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I haven't seen any posts by Pearce @ the F-14 site in a long time. Don't know the status of the project. Hopefully he'll see the light and bring it to the TW sims :)

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Looks like a design/concept proposal for a reincarnation of the F-14 Super Bombcat. The F/A-18 E/F will do the job and for far less than designing and building another aircraft to do the same job.

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viewgraph engineering




some of those stats are pretty hard to accept. 36k of weapons 1500nm from the carrier without refueling?!!!!!!!


like I said, anything is possible with viewgraph engineering........

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looks like all the other modern fighter/bombers that people have been drawing ever since the Raptor came out. I haven't seen a good, innovative rendering of a fictional plane for some time now. And the Falken from Ace Combat doesn't count as innovative just because it didn't have a canopy. That's just silly.

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