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Broadside uda Barn

nvidia 190.38 drivers

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I have them installed and they gave me another 10 FPS on my rig - the downside is that Fraps drops the frame rate to 5 FPS when I attempt to record any game footage.


I can't find anything on the web about other users experiencing the same thing so I'm at a loss there.


Vasco :piltofly:

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These are just for Vista are'nt they?

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the downside is that Fraps drops the frame rate to 5 FPS when I attempt to record any game footage.


I can't find anything on the web about other users experiencing the same thing so I'm at a loss there.


Vasco :piltofly:





I've experienced the same phenomenon in the past (as have others). I found a solution that worked for me and a couple of others. Try changing your Anti-aliasing setting from within the Nvidia control panel. I've found that 8x does the trick for me. It may differ on your system, but try playing with it till you find a setting that works.


(I recommend leaving the AA setting in CFS3 config alone. Make those adjustments at the driver level only).



Hope this puts you on the right track....IR :yes:




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It was me with the problem - and you're a feckin' genius!


Fraps back up and running! :yahoo:


Vasco :pilotfly:

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These new drivers worked well for me, (using XP SP3) allowing me to up my scenery and terrain from "3's" to "4's" with no framerate loss. Total framerate still hovers around 60fps due to my setting of vertical sync forced on.


The best improvement is in the general look of all graphics. All colors looks much richer now.

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It was me with the problem


Fraps back up and running! :yahoo:


Vasco :pilotfly:



Hi Vasco,



My bad. Was half asleep when I read the original posts.....forgive me for the mistaken identity booboo.


Glad to hear it worked for you.




Cheers Mate,




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strangely for me it didn't work good at all. i made the same settings as before, but AA didn't work good at all. i have a gtx260 card. the fields and grounds had some metallic and fluid appearance. before i had AA set to 16. with the new driver even with AA16Q it looked not as good as before.


the good thing is, i installed my old driver again and i thought, why not try 16Q with the old driver. i didn't do it before because i thought it'll slow down FPS a lot. but no, it's a lot smoother, FPS are even better and more stable.

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I loaded the new drivers and find that everything is running great. I have the same card Creaghorn. I reset all my graphics in cfs3 the way I had them before (HomeBoy's setup), and it looks terrific....better and faster I think. Colors seem to be richer.

Havent had much time in OFF with the new drivers, but did a brief test....


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Thanks for this. While I was preparing to instal the new drivers I became aware of advice about cleaning out old Nvidia drivers first. I ignored this, as you do. However I subsequently found this: http://www.tweakguides.com/NVFORCE_1.html by a guy called Koroush Ghazi which I wish I'd read first! Written in plain English but totally comprehensive, and explains on the way all the weird stuff about what is "anisotropic filtering" etc. He also provides - free - a "Tweaking Companion for XP" running to 190-odd pages, which I wish I'd been able to read before I started building PCs! Outstanding stuff. Covers everything and doesn't assume you are a nerd - although you will be one by the time you finish it. Well worth a look.

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strangely for me it didn't work good at all. i made the same settings as before, but AA didn't work good at all. i have a gtx260 card. the fields and grounds had some metallic and fluid appearance. before i had AA set to 16. with the new driver even with AA16Q it looked not as good as before.


the good thing is, i installed my old driver again and i thought, why not try 16Q with the old driver. i didn't do it before because i thought it'll slow down FPS a lot. but no, it's a lot smoother, FPS are even better and more stable.



I have just updated and have exactly the same problem AA/Aniso is not working well at all....


I even tried uninstalling and re-installing to no avail - bad aniso and AA issues.


I have GTX280 - will install default drivers as I cannot live with the shimmies...

Maybe its time to go back to ATI...




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Hi Winder,

I have similar problems. I loaded an updated driver for my 285 a while back, and it locks everything up after a few minutes. Where did you find the default driver - I'd like to reinstall my original as well.



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Hi Winder,

I have similar problems. I loaded an updated driver for my 285 a while back, and it locks everything up after a few minutes. Where did you find the default driver - I'd like to reinstall my original as well.




Ted I am using the one that came with my GTX280 on the included CD/DVD - may I suggest you do the same for your card - as the latest driver seems to have crippled AA/Aniso.


Hence the reports of 10 FPS improvment that chaps are reporting - not surprising that.... if AA and Aniso are stuck off!


I may pick up an ATI card tomorrow lol as I have had enough of Nvidia driver issues.... time to have ATI driver issues for a refreshing change!







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I'll give that a go - hopefully it will overwrite the bad stuff. And I don't screw it up - I'm such a luddite.



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Hit the following link: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/Find.aspx?lang=en-us


Select your OS type, then select your card model. Voila!! You've got all kinds of previous driver versions to play with.



(Mostly applies to those of us who are clever enough to still be running XP though.....*cough*)








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Not impressed at all Im afraid!...FSX runs utterly sh*t now!...going to roll back

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I have just updated and have exactly the same problem AA/Aniso is not working well at all....


I even tried uninstalling and re-installing to no avail - bad aniso and AA issues.


I have GTX280 - will install default drivers as I cannot live with the shimmies...

Maybe its time to go back to ATI...





Hmmm. Did you reset your cfs3 settings, and also your nvidia control panel settings to what they were before?

Mine looks great....no shimmies, no jaggies at all.

Performance is better in OFF and a ww1 sim which shall not be named.


What are your settings at now?






Nvidia--mo betta

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Hmmm. Did you reset your cfs3 settings, and also your nvidia control panel settings to what they were before?

Mine looks great....no shimmies, no jaggies at all.

Performance is better in OFF and a ww1 sim which shall not be named.


What are your settings at now?






Nvidia--mo betta



Yes thanks I am quite familiar with the settings given that I have spent 5 years making OFF.




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As opposed to me, who has also spent almost five years making OFF, and can still barely find the ON switch. :close_tema:

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Thanks for the link Parky. It saved me some searching to get the previous version of the drivers.


I have a GTX 285 and I'm having also sorts of quality issues with the new drivers. I also get random resolution changes, usually down to 1024x768 from 1920x1200, at just about any time the screen switches from the desktop to something full-screen, like a game or the screensaver, etc.


It really does pay to leave well enough alone. The old drivers were fine, but then I heard about an extra 10 frames a second and thought "Why not?". Now I know why not. :blink:

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Yes thanks I am quite familiar with the settings given that I have spent 5 years making OFF.






*sometimes* someone forgets a small adjustment which makes a large impact....

just trying to help :rolleyes:

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*sometimes* someone forgets a small adjustment which makes a large impact....

just trying to help :rolleyes:


CFS3 always insists on a resetting of the Graphics settings whenever the driver version changes so even if one were to 'forget' then OFF simply cannot run.

Clever stuff by Aces - not that they got a lot right but that part they did.


190.38 gives an increase in FPS because on some rigs (I cannot say all) AA and Aniso is not working correctly... 3 users so far are known to me.


I spent two hours trying every Nvidia setting combo under the sun and nothing made the AA/Aniso work including a double reinstall of 190.38 so I hope that others who are considering this for OFF steer clear for now.


And yep YMMV.


Oh and I did not mean to sound blunt so please dont get me wrong - forums are bad for that and I am known to not use smilies when I should...







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Sorry to hear some of you are having problems - just for the record I don't seem to be, maybe it's something to do with running XP not Vista? I'm using the same GPU settings as Homeboy. I notice I had to reset all the global settings in Nvidia control panel (maybe there's a way of saving them but I couldn't find it) and then I pressed the button in "Workshops" to tell CFS3 I'd updated the drivers, presumably. OFF runs very smoothly and looks everso pretty, although I can't say it goes any better than with the previous set of drivers - I generally can't resist fiddling about with them. BTW I just discovered "Winter - full snow" which looks outstanding, and whoever made the snow was a very clever chap, as it isn't a uniform white colour, just like real snow.

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Thanks for the link Parky. It saved me some searching to get the previous version of the drivers.


I have a GTX 285 and I'm having also sorts of quality issues with the new drivers. I also get random resolution changes, usually down to 1024x768 from 1920x1200, at just about any time the screen switches from the desktop to something full-screen, like a game or the screensaver, etc.


It really does pay to leave well enough alone. The old drivers were fine, but then I heard about an extra 10 frames a second and thought "Why not?". Now I know why not. :blink:



Yup......the old saying "If it ain't broke..." might apply here. Glad the archive link helped you out a bit though :good:



For those who like to really fiddle with graphics driver settings, RivaTuner allows access to a whole s**tload of lower-level options that aren't available throught the Nvidia CP. It may even allow you to override the AA/Aniso setting with the new drivers (although I haven't tried). Should be just a matter of setting AA/Aniso levels from "Driver Settings/Customize/DirectDraw and 3D Settings". It will actually "force" an override of the Aniso for sure. AA I'm not sure about, but may be worth a try.


I also like the fact this utility allows complete control over your card's fan speeds, either on the fly or through the use of "profiles". It'll also allow you to completely cook your card by adjusting clock speeds. If that isn't risky enough, you can go into the "Power User" settings and bugger things up completely via the advanced registry editor. If you don't know what you're doing...stay the hell away from that feature please.


On a final note, you're likely to get a cryptic warning that RivaTuner has detected an "unsupported" graphics driver during install if you're using one of the latest drivers. Disregard it....it's a load of fluff. It'll still work just the way it's supposed to, however, as with all third party Tweakaholic utilities.....proceed at your own risk.







Edited by Parky

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