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I'm flying the '86 NF4 Campaing using the F-16 and man I'm having a tough time dealing with the Flanker.


1) I have no radar A2A missiles only 'Winders.(Yeah I know I can change her loadouts)


2) By the time My Flight can get within furball range im missing a few vipers. So I'm trying to stay in the weeds to then pop up from behind.


3) Trying to go 2v4+ Flankers is NOT a good idea

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hehe.. such encounters are the fun stuff ... it doesnt get boring

you can

- make them run out of Alamo's

- then try to catch them somehow from below/behind ... much fun 'cause they still have 4 Archers each

- hide yourself and hope they dont see you

- lure them into own SAM engagement zones if possible

- < next guy insert other cool ideas here >



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When you get illuminated by them check your RWR to see where is it coming from.

When you determine the direction pull down(not too low so they can't lock you up, but low enough you can quickyl get into that zone) move(burners on) in at 90deg angle in relation to the source of illumination.

Now just pop up a bit so they launch, then pull down again so they loose the lock, the will spend their Alamos VERY quickly.

Using this tehnique in WoI I regulary managed "mission acomplished" against F-15's in a measly MiG-21bis!!!

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SAHM missiles don't do very well against targets down low. Roll over and hit full burner and get down in to the weeds and stay there. The missiles will miss. pass them up, pull back hard and make a loop, lock on with your winders and send a few up their tail pipes.


I use this tactic to smoke Flankers all the time in early vipers.

Edited by zmatt

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Once WVR with the Flankers, stay behind their 3-9 line otherwise they can utilize the Archer. Keeping it on the rail is the best defense against it.

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My Plan against the Mighty Flanker...


Go to the Pub...


Seriously though I prefer the old Stay under 500ft preferably under 200ft around 500kts when I get illuminated start jinking and if carrying a centreline Jam pod switch it on (And if not why not?) followed with the old Chaff and Flares keep jinking when you get underneath them pop the nose and go vertical get a tone with a winder and let him have it... or if your feeling brave go guns on him works for me... about 80% of the time the rest of the time I corkscrew all over the sky in a vain hope...


Otherwise I try and make the missile hit the ground by doing dives and climbs at low level... found the later out with a RF-4C getting chased by Mig-31's and Su-30's now that was interesting.... and all I was doing was a photo run... tsk tsk... :help:

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Thanks for the great replies (even the funny ones :biggrin: ) I'm putting the suggestions to practice and slowly but surely I'm begining to fare better. (I thought Flankers had look down shoot down abilitiy) Here's the fun part, in any type of non fighter aircraft Flankers and Fulcrums chase me all over the map lol :rofl:

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Find the nearest flight of F-15s and try to drag the Flankers over there! :biggrin:

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The Flanker and Fulcrums do have a Look-Down, Shoot-Down capability. But the current game code does not allow that. So, exploit that to your advantage.


Good luck!

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As to defeating them is not easy and makes it all the more fulfiling when you beat them...

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I was on the radio begging for help but RedCrown just said no assets available :blink:

BTW what is up with the newer SAM systems? man they are VERY deadly!! I did a single mission in the late 90's and did not last even to make it to the target area!! Great fun this NF4 is :good:

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Those are the SA-11's very dangerous to deal with even low flying isnt a given against them and flying super high doesnt help either as in RL I think its both an IR and a Radar guided missile...


And yes you are right this mod is great fun and a big thanks to all involved again...


Still having fun with my Tornado F-3...


Now at 12 kills and 4 of those are the Dreaded Flanker...

Edited by PACMAN

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I'm really having to practise my SAM dodging skills in this one. very tense in every mission! :good:

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