+Dave 2,322 Posted July 26, 2009 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32155606/ns/us...e_and_ethnicity Doesn't always work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted July 26, 2009 http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32155606/ns/us...e_and_ethnicity Doesn't always work. yep he played his hand and lost big time...it's race baiters like this tool that detract from real issues.Obama jumping in only made things worse.God bless cops like the ones involved.they have shown restraint and class in the face of ironious acusations and lots of media hype. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lt. James Cater 62 Posted July 26, 2009 Man, how i hate these card playing SOBs. I've run into many of them over the years and all were as dispicable as this Gates character. Believe me, EVERY SINGLE TIME i dealt with the cops i always knew exactly what words to say to them to keep the situation calm. Hell, i was was in a cell in Jersey City years ago and the cops (Port Authority Police) offered to buy me dinner even if i tried to get over on them. They sure as hell apreciated that i was nice and polite with them even if did give them a line after getting caught jumping a turnstile in a train station as well as having in my possesion a good sized bowie knife. Guess what..... They were all White, i'm Brown and felt nothing but relief at walking after a few hours and not once did i feel dissed by any Officer, even by the ones who arrested me. I can imagine (Oh hell, i know only too well) the results of some fool stepping off into the face of a cop here in the Las Vegas area. The Police tolerate zero disrespect and everyone on both sides of the issue knows the score. This Gates fellow has just earned himself a place alongside that pimp Jessie Jackson in my personal rogues gallery. Racism my Brown coloered Latino A**! This dude just wants to get over. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Growler67 0 Posted July 27, 2009 Just me, but I wouldn't have a beer with the POTUS after making the remarks that he did, and yet still refusing to appologize. I don't give a s**t how PC it might be. I cannot control a lot of things, but I can control who I will and won't have a beer with. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted July 27, 2009 Oh and here is what is really funny, the 911 call, the woman never reported the race of the person she thought was breaking into the home. Gates = PWNED! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruggbutt 45 Posted July 27, 2009 I'm pissed off at how PC this country has gotten. I've had black friends all my life and no one looks sideways at them if they call someone a white-boy (which is not meant as an insult). But if a white person leads with "he was black" then he's immediately called into question that he might be racist. It goes the same for people that are of hispanic descent. I live in a state where illegal immigration is rampant. I also speak enough spanish to get by with and the nicknames I hear coming from some of the illegals when referring to blacks and whites are just plain insulting. But since they're not caucasian it's ignored. I'll refrain from posting them here though......... The fact is that people of all shapes and colors are racist. And then there are people of all shapes and colors who aren't. Why in the heck we don't judge each person on their own merits is beyond me. We have a black president for god's sake! Hasn't equality truly happened here yet? I'm fed up with idiots like the guy above using the race card for his benefit. What that does is take away from a real incident involving race. It minimizes real acts of racism. I prefer to judge that guy on his character (or lack thereof). His skin color is irrelevant. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+pcpilot 181 Posted July 27, 2009 (edited) I'm pissed off at how PC this country has gotten. I've had black friends all my life and no one looks sideways at them if they call someone a white-boy (which is not meant as an insult). But if a white person leads with "he was black" then he's immediately called into question that he might be racist. It goes the same for people that are of hispanic descent. I live in a state where illegal immigration is rampant. I also speak enough spanish to get by with and the nicknames I hear coming from some of the illegals when referring to blacks and whites are just plain insulting. But since they're not caucasian it's ignored. I'll refrain from posting them here though......... The fact is that people of all shapes and colors are racist. And then there are people of all shapes and colors who aren't. Why in the heck we don't judge each person on their own merits is beyond me. We have a black president for god's sake! Hasn't equality truly happened here yet? I'm fed up with idiots like the guy above using the race card for his benefit. What that does is take away from a real incident involving race. It minimizes real acts of racism. I prefer to judge that guy on his character (or lack thereof). His skin color is irrelevant. Well said Ruggbutt...My experiances and opinion to a tee! Being raised in the southwest and serving over 13 years in the military Ive seen all kinds. King said it best when he said..."I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." The rascists on both sides need to open their minds. Edited July 27, 2009 by pcpilot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted July 27, 2009 Right on Rugg. I am a military brat, I grew up around everyone of different colors, race, etc. It was normal. My parents never taught us or even aluded to that any race was inferior. Judge a person on their merrits is how I was raised. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Growler67 0 Posted July 27, 2009 Seriously though, until the current and perverted definitions of race are eliminated this will continue and perpetuate itself. We are ALL members of the "Human Race". Regardless of ones skin color, ethnicity or cultural heritage. Until the ACTUAL definition is truly accepted this kind of idiocy will continue. I have answered the census question the same every time I have filled one out. Race: Human Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruggbutt 45 Posted July 27, 2009 My parents never taught us or even aluded to that any race was inferior. Unfortunately my father was the opposite. I had a black friend show up at my house when I was in high school. Dad chased him off by waving his .357. I'm ashamed that he's my father, he's a waste of skin. The high school I went to was mostly white and the aforementioned kid was the only black guy in our school. We had FFA (Future Farmers of America) classes so we had plenty of rednecks. Not one of my friends cared about skin color. Years later when I was playing music semi-professionally I met a friend who was one of the best drummers I've ever seen. His name was Dave. He was also black. But no one ever described Dave by his skin color. He was Drummer Dave. Looking back on it, I'm surprised at how enlightened the group I was hanging out with was. I think that mostly we just didn't care about race. Dave's blackness was irrelevant when it was his drumming that made him "Dave". We had a guy who was a great singer who had a fairly bulbous nose. He ended up being Norm the Nose. Heck, I got this nickname because I was infamous for BA'ing people (Bare @ss). We were all judged (and nicknamed) based on who and what we are. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OvS 8 Posted July 28, 2009 Gates is wrong, and Obama is no better for offering the White House as a place to "sit down and have a beer", like it's his backyard BB-Q or something. That to me is far more disrespectful to see a President get himself involved with local Police issues like this. And on top of it, to make comments about it, when he has far greater issues out there to deal with. Obama sold himself as someone who was supposed to be 'above' all of this petty stuff. Then, to waste taxpayers dollars on setting up a meeting to 'talk' about the issue, using the White House as the chip to bargain with. I would think our relations with China, and the issues with North Korea/Iran were far more important than some remedial problem with a loud-mouth moron calling a white cop a racist when he was just doing his job. Living in Long Island, you really need to have tolerance of many races and ethnic backgrounds. It's a tight place, and we live on top of each other, so you learn to cope with anything. But being "white" is getting harder and harder for no apparent reason. Sotomayer made her comments about white men, and it's pushed under the table, now this idiot calls a white guy a racist and the President of the US backs him up?? What the heck? I thought we were supposed to be blind to race? Yes... if you're white.. which I am not... I'm of European decent (100% Sicilian) so I'm a nice Olive color and I look like a black man compared to my pale white Polish/Scottish/Sweedish wife. So, do I get a special box to mark on Civil Service tests, because I am tired of marking Anglo-Saxon, which I am not. If we're really going to make a change, as Obama shoved in my face so many times ... then our colors should be as blank as they are when we post to each other on these forums. Just my worthless 2 cents.... All the best, OvS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted July 28, 2009 I was just watching the CBS Early Show and they had this couple that only shops at black owned business'. They said it raises a sense of community of the black people needing to take care of itself. The wife was very militant about it (for lack of a better word) I dont see that, to me that creates a divide. I am not saying you should not honor your race, your heritage, your religion. That is very important, but doesn't something like this just make another division? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shaolin 0 Posted July 28, 2009 Seriously though, until the current and perverted definitions of race are eliminated this will continue and perpetuate itself. We are ALL members of the "Human Race". Regardless of ones skin color, ethnicity or cultural heritage. Until the ACTUAL definition is truly accepted this kind of idiocy will continue. I have answered the census question the same every time I have filled one out. Race: Human That's what I'm thinking for years - what is with this "race" crap - and why is there a "race" entry in US documents??? I don't know how it is in other european countries, but we don't have such entires... (Sadly people are still categorized by their heritage, like Turkish or Russian - but not in any official document, except they are still citizens of that countries...) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruggbutt 45 Posted July 28, 2009 I was just watching the CBS Early Show and they had this couple that only shops at black owned business'. They said it raises a sense of community of the black people needing to take care of itself. If I had said I only shop at white owned businesses then people would be lining up to call me racist. The double standard in this country is BS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OvS 8 Posted July 28, 2009 I was just watching the CBS Early Show and they had this couple that only shops at black owned business'. They said it raises a sense of community of the black people needing to take care of itself. The wife was very militant about it (for lack of a better word) I dont see that, to me that creates a divide. I am not saying you should not honor your race, your heritage, your religion. That is very important, but doesn't something like this just make another division? No, it's prejudice and borderline racism to do that. If we're living in a mixed community, which many urban areas are, and I only shop in Sicilian stores, and you shop in Irish stores, and he shops in Chinese stores... what the hell is that? So if the milk is on sale at Tyrone's Black Mamba Bodega for .80, and it's .90 cents at Luigi's Macaroni Mini-Market, but because you're Chinese you only shop at Bruce Lee's Wan Ton Take All, you pay $1.50 for it ... you're essentially creating a segregated market, regardless of the sale price. You now have segregation, and divide. What this woman is implying is that she will ONLY shop at stores owned by Black folk. That's wrong. That's against free-market trade, and is against all things related to defeating racism and making us all equal. So if a Russian immigrant decides to open a store next to the one this woman shops at, and all the people in the area have the same mentality as this woman, what chance does anyone else stand to open a new store in that community, and in effect, the community is racist. You might as well post a sign that says, "We only buy from people of the same color in this town". Isn't that what MLK gave his speech about... that 'all men are created equal'. I guess she did not listen to it. I don't see this woman as a representation of any African Americans... only a representation of her own person, and very narrow-minded views. I'm off topic here... but.. What burned me up during this last election was the lack of emphasis that Obama is half-black AND half-white. Not just African American, he is an American. What's the big idea with removing his white half? The press mentioned it in the beginning, but then that was it. Gone... no mention of it. If anything, it should never have been made a point at all.. either black or white. He's the first Inter-Racial President of the USA... that's more like it. He's not one of more, any more of than the other. 50-50. The urbanites hounded Obama about 'not being black enough'. What is that supposed to mean? Is he supposed to be dressed and talk urban to be black? I sure as hell wouldn't want my President to look like Eminem, or Flavor Flav (Public Enemy) with his hat side-ways and a huge clock hanging from his neck. Jeeze... give the guy credit for being educated, articulate and intelligent. Not 'black enough'... unreal. OvS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted July 28, 2009 Not quite on the same level as the military but I have played football at various levels including semi-pro for the last 13 years and have done everything from shower and drink to fight alongside people from many different races and to be honest I just don't really give a sh!t what someone looks like on the outside.to me on the field it's uniform color that means everything.we work together to get a job(victory) done.That seems to be lost in todays world.Everyone (in the media) focuses so much on black or white acomplishments or problems instaed of showing people just living...it's bad for ratings.I've used the "N" word and been called cracker and whiteboy but in the lockeroom it was with love and comraderie not mallice.people are focusing on the words rather on the intent way too much.People are being put on the deffencive and taught that people are different without intinding.If people just got on with their damn lives and attention was brought on TRUE social injustice things would be much better. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JediMaster 451 Posted July 28, 2009 I also think the definition of what terms are unacceptable has been made too broad. "That word has unpleasant connotations." Really? To who, you? Guess what? You can make any word sound offensive if you say it with enough venom and disdain, doesn't matter if it's been used historically or not. Homosexuals chose the term "gay" for themselves because they disliked other terms being used for them. Well, surprise surprise, the haters co-opted the term and now it's become slang for something that's not good! Of course, phrases like "gay and lesbian" are silly because lesbians are gay, so that's redundant. Likewise I think "African American" is a silly name for people whose heritage often goes back centuries in this country while many white people's ancestors may not have come over until the 20th century. So unless you want to call every white person a "European American", it's ridiculous. I also laughed when someone pointed out Charlize Theron, being from South Africa, is a true African-American! Take THAT PC police! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Growler67 0 Posted July 28, 2009 Just a quick review of a certain fact that seems to assit in the perpetuation of this idiotic dance; the United State does NOT recognize dual citizenship. While other countries do, such as Canada for instance it is the current (and long standing) policy that this nation does not. Unless someone can produce more than one valid passport with African AND American citizenship, there is no such thing as an African-American. Either you are or aren't an American citizen, stop muddying the waters and creating an idiotic gray area. Regardless or ethnicity citizens of the US are all Americans. Hyphenated, PC, illiterate dribble such as this will continue to prolong this kind of behavior. A brief glimpse of what it should be like occurred on and shortly after 9-11. We weren't devided by these kinds of artificial lines. We were ALL Americans United. As soon as these petty kinds of inferrences are eliminated the sad fact remains that America will, instead of being color blind, be blinded by the colors of it's peoples skin. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted July 28, 2009 Well I have to admit I pull the Irish American race card.....with my wife.....when she is mad.....because I am drunk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Coot 1 Posted July 28, 2009 I like this poem read by John Wayne: John Wayne: Hyphen Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ruggbutt 45 Posted July 29, 2009 When I'm filling out "official forms" I can't find what describes me on them, so I check "Other". There's no Czech-American in the list. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OvS 8 Posted July 29, 2009 When I'm filling out "official forms" I can't find what describes me on them, so I check "Other". There's no Czech-American in the list. Exactly... there's only Anglo-Saxon, or white. Last I checked, about an hour ago when I left the bathroom and saw my face, I wasn't Anglo-Saxon, so why should I be on any form. BTW... what the hell is the definition of Anglo-Saxon anyway? OvS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OvS 8 Posted July 29, 2009 I like this poem read by John Wayne: John Wayne: Hyphen That was great! Thanks for posting it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shotdown 8 Posted August 5, 2009 (edited) I also think the definition of what terms are unacceptable has been made too broad. "That word has unpleasant connotations." Really? To who, you? Guess what? You can make any word sound offensive if you say it with enough venom and disdain... Something I heard years agon on TV : It's no problem if I am called "Son of a xxxxx", but the way it's said, that really makes the difference. By the way, I am spanish so ¿What Am I from race point of view, white (I am european) or hispanic? (I always thought "hispanic race" is an absolutely ludicrous concept) Edited August 5, 2009 by shotdown Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Jarhead1 27 Posted August 5, 2009 Ok, so Neo Nazis, skinheads, and the KKK are all racist white hategroups, what about the NAACP???????? They are just as racist, if not MORE then all those put together in my opinion. Starting with Jesse Jackson, and Al Sharpton, and going down the list. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites