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What is your porn star name?

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My Squady told me this at the station today, and it's too good to keep to myself.

The name of your first pet = the first name.

The name of the street you were raised on = the last name.

2 dobbies so mine is either Gerta Cornell or Sonny Cornell (Drive?).

This could be usefull for a nom de plum tool.

:ph34r: CL

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When I was in the industry, I went under the name Dick Steel.

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Even back when I was a little boy, I was always found of using the name "Cadillac Jones" if I ever made it into the industry.

Edited by ironroad

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Then there was the great Taiwanese star, Long Duck Dong.

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Achtung Gruppen!

First name is your first pet, non human that is.

Last name was the street that you were raised on.

Vlad Voyeour,

Oops. I ment,

:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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There was a kid in school named Dick Cox...

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Just met a Capt McCracken today.


Call sign..."Lick".


Of course, back in the day they called me Ivan Awsumtul.



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"Spooky Maplecrest" doesn't really give much of a feeling of virility or sexual prowess... :rofl:

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"Spooky Maplecrest" doesn't really give much of a feeling of virility or sexual prowess... :rofl:


Unfortunatly this "tool" generates a name that may not be specific to your gender

Thats why there are teddies and babydolls.

:ph34r: CL

Edited by charlielima

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We had a Col Richard Head. No Bs. When I was making Irish porn I was Miles O'toole.

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There was a kid in school named Dick Cox...


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What is My Porn Stars Name?


All the Female ones..........

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Well I had been Morton Penis ( short "e" ). But the director said it was too direct. So then I went with Buck Naked.

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What is My Porn Stars Name?


All the Female ones..........


Your Porn Star Name.

Not your porn STAR's name. :rofl:

:ph34r: CL

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So then I went with Buck Naked.


who do you think you are, George Costanza?

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Hey, notice how Zur magically appears when sex-related threads are started?

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Dave, when I was still out at Camp Pendleton, there was a Corpsman that worked in the BAS, and her last name was Guzler. And of course, her rank was an E-3, AKA Seaman, lol. She got a LOT of s**t for that last name.


My porn name would be Brute Miller, lol.

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Guest a10boar
We had a Col Richard Head. No Bs. When I was making Irish porn I was Miles O'toole.


Had a teacher way back in high school and had the same name.Wanted us to call him "Dick".OHN! :blink:


Using the formula stated,I would be "Miss Kitty Sandy Hill"!Not cool!Need to take a shower now

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Hey, notice how Zur magically appears when sex-related threads are started?



Yeah... well... the "lack-there-of"... tends to make my hyper-sensitive... :rolleyes:

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When I worked loss prevention for a local Best Buy... There was a Michael Hunt who worked in the audio department.


... I have to confess... It took super human restraint to not page him as Mike...

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Dave, when I was still out at Camp Pendleton, there was a Corpsman that worked in the BAS, and her last name was Guzler. And of course, her rank was an E-3, AKA Seaman, lol. She got a LOT of s**t for that last name.


My porn name would be Brute Miller, lol.










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Going by the Pet/Street name mine would have been Spike Beech. But I prefer the name I would sign out equipment in the Navy, by direction of course, Richard "Dick" Shagnasty.

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My name is TOBY LAWTON... thats a crap name


Lets just pretend my pets name was Big Ding


Any my street name was Dong Street


Thue equaling.... BIG DING DONG


Much better i think :biggrin:

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