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In the middle of a downlaod.

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I was right in the middle of downloading aircraft, effects, sound, and ground objects for the Korean War, when I receive this following message.


We're sorry but your last request produced the following error:


You have exceeded the maximum amount of downloads allotted to you by the administrator for the day.


Question: How many downloads are you allow for one day.





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Subscribers have no download limits. The money raised goes toward keeping CA up and running.


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No. That's pretty much cheating the system. Not to mention it more than likely further screws bandwidth.

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  i fight by 1 said:
I just made another account for downloads when I go over for the day :unsure: ... We can do that right?


That isn't very honorable man. Can you do it and not get caught? More than likely. I know I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I was cheating at something though. Those are just my morals though.

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I shoulda known it wasn't a good thing to do :(


I've only used it once, I was really downloaded alot of stuff that day, haven't needed it since.


Just out of curiousity...has anyone else ever done that before, or is it just me?

Edited by i fight by 1

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Well I doubt anyone else is going to admit doing it - and I'm surprised you have because you know damn well its taking the p*** and is not going to make you very popular on here.



Really its a hole that needs to be blocked by the admins - everyones got more than 1 email addy.

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  i fight by 1 said:
I just made another account for downloads when I go over for the day :unsure: ... We can do that right?


very bad bahaviour pal



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Best thing to do is Subscribe, Just as I just did..........

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I subscribe yesterday and became a Premier Member. Thank you for all your advise and help.





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and thank YOU for your support!!



kevin stein

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  i fight by 1 said:
I just made another account for downloads when I go over for the day :unsure: ... We can do that right?


I'll give you points for honesty. But seriously, i probaly spend more money on beer when i'm partying than it costs to subscribe.


Go for it and enjoy! :biggrin:

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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