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A Bug with Green Hell 2 or New Textures?

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I've been playing SF2V a few weeks and have noticed an odd bug when flying through mountains or hilly terrian. Has anybody else seen this or now what causes it?






I wanted to see if there was a fix or if this is due to using SF2V with GH2 and Brian_32's textures and can't be fixed. Thanks.



Edited by Stretch32

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In b4 LOL....


Uh seriously, I've never seen that before, but I'm nub.


Trying checking the readme if it talks about this, or PM the creators.


...Or maybe will know the answer to your problem and come here :D

Edited by i fight by 1

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looks to me like the cloud is on top of the terrain texture but lower than the trees. Foggy mountains.

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It's the clouds rendering though trees nasty bug,

I've been trying to get rid of it for NF4 4-seasons terrain without luck so far. It has something to do with the ZBufferOffset= in terrain data ini, but after trying several combinations for both alphaobjecttexture together with clouds material in environmentsystem I wasn't able to come with good, working solution yet.

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  CA_Stary said:
It's the clouds rendering though trees nasty bug,

I've been trying to get rid of it for NF4 4-seasons terrain without luck so far. It has something to do with the ZBufferOffset= in terrain data ini, but after trying several combinations for both alphaobjecttexture together with clouds material in environmentsystem I wasn't able to come with good, working solution yet.


Okay, at least it's not a bad install on my part. No worries, it still looks awesome in my opinion even with the little bug. Good job on it and I can't I wait to see the new Vietnam terrian thats currently in the works. If you need somebody to test it out...... :biggrin: Thanks again.



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there's no new Vietnam terrain in the works now, none that I know about :dntknw:


AFAIK there's Korean one by Wrench and Brain32, but on hold for quite a long time

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  CA_Stary said:
there's no new Vietnam terrain in the works now, none that I know about :dntknw:


AFAIK there's Korean one by Wrench and Brain32, but on hold for quite a long time



Gotcha, I thought maybe a new Vietnam terrian was in the works but I misunderstood. Korea should be pretty nice though. Either way, keep up the good work.



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  CA_Stary said:
It's the clouds rendering though trees nasty bug,

I've been trying to get rid of it for NF4 4-seasons terrain without luck so far. It has something to do with the ZBufferOffset= in terrain data ini, but after trying several combinations for both alphaobjecttexture together with clouds material in environmentsystem I wasn't able to come with good, working solution yet.


I changed the lines in bold below to True from False, and it fixed the "trees through clouds" bug for me.








I had the tree-cloud problem with the first fall and winter tree and tile sets when using the blending option. I got this fix from one of the alternate data.ini's supplied with those mods.

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  malibu43 said:
I changed the lines in bold below to True from False, and it fixed the "trees through clouds" bug for me.








I had the tree-cloud problem with the first fall and winter tree and tile sets when using the blending option. I got this fix from one of the alternate data.ini's supplied with those mods.



that should always work, but also creates the little ugly transparent outlines around the trees (I have and hate those) right? and slows slightly the framerate. The nice thing is there aren't displaying in wrong order anymore too.


Frankly, there are so many versions of the alphaobjecttexturematerial settings in various versions of my treemods, I'd have to sit down and rework them all to best settings. But the ones with trees blending in distance (ie. included in 4 seasons GermanyCE) is my favorite now because of that soft look of canopies, and lack of shimmering

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There's another setting one might consider using -so far no problems with clouds (Widesky), but causes trees to render one-sided, not that easy to notice at quick test, but you've been warned (changed is the Z-buffer offset from 2 to 1)























edit: still buggy on broken weather, i think the older settings malibu43 posted are the best solution so far, or the 4-seasons blending ones if you can stand the slight rendering anomalies


( :tumbleweed: time for a really updated graphics engine, TK?)

Edited by CA_Stary

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