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OvS is invited to take up the Kaiser's new weapon for a spin.

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You vait, crumpetz, until you face ze cruel reality! One wing only means one or two wings less to hit

vizz your strayink bulletz.

Butt as long as vee don't have zis wunderbar plane, vee vill make a perfect duo, usink a Dr.1 ant

a D VII. Unbeatable by any crumpet menace zatt is!

Ze Dr.1 will be ze center turndevil, you all try to get to grips vizz - and zen OvS vill come out of ze sun,

to send you to Walhalla. Ahhm - no, zey von't let you in zere - let's say, across ze Rubycon, to Elysium.

Or to hell... Mmuahahahahaaaa!!!!!

Edited by Olham

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You vait, crumpetz, until you face ze cruel reality! One wing only means one or two wings less to hit

vizz your strayink bulletz.

Butt as long as vee don't have zis wunderbar plane, vee vill make a perfect duo, usink a Dr.1 ant

a D VII. Unbeatable by any crumpet menace zatt is!

Ze Dr.1 will be ze center turndevil, you all try to get to grips vizz - and zen OvS vill come out of ze sun,

to send you to Walhalla. Ahhm - no, zey von't let you in zere - let's say, across ze Rubycon, to Elysium.

Or to hell... Mmuahahahahaaaa!!!!!



Jah Ohlam... vood you like zum frostink on your Krumpet? Mu-hahahahahaaa!!!!

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Some powder shuggar vill do - I'll have zem as zey come.

But later, vee may need a good brandy - vee will have a belly ache from all ze crumpetz,

ant may have to trim our fighterz again.

(Presses one hand on his mouth to prevent another "Mmuahahahahaaaa!!!")

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Terror Twins, I think you were just soundly 'owned' by Mr Launchbury. :biggrin:

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Terror Twins, I think you were just soundly 'owned' by Mr Launchbury. :biggrin:



I love it! Someone that can dish it out as well as he takes it. So there you Krauts! haha

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Now now, be kind to them, gents. As you can no doubt tell by their disjointed gibberish, they both knocked themselves rather hard about the head during their pricelessly whimsical attempt to defy that British hero Sir Isaac Newton, who I believe is entitled to add these two Teutonic aerial humourists to his list of about 50,000 victories.


Yes, we allow the Prussians their fun and let them BELIEVE that Manfred v. is the top-scoring ace, and so on and so forth, but you watch, Sir Isaac will come upon him suddenly with a Vickers loaded with incendiaries, tracers, and the laws of physics, and he'll have him.

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That was quite clever to bring Isaac Newton into the game. Now let me see, who we have - Einstein?

Naw, wouldn't be fair; he half "belongs" to the Americans.

Beware, Launchbury, you may have found it easy to down some German craft. A reason for that easyness could be,

that we concentrate the real aces in special Jastas. And one of these days, you may come across them...


What's your favourite fighter by the way, Launch, and what did your most difficult opponent fly, if I may ask?

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Well it was Newton who developed the theory of gravity (the ultimate killer of pilots) and you can't reinvent that wheel, I'm afraid.


As to #2, I don't have OFF yet (waiting on the mail, you know) but I used to devour Red Baron and Wings of Flory. My preferred mount has always been the Camel and I can't think of my most difficult enemy, but maybe the D.VII.

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May I welcome you amongst our ranks? I must say with your swagger you will fit right in among the old hands. Red Baron and Wings of Glory are a common factor among most of us. I sense you will be duly impressed with the efforts of the OFF dev. team and soon will enjoying a new career in the RFC. Cheers!

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With a screaming engine, and the stocatta of Vickers MG's, I shall dive onto the damnable Harry Huns, and assist RC, Launch & Hasse wind!


By the time the Red White and Blues have finished with your one-winged warblers, you will be back to the Kaiser with your tails smoking in resignation!


SNIPE's RULE!!! :boxing:

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"Yesyesyessss!!!" (sound sample from the House of Lords).

You must be dreaming, Widow - remember Jasta 12 . We'll hand your bums to you, and those

blue-white-red roundels are perfect target markings. Mmuahahahahaaaa!!!!


And Hasse Wind is flying in our ranks, if I may remind you. (Hope, you still do, Hasse?)

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Well it was Newton who developed the theory of gravity (the ultimate killer of pilots) and you can't reinvent that wheel, I'm afraid.


Unfortunately, I have a sneaking suspicion that Sir Isaac was (is) a double agent. He's certainly a little... ahem... indiscriminate about whom he brings down!


A cross does pretty well as a target marker too, you know... 'X' marks the spot and all that. :pilotfly::grin:

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Yeah, I know, Dej - seems sort of remis, somehow.

I'm glad, that none of you crumpets claimed, Isaac Newton had INVENTED gravity (Lol!!)

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Yeah, I know, Dej - seems sort of remis, somehow.

I'm glad, that none of you crumpets claimed, Isaac Newton had INVENTED gravity (Lol!!)


Ah, but he DID. Well, British gravity anyway, which is different from continental gravity owing to us being an island. :crazy: Mind you, my favourite gravity was Original Gravity... but we're not allowed to use it anymore :grin:

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Hmmm - might be some truth in it. I mean, how could you otherwise have sailed all the way down

to Australia and New Zealand, where you had to drink your tea headover, without the tea dripping out of the cup.

Do the Aussies and Kiwis have to pay for using it still, now they're independent? :lol:

Edited by Olham

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Our German friend appears to have brought back a little Teutonic mischief with him from his leave!...lol


We shall have to dish out the same treatment to him, as was meted out to the Blacktails, who dared to cross over the lines!! :yes:

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And Hasse Wind is flying in our ranks, if I may remind you. (Hope, you still do, Hasse?)


Aber natürlich, Herr Leutnant/Oberleutnant/Hauptmann! :salute:

(Don't know your current pilot's rank I'm afraid.)

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I have four current pilots, Hasse Wind, as I like to fly the various versions of the Albatros, and also in

different areas. So I have three Leutnants and one was promoted Oberleutnant (he is in Siggi's Killboard).

Good to hear you are still with me/us.

Hey, Widow, did I remember that so badly wrong? Wasn't it the "Blacktail" from Jasta 12, who gave YOU a good treatment?

Oh, I love bantering with you - I'd miss you so much, that I could NEVER shoot you down.

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Zatt vill bee zee unbeatable team, ze "Terrible Twinz" -




Would that be Millie and Vanillie? :rolleyes:


Sorry, couldn't resist!

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Hey, Widow, did I remember that so badly wrong? Wasn't it the "Blacktail" from Jasta 12, who gave YOU a good treatment?

Oh, I love bantering with you - I'd miss you so much, that I could NEVER shoot you down.


They had early successes, I grant you :good:


However, i am currently flying in Feb 1918.... and the Blacktails are rapidly becoming the Yellow tailed Chickens!...I haven't seen any for a while now...Apart from the last one I came across.


Sadly for him..... He showed the ground troops an excellent display of pyrotechnic's........ as he spun down in flames! :rofl:

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Where are you based now? Maybe they moved?

Feb. 1918? Then we won't meet, as my 1918 pilot is flying in the Alsace region (beautiful mountains!)

Most north of all is Oberleutnant Werner Mahlo, he's flying from Wasquehal, early 1917. Blue skies!

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I'd love to see a Nieuport 29 someday-- do some "what if" battles against the Flying Razor and the D.VII. It's peripheral, I know, but it would very unique. Maybe someone will do some of that someday-- they've done it with numerous WWII 1945-46 "what if" scenarios. I'm not sure anyone has ever done a real "what if" winter of 1918 scenario before.



I like the D.VIII. They used to have a nice one over at Rhinebeck Aerodrome, if I recall. It is a VERY interest aircraft from the standpoint that it is a "full circle" development from monoplane to biplane to triplane, back to biplane and finally back to monoplane (albeit with many improvements). I plan on trying a German campaign with the D.VIII once it's out (GASP). The old source books I have around state that the aircraft exists but is still classified as of 1918-1919, along with the specs for the Spad XIII, Nieuport 29, Sopwith Snipe, and Fokker D.VII.

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Beautiful work, guys, and I'm really glad the pilots appendages are in this. I think adding the arms and legs is a huge improvement to the pits and would like to see it in all the planes.

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