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Noob viewing question

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Just get the game today, i'll like it, sound and all is really nice.


but i have problems with viewing system, i don't have Trackir yet, so how i can pan my view to left-up and so on, my hat look only sides, not same like than IL-2 when i can pan my view. I'm so blind now.



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Hi and welcome sir! Sorry to say the viewing system is from CFS3 and can not be changed. I played with those limitations for some time and adjusted and had a lot of fun and success with OFF. For the ultimate view of course you'll need Trackir. I have Trackir now and of course it is wonderful. It may be frustrating but give OFf a good try and consider Trackir, a great piece of kit for any flightsim enthusiast.

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Im not sure if this is what your asking for but try hitting the "scroll lock" button on your keyboard and then use your hatswitch to pan around.



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Hi and welcome sir! Sorry to say the viewing system is from CFS3 and can not be changed. I played with those limitations for some time and adjusted and had a lot of fun and success with OFF. For the ultimate view of course you'll need Trackir. I have Trackir now and of course it is wonderful. It may be frustrating but give OFf a good try and consider Trackir, a great piece of kit for any flightsim enthusiast.


I just learned to use this marvelous Padlock, i'll think i'll use it.


Just great DG i just flyed, really nice, i think this need a little to time to handle.



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Im not sure if this is what your asking for but try hitting the "scroll lock" button on your keyboard and then use your hatswitch to pan around.





Thanks rooster, this is just what i looked, can i faster that panview somehow?



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No, Kankkis, I don't think so.

But you can toggle between the "fixed angles view" (which is good for quick check left, right and six o'clock),

and the "pan view". Put the command key for that toggle on your stick, and you can change between them.

That worked very good for me, before i got the TrackIR 4.

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Yes, you can change the pan speed. There is a setting in one of the config files. I'll take a look see and post it when I find it.

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Okay, I believe the file is named viewui.xml and is located in your default OBDSoftware/CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields folder. Open the file with Notepad. Near the top of the file is a setting for "RotationRate." Change this from 1.2 to 1.5 or higher to increase your panning speed.

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Welcome Kankkis,


Assign the scroll lock and the padlock to buttons on your stick if you have them. Use padlock in a dogfight and scroll lock when you are just cruising and looking around. I survived 30+ missions like that before I got TrackIR... and I still use padlock from time to time.

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Thanks guys, helped a lot.



Edited by Kankkis

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When you get the Trackir, you'll be left wondering how on earth did you manage to fly without it! It makes a world of difference in OFF and really improves your chances of survival and getting kills, plus it tremendously improves the immersion. :yes:

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When you get the Trackir, you'll be left wondering how on earth did you manage to fly without it! It makes a world of difference in OFF and really improves your chances of survival and getting kills, plus it tremendously improves the immersion. :yes:


Yep i believe, great game, i'll just love it more and more when i got flying hours.


I live in Finland, is there good sites to order IR5 in europe, Visa is only payment method.


See y in the skies.



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Hahaha, CJ - if looks could kill, your avatar pilot would. By devious means:

he would make the enemy burst out in uncontrollable laughter, with fatal results.

Anyone knows, if Marty is still alive?

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Welcome Kankkis. I am going to purchase TIR soon as well since, by all opinions, it is the way to go. Wonder why I waited so long.


Olhma - Marty Feldman died back in 1982. He was a funny guy!

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Trackir is the best addon you can buy - a must have for any sim nut!





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Have you tried Ebay?


There are coming taxes.


I'll need it i want it.



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I'll need it i want it.


Try www.verkkokauppa.com, they should sell them in Finland.

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Sooner or later you'll get it.

I had got so used to hat switch view, that I first was totally confused by this "new freedom".

You can suddenly look anywhere you want!

To get used to it, I first only flew "free flight". It was wonderful, just to fly over the beautiful

landscapes, looking at everything. Marvellous!

Meanwhile, I can follow an enemy craft almost as good as "padlock view". A must-have!

Taxes - bah! The state will certainly buy the wrong things from your money!

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