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Robin Olds, Vietnam Ace?

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I know Gen. Robin Olds scored four aerial victories in the Vietnam War. But I read in a magazine article recently (sorry but can't remeber which one, may have been Flight Journal?) that he may, and probably did have a fifth victory to his credit. It said that he denied it initially so he wouldn't be pulled from flying combat, but later told certain people that he did in fact have a fifth kill. If this is true he would have been the first ace in Vietnam. Does anyone know anything about this, and is it true?

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Not I, but i just read this and dint know a thing about it,,

Cunningham resigned from the House on November 28, 2005 after pleading guilty to accepting at least $2.4 million in bribes and underreporting his income for 2004. He pleaded guilty to federal charges of conspiracy to commit bribery, mail fraud, wire fraud, and tax evasion. On March 3, 2006, he received a sentence of eight years and four months in prison and an order to pay $1.8 million in restitution

(Randal "duke" cunningham)


im saddened to learn of this transgression

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That thing about Cunningham was pretty big news when it happened. It was discussed here, too. I'm surprised you missed it.


As for how many victories Olds had, I don't recall.

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sometimes I "refuse to see things" about people I consider to be hero figures, and then there are times when I simply wasnt paying attention, lol

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It is one of those military legends. That either he had a 5th kill, or he had many opportunities to get a 5th kill but ordered some one else to be the shooter, unless you were there you will never have a definitive answer, but from what I have read about the man, I like to believe that this is true.


As for Cunningham... it just goes to show, just because you are some s@#t hot dude in the military, and can do great things while getting shot at, doesn't always mean you are a great person. I can think of plenty of great military men that were horrible people. The way I see it is, don't let their crappy personality take away from their deeds, but don't let their deeds blind you to how crappy they are.


Obviously not all are like this, I'm just meaning the bad seeds.

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Yeah I guess no one will ever know, but I'd like to think this is true too. R.I.P. GEN. OLDS

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In relation to what JW said about Cunningham, Steve Ritchie isn't much better. I met him once at the Eglin airshow. He was an AFRes BG at the time, but so full of himself. I've followed his deeds since and while they aren't anything close to Cunningham, he isn't the man Robin Olds was. Gen. Olds wasn't about himself. Instead he did whatever it took for his men. Ritchie was and is about his own legend.

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In relation to what JW said about Cunningham, Steve Ritchie isn't much better. I met him once at the Eglin airshow. He was an AFRes BG at the time, but so full of himself. I've followed his deeds since and while they aren't anything close to Cunningham, he isn't the man Robin Olds was. Gen. Olds wasn't about himself. Instead he did whatever it took for his men. Ritchie was and is about his own legend.



I met Steve Ritchie once at the USAF Academy. And yes he was very full of himself, almost to the point where no one wanted to converse with him! But I do have to give the AFRes General credit for saying a similar statement to yours about Gen. Olds. As for Cunningham I don't know too much about him, as I come from an Air Force family. But I totally agree that Gen. Ritchie is very arrogant.

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Olds was the cats ass cool motha fracker. The Duke thing sucks he's got like 7 years left on his 8.5 year ride. He went in with failing health. I told Dave this in a p.m. when in public service we are held to a higher standard, and with that comes higher penalties when we frack up they " the people" love to hang us.

Edited by MAKO69

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Olds was the cats ass cool motha fracker. The Duke thing sucks he's got like 7 years left on his 8.5 year ride. He went in with failing health. I told Dave this in a p.m. when in public service we are held to a higher standard, and with that comes higher penalties when we frack up they " the people" love to hang us.


And you are so right!

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I wish he was here now to lead the USAF. We could use him.

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