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Hello All,


Anybody out there get the F111A gun bay to work. I didn't see any files related to it in the pack, maybe a tech issue with the new series?

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I've got a seperate question: why doesn't the engine sounds or after burner work in my F-111 pack? i put the files into their corresponding place and i have the aircraft and weps but no burner sounds or decals for that matter.

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When I changed the F-111 to SF2 they all worked when I uploaded them. No one has mentioned that problem since I uploaded them.

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In fact I just downloaded them again they are set up correctly to work in the SF2 series and work just fine. Me thinks you might of installed them incorrectly.

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Hi, if you wait till killerbee does gun pak for sf2 series, I believe it will be there. Its only on the A model.

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I just wanted to say I got the gun bay to work, I created an F111Gun folder using the data from first gen plane and then added it using the weapon editor. It wouldn't work plug and play. I also changed the specific station code from F112 to F111. I think since there is no LOD and the bay is incorporated into the model accounts for my problem.

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got the burners and sounds to work(i was an idiot and had those folders in my objects folder) but still no decals. pulled the contents out like some downloads but still no luck. my F-4's , Voodoos and F-105F/G are working just fine. Maybe the Vaarks have been sanitized for a raid on Libya? :unsure:

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got the burners and sounds to work(i was an idiot and had those folders in my objects folder) but still no decals. pulled the contents out like some downloads but still no luck. my F-4's , Voodoos and F-105F/G are working just fine. Maybe the Vaarks have been sanitized for a raid on Libya? :unsure:


Decals are there and they work. When you are in the loadout screens select a number you want it to have. Sometimes the sim starts with it on the very last number and then that causes them to show up blank.

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