G models, as they are quite old indeed (or we could just do our puppy eyes to C5, but he's busy enough with NF4 etc...).

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I know i have a pic of a WOE Thud going faster but this one is more reasonable.


Note the speed with a standard bomb load. Even with all that the speed is pretty impressive. Once rid of the weight there was no combat aircraft on earth that was going to catch a Thud on the deck.

Took the AD F model for a spin up North in WoV against an industrial target (even hit the thing a blew it up) and I was able to get about 630 kts max in full burner on egress clean and about 580 max in full military power (~70%). That looks about right. krfrge, you need to look elsewhere for your top end speed problem with the F-105F (late model) because the FM appears to be good.

Edited by Jug

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Thanks for the update. I will start comparing the 2 A/C's ini's to see if I can identify a problem.

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