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Clearing gun jams ?

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Could someone please explane to me how to clear gun jams??? It would really help me from getting shot down(since I can't shoot back).




Frustrated Flyer

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Short answer: Can't do anything about it.


Longer answer: Wait it out. If you're guns jammed because of overheating, they may cool off and work again. Sometimes they spring back to life just at the right time, while other times they will just NOT clear themselves.


Like Uncleal said, you can turn off gunjams alltogether if it becomes a gamestopper.

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As long as your only firing quick, sharp bursts, you should rarely ever encounter any jams. But if you have a heavy trigger finger than expect them to jam a lot.


Nothing you do seems to affects how long they will stay jammed though. I have had jams that lasted maybe only a minute or two, ones that took upwards of ten minutes to clear as well as ones that rendered my guns useless for the rest of my mission. I have also had (on multi gun craft) jams that affected one or both guns together or had only a single gun unjam when both were initially jammed.




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I don't know about you guys, but it seems to me that repeatedly pressing the trigger works for me, and I get the jam out in a minute or two. It's very well done, by the way. When I repeatedly press the trigger, occasionally the odd round goes off, until all of a sudden it starts shooting again and I'm good.

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I kind of like the gun jams in the game. Honestly guys how many of you have been in a crazy furball and finally get that one pilot you know is the honcho of the group in your crosshairs pull the trigger and hear "Click Click" instead of lead flying and feel your heart drop to your stomach :yes: Well worth the price of admission.

Edited by godzilla1985

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I have never experienced a jam in BHAH so apparently I'm doing something right, but I should have based on historical accounts of it happening not only from heat, but bad rounds, firing during high-G maneuvers, etc.


There really should be an unjam key though, and it shouldn't automatically unjam them at a single hit, but give you a % chance to unjam.


If possible, a more random jam and a keystroke to provide a CHANCE to unjam would be nice for immersion...

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Flew a mission yesterday as a french pilot (in campaign mode) in early 1917 (nupe 17). The mission was to attack German infantry massing for an attack. The weather was miserable, a sleet/snow mix from take off till the mission ended, a real crapper of a day. I was really suprised we were even flying, but HQ must have had considerable importance attached to this target to send us up in our kites this day. We arrived over the target and I was extra careful not to fire long burst and to avoided any high g manuvering while firing. After my second pass my MG jammed rock solid. I flew around the target for awhile waiting for my MG to hopefully unjam, so meanwhile I ordered my wingmen to attack the target. I noticed after a couple passes they stopped attacking the target too. No matter how much I ordered them back in they were not attacking although there were still plenty of targets left and I knew they were not out of ammo. I got tired of waiting for my guns to hopefully unjam and remembered what andqui said in this thread and sure enough it worked. I went back in and got one more pass and my MG jammed again. I sent the wingmen back in and they made a couple passes and stopped attacking like before. My Nupe had taken a couple hits from ground fire so I decided that was enough for the day and I regrouped my wingmen and we went home. I'm glad I didn't risk anymore attacks because shortly after my wheels touched down on our airfield my right side gear collapsed and my Nupe ended up on it's side, my pilot wasn't hurt but the Nupe was a write off. Now I tried to figure out why my MG jammed during this mission. No long burst, no high G manuvers while firing, discounted bad ammo since my wingmen seemed to be experiancing the same problem I was having (whats the chances of 4 AC having bad ammo?). The only thing left that seemed logical was the snow/sleet weather we were flying in. I honestly think my wingmen and I were experiancing some kind of freezing up and icing of our weapons. If this was the case MAN does this sim model everything, the dev's didn't leave anything out, totally immersive :good:

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Why have a jam at all, if all you need to clear it, is press one key ?????

You know, I swear all you do is automatically take up a contrary position to everything I post. Perhaps you need to read my posts a bit better before you jump to conclusions.


I said that an unjam key will give you a percent CHANCE to unjam your gun. It ain't going to happen on the first try all the time. It would be like pulling the cocking levers on the MGs, or hitting them with a hammer rather than sitting on your pasty a$$ simply waiting for them to unjam.


Where is the reality? Where is the immersion??? Think about it

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I kind of like the gun jams, though it terrifies you in the game. I think the hitting of the "U" key a few times and your gun is cleared can almost equate to carrying a hammer aloft and using it to clear your gun(s), but I don't suppose that worked every time either.


A few times I've jammed my guns (as new pilots will do) and desperately started to turn towards home and thinking that I should have followed Boelke's Dicta a little more closely, especially the one about never forgetting your line of retreat.


Running and constantly checking your six while pulling your trigger, performing high G manoeuvres (as best you can without losing energy cos you still got a fokker on your tail...a fokker in an albatross!), ANYTHING!!!


And then...a miracle...one single round! Then two, and three, then a burst. I'm going to turn and give this guy the biggest surprise of his life (and will hopefully end it).


It is actually better I think to have that...uncertainty.

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Just press U a lot I do just for the hell of it - makes me feel better :). If it clears well done, if not oh dear..

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One memorable jam for me was, I had a son of the Kaiser, in my sights, from a stone's throw away, meat on the table. My Vickers went Clic, I Died that Day


And I'm normally a good boy, so I'm sure it wasn't Heat Related. . . Schitt Happens. . . . God's ears were burning :biggrin:

LOL I am new to OFF also and on my second flight I was dueling with Han III gunner, I managed some pings with no real success, sooooo like all newbies (even tho I know better) I let fly with a longer burst and pinged him again on the next trigger pull, NOTHING ooops gun jam.


As I cursed and pounded the U key (to no avail) I paused the game (very realistic LOL) and had a cool drink, aaaahh thats the ticket and lo an behold the guns were firing again, soooo my take on it is to bring vast quantities of drinks with ya cause at alt they will be cool :).


On a more somber note I believe there are accounts of clearing jams, so some method of "trying" should be included even if it is a 2% chance :rofl:

Edited by BigJim

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