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Guest a10boar

Member Identity theft and Black Balling from results there of

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Guest a10boar

To start this topic 1st I like to say,Identity theft most of us know how to protect ourself of this already. Some like myself, had to learn this the hard way. What is really rotten to the core is when it is done underneath your own nose by a family member. Had my life destroyed by wiping me out money wise and personal life. Can not find a job because a 13 yr. old kid decided to punish me for marrying his mother. Come to find out how computer savvy he was and left me to clean up his messes. I'll leave it at that. Legally, we just got him some help. Still feeling the aftermath and will for sometime to come. This not a feel sorry story. This is wife and mines reality.


So you ask what this has to do with CA? I tell you why. Used to be a member by another name in which my member name was used by this "kid" (gritting teeth yet) who decided to black ball me here. Got more then a few pissed off with the wild stories about he's mother and I. Along with outrageous lies about my military history and mixed truth about our health. Military history? Ha! Short story, got to basic training (US Army) and was sent home after developing WPW (heart condition), end of story! How do I know this happened? Besides being banned from here, I asked my computer guy to help me investigate the banning. He was able to show me the PM's made and post here at CA. It makes you feel like an idiot for a child to out smart you on such a level, it is humiliating.


Why am I coming out with this now? It is starting all over again it the black balling. Got some real smart people here at CA and need to set the record straight once and for all. And please leave my brother out of this. If you do not believe me that is fine and feel the need to take me off or banned? That is fine too. But, why I ask you does a person have to keep reliving this nightmare? Got asked time and time again to show proof of identity theft and you come to the realize that is not possible as to suspect the person questioning knows this already. Yes, know all about IP addresses and there are many living in your household and one computer. Come on! Sometimes I think this question is asked just to belittle me farther.


There it is, can not say I feel better. Combat Flying is a passion and CA is the best tool to reach sky. Really disgusted with some folks attitudes and ego trips when they think it is their purpose in life to find so-called evil doers. They do not know how close they are pushing someone of a cliff who is not responsible for assumed bad intentions. To does people I will say "Clean up your backyard before you start judging mine."

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hope you all can work it out.


Innocent until proven guilty is and should be sancrosanct. By the same token, this place has to defend itself as well which requires a variation of guilty until proven innocent, which is a variation of "burned once, shame on you, burned twice, shame on me."


its not easy to sort things out after this kind of an event.

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You'd best let it go.

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Is this who I think it is?

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Wow this is unfrocking believable. Is there a full moon out tonight?


a10boar, drop it,

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There it is, can not say I feel better. Combat Flying is a passion and CA is the best tool to reach sky. Really disgusted with some folks attitudes and ego trips when they think it is their purpose in life to find so-called evil doers. They do not know how close they are pushing someone of a cliff who is not responsible for assumed bad intentions. To does people I will say "Clean up your backyard before you start judging mine."


Dude if a website committed to gaming and simming, causes you to jump off a cliff, then you have bigger problems than this site.

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I personally am not aware of the actions and people you (a10) are referring to and I know for a fact we are not asking you to re-live anything especially when it comes to your personal life. If you have some information that you would like to share with me directly that is detailed enough that I can research I welcome it.


As far as our policy goes it's fairly simple. "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of those who want to disrupt our site with foolishness."


I look forward to your information.


Erik Thompson


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Well since I was told "Admin has my back" before this gets locked WDH, Brady, (or did he die of cancer and have his wife posting on Combat Ace at the same time he was flat lining using the same typos, and having the same inability to put spaces after punctuation marks that WDH and his brother/friend etc. have) or whatever you want to call yourself. I don't know what to believe, and I really don't care. Nor should anyone else care about this foolishness. People have made real friendships here, and on other websites over the past 15 or more years. That is stuff that matters. This BS with some kid typing as you, if that is even a legit story doesn't matter. Nobody cares. Don't let it bother you. I noticed the tell-tale typing style of WDH as soon as I read my first a10boar post and told Dave it was funny, and didn't say anything but laughed at the ridiculous posts. It wasn't important enough to get riled up about.


Here is some advice, stop caring about what people on an internet message board think about you and deal with this 13 year old kid, remember you are the fox uniform charlie kilo india november golf adult...


Here is an example of the ridiculousness you or whoever was posing as you pulled:


Please explain your sig to me.







11 Bang Bang is the infantry slang for 11 Bravo in the US Army.

MOSC 11B3O SP4 Ft.Clayton,Panama and Desert Storm 88-91 'Nightcrawlers' Sharpshooter/Scout <-- What I did in the invasion of Panama and Desert Storm.SP4 was my rank and 11B30 is basically 3rd rank on ladder in my squad.Nightcrawlers is what are squad 'nickname' was for ourselves since,we did most ops at night.Hoped I answered your question.Just now coming to terms with what I was then,ok?Lost a squad member in Panama fighting cartel outside Panama City in December '89 and it was reported not my fault.But,always felt different about it.RIP Joesph Kenneth Walker




Is that the story you want to stick with?


Do you want me to break down every single lie you just told and bust you out publicly, or do you just want to get rid of that sig and I will forget about it?



Not sure what you want to know?How did I offend you?




Alright guy, let me break this s**t down. YOU ARE A LIAR.


MOSC 11B3O SP4 Ft.Clayton,Panama and Desert Storm 88-91 'Nightcrawlers' Sharpshooter/Scout


"MOSC" <--- You would call it an "MOS"


11B30 Is an Infantryman Skill Level 3, a SP4 is still an 11B10 (Skill Level 1) PVT-SPC are 10 level SGT is 20 level SSG is 30 Level and SFC is 40 level (11C ((Mortars)) can be 11C50 at MSG because a Mortar PSG is a MSG slot) 1SGs and SGMs are 11Zs


So if you would be a 11B30 you would have been a Staff Sergeant not a Specialist, if you were a Specialist you would have been an 11B10.


Just Casue - Your squad nickname seriously? A soldier would put up his Company/BN not some squad nickname. Also you know how hard it is to stay in the same squad for 3 years? Oh yeah and by the way, no Infantry units from Panama deployed for Desert Sheild/Storm.


This brings me to another thing.


Lost a squad member in Panama fighting cartel outside Panama City in December '89 and it was reported not my fault.But,always felt different about it.RIP Joesph Kenneth Walker[/b]


1. You would not have been fighting CARTELS in Panama. 2. If you were a SPC you might have been a Team leader, if you lose a soldier they don't do "reports" on who's fault it was. But all that is a mute point anyways since nobody named "Joseph kenneth Walker" was killed in Panama in Just Cause. Also if that had happened you would have by habit listed his rank.


I lost friends in combat. I took remains to a grieving mother. that insults me to no end you would make that up.




What do you even mean by this? Are you trying to say you were in a sniper section? Also Army Infantrymen call their recon sections RECON, they never ever refer to them as scouts, since that is MOS 19D Cavalry Scout, a friendly rival.


People that lie about military service are SCUM Brady.


I just left it alone after that since there was no point continuting, just like there is no point continuing with this now. Deal with your crap, and don't worry about people on a website think. But do you wonder why there was 'blackballing' with that username?

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What in the world is going on here? :dntknw: :dntknw: :dntknw:

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Guest a10boar
Well since I was told "Admin has my back" before this gets locked WDH, Brady, (or did he die of cancer and have his wife posting on Combat Ace at the same time he was flat lining using the same typos, and having the same inability to put spaces after punctuation marks that WDH and his brother/friend etc. have) or whatever you want to call yourself. I don't know what to believe, and I really don't care. Nor should anyone else care about this foolishness. People have made real friendships here, and on other websites over the past 15 or more years. That is stuff that matters. This BS with some kid typing as you, if that is even a legit story doesn't matter. Nobody cares. Don't let it bother you. I noticed the tell-tale typing style of WDH as soon as I read my first a10boar post and told Dave it was funny, and didn't say anything but laughed at the ridiculous posts. It wasn't important enough to get riled up about.


Here is some advice, stop caring about what people on an internet message board think about you and deal with this 13 year old kid, remember you are the fox uniform charlie kilo india november golf adult...


Here is an example of the ridiculousness you or whoever was posing as you pulled:














1. You would not have been fighting CARTELS in Panama. 2. If you were a SPC you might have been a Team leader, if you lose a soldier they don't do "reports" on who's fault it was. But all that is a mute point anyways since nobody named "Joseph kenneth Walker" was killed in Panama in Just Cause. Also if that had happened you would have by habit listed his rank.


I lost friends in combat. I took remains to a grieving mother. that insults me to no end you would make that up.




What do you even mean by this? Are you trying to say you were in a sniper section? Also Army Infantrymen call their recon sections RECON, they never ever refer to them as scouts, since that is MOS 19D Cavalry Scout, a friendly rival.


People that lie about military service are SCUM Brady.


I just left it alone after that since there was no point continuting, just like there is no point continuing with this now. Deal with your crap, and don't worry about people on a website think. But do you wonder why there was 'blackballing' with that username?


Yes I see now and consider it dropped. This I did not know about JW. Sorry you were put thru this.

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Due to technical difficulties beyond your control, the part of gwar will be played by Arnold Ziphel in tonites episode.



heehee, sorry, I had to,

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Short story, got to basic training (US Army) and was sent home after developing WPW (heart condition), end of story!


If you look at your very top post I quoted the above.


Prior to that, you went in to that exchange with JW defending your said service. Right there proves to me you have a very serious problem.

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Move along, nothing more to see here. The point has been made by everyone.

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Yes I see now and consider it dropped.


I don't. I think you are a disgusting piece of trash with serious mental problems. I strongly urge you to seek professional help.

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