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Problems I just can't fix

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I've tried forever now to solve the problems of terrain, and terrain objects shimmering, flashing, etc. solved. Every fix I have tried both from this site, and on my own just won't work. I know I don't know anything about editing or solving these problems on my own but there has to be a way? I know editing lines in the terrain_data.ini can solve this but I have tried every fix provided with no results (My fault of course, I'm inexperienced). I have no idea what anything means in the data files so I can't and probably shouldn't really solve it on my own either. Problems such as the water line suddenly being above me when I am still 50 feet above the water is one issue which is unfixable. and the terrain in the distance still shimmering, and having a strange horizontal wave effect is another problem that wont stop. My Question is how, and where should I begin to fix it, if even possible. Or if I still can't fix it, even with the fixes provided on this website should I just give up?



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Can you post a sceenshot? It might help if we can see exactly what problems your having. There are alot of people here that know a whole lot about this sim and can probably tell you what to edit to fix your problems.

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I know this sounds pathetic, but how exactly do you take a screenshot?

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Get to the part that want to show press the print screen key on your keyboard then get out of game go to the games main folder there should be a folder in there called screen shots your screen shot should be in there.

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you'll here a 'shutter sound', like an old style camera taking a picture. In the /Screenshots folder you'll find image000.bmp, etc.


DON'T FORGET TO CONVERT IT TO JPG before posting it here ... bmps are waaaay to big (2.5mg) and take up too much server time/space.


btw, check out the pdf in the /Manual folder ... it explains all the odd little keystrokes and such.


as to your terrrain data ini problems, it's simple text edits

Also, it'd be REALLLY helpful to know exactly WHICH terrains you're having issue with. List them all



kevin stein

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Thanks everyone, I'll post one ASAP.



The terrains are-



VietnamSEA (Stock)

Germany (Stock)

Desert Storm (Iraq)

Edited by warthog64

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It's a little hard to tell in these images, as they are still. But the Terrain Texture below the Mig-17 has an odd horizontal Wave effect, which moves in the direction that I move. Also the Shimmering Trees are a problem that will never stop.


The image of the ship shows how the water line effect moves above the vessel as I zoom in. Also when I fly low above the water this same effect happens.



Thanks Everyone

Edited by warthog64

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I know for a fact the Libya and Isreal2 DID have issues in the post-patch environment. They've been fixed ... there's some editing in Data ini (for water heights) and changing the _hm.bmps to all black ones.

Check our handy dandy downloads section for updated verions (ver 3 Final for Libya)

Also, check the "Things You Need to Update Thread", and the thread on the Oct/Nov 08 patches ... there's LOTS of fixes hidden amongst the weeds in there.


Which versions of Libya and I2 are you running??


As to the stock terrains having issues ... that points me to look at the game install itself, or something in your machine.

I know for a fact the DS terrain is DESIGNED for post patch



(slaps self in head) --- for the stock terrains, make sure you don't have an old copy of their ***_data.inis sitting the the terrain folders. They aren't quite compatibale anymore -- rename them and see if the problem goes away.



kevin stein

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Thanks, I'll try these fixes


I am running libya 3

As for Israel 2, I am running the one available in the downloads section. I think this is the only one available?

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One more question, In the Data.ini's which line controls the water height? And as far as the hm.bmps go what is the exact process for that? I know this is pathetic, but I just don't know anything about this game editing stuff, I do understand things pretty quickly once I am told though. Also what should I rename the Stock terrain Data.ini's


Thanks for everyones help!

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One more question, In the Data.ini's which line controls the water height? And as far as the hm.bmps go what is the exact process for that? I know this is pathetic, but I just don't know anything about this game editing stuff, I do understand things pretty quickly once I am told though. Also what should I rename the Stock terrain Data.ini's


Thanks for everyones help!







WaterMesh=0.8 <----------------- this line, remember anything is in meters.

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And this line too...found in every tile listing in the data ini that has water:




they may be still set to the old desert style, which is 25.000000


change them all to 2.00000 ie: find/replace with the line above.


as to the stock map...??? :dntknw: ????



kevin stein

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Thanks, Seems to have worked


One more thing though, in Israel 2 terrain some vehicles are sometimes burried in the sand, like this image below. This isn't a big problem, but its somewhat annoying




Anyone know whats up with this?



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Quick sand??


Saw something similar in WOV near rivers - could be a bug or something defining that part of the ground as a non solid - not sure sorry

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That's the _HM.bmp issue I mentioned before...


follow the link below:




these are all the desert _hm.bmps repainted black,which gives them 0 (or flat) height. Unzip, and toss them into the I2 folder. That sure cure it.



kevin stein

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