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Anti-Ship missions possible in SF2V?

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Are Anti-Ship missions possible in SF2V? Because i don't know/cant find a NVA ship

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No. Intercept missions are unavalible as well.


For Anti-Ship, you need SF2 or SF2E:

One also has to remember the rather strange RoE the Air Force had at times during the conflict.

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Naw......The Gulf of Tonkin Mission comes stock with WOV and SF2V. It has NV PatrolBoats attacking a U.S. Destroyer. It's a "Stock" Mission that comes with the Game.



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No. Intercept missions are unavalible as well.



For Single missions they are - but they can be included in custom campaigns if desired

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Ok, would i have to go through some missions in the campaign to get to the Tonkin mission?

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I don't know how it works in SF2(V), but in WOV, you could copy the singlemissionscreen.dll file from the menu folder from WOE and drop it into your menu folder in WOV (replacing the one that's there), then get all the WOE mission type options in the drop down menu (Anti-ship, Intercept, SEAD instead of Iron-Hand).


If you have SF2 or SF2E, you could try the same thing with SF2V. Make sure to back up the original SF2V files first in case something goes wrong, though...

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ughh, i only have SF2V...Could i use that Le Missiouner (Sorry, don't speak French) to make an Anti-Ship mission?

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Ok, would i have to go through some missions in the campaign to get to the Tonkin mission?


Nope. It's under single missions.

In the mission generator menu, click on Load Mission (top part) and select the Gulf of Tonkin mission.

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yes it is possible and it is very easy to do the missions are listed in the VietnamSEA.ini/GermanyCE.ini/Desert.ini


1. use the sf2 cat_extractor tool and open/unpack the VietnamSEA.cat file

2. open VietnamSEA.ini and add ANTI_SHIP on the end of line and save it






3.copy the VietnamSEA.ini to your terrains/VietnamSEA folder , if you dont have oneVietnamSEA folder you have to make one


thats it now you can sink ships if you find any :biggrin:

Edited by ravenclaw_007

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Now, THAT is quite interesting!!!! Nice to know we can now edit mission types directly IN the terrain!!



kevin stein

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