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Spare A Thought

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I got a call at 2:30 am today from my son the Marine, he was boarding the plane heading into harms way again. If you could keep him in your thoughts I'd appreciate it. I won't say where because of OPSEC, so please don't ask.

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Hopes and prayers going out! Stay strong :salute:

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Its always tough. We will keep him in our prayers.

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I'll be thinking of My young "Brother". When You talk to him again, Tell him don't be a "John Wayne". Follow his Orders to the Letter. And, SEMPER FI!.........Come back Home in one Piece when the Job is done.




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One of my sons is heading out too. Another is still over there.

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He's in my prayers.

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Semper Fi Mack!

My Stepfather an old ex Willie Victor driver just told me "Grandpa Pettibone says there are old pilots and bold pilots, but there are no old and bold pilots". I didn't have the heart to tell him his son was going to turn 52 in 2 weeks.

Hopefully the lads will come home to thier intact families with grand stories of thier adventures and no recollections of tragedy to thier mates.

:ph34r: CL

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Thanks for your support for him. When he gets situated I'll forward this post to him and hisunit so they know they are never far from our hearts. KB, my last instructions to him was to dial up his paranoia,keep his head and ass down and his mind on his job, then I told him we loved him and carry on.

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