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3 officers killed in Pa. shooting

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Wow in just a month, all these rampages. Now this. Man people are just losing their minds.


Salute to those officers.



Admin Warning, if this goes anti-police in the least bit, the offender is GONE!

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Sun spots, increased tensions due to economic instability, post modern existentialist crisis... who knows why behind all this craziness. I just hope people start behaving themselves. Then again did they ever.


Respect to the friends and families of the deceased.

Edited by Kopis n Xiphos

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Another nut case, what can I say?

RIP to those policemen killed.


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Something tells me that we are going to be seeing more of this. The tension is getting to where some people are reaching their cracking point.

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Something tells me that we are going to be seeing more of this. The tension is getting to where some people are reaching their cracking point.


I agree, people losing their jobs, money is tight for everyone. It just pushes some to these kind of things. Very unfortunate.

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Gents, now is a time more than ever to exercise your 2nd amendment rights and to prepare for any chaos/riots that may occur.


I come from an immediate family full of cops, and while high taxes and urban renewal projects have put out since that the "cities are safe" because of posh living, the criminals can no longer afford to hang around there, tough gun control, and high police presence (see NYC and D.C.), a lot of the stuff that is going on is occurring well outside the city limits.

On one hand you have seemingly "normal" people loosing it and vowing them kill themselves and everyone in sight, on the other a lot of criminals/gangs moved out and set up shop in the suburbs. Not a racial, religious, or class problem. It is a social problem and this generations inability to cope with what is perceived as "hard times".


Fellas we maybe in for some rough and chaotic times ahead, peace be with you and everyone else.

Edited by ironroad

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People going nuts each new moon? you souldn´t ban guns, but Sons of...

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Good place to learn ~> http://forums.officer.com/forums/


Two weird things I saw right off the bat at Dave's initial MSM link....


What about the domestic violence call? Was that just a trap, or did the wife/gf/bf/wf(whatever f), if any, make the call -- was the call a fake?


And "assault rifle" is standard for this standardized sub-professional level of reporting.


That's why I never read the MSM anymore -- never. Goto the link above. :good: They have a subforum for military police (Go ServerEnforcer)

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Officer Stephen Mayhle was one of them. He spent some time here in My hometown of Knoxville,TN. His Grandparents and a Uncle and his Family still live here. His Uncle is a Pastor of a local Church.......



My Prayers and Thoughts go out to His Family.....And to the Families of the other Officers.

Edited by 331Killerbee

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