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Duce Lewis

A Little Oddity

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Flying home alone from a scrap I spotted another bogie

Out of ammo, but I had to have a look


Turned out to be another DVII sitting on a friendly airfield

Closer inspection showed he was tipped over on 1 wheel and a wing tip ...no smoke or visible damage

Not 1 of my M8's so I assume he was just another generated AI flight

It looked like he came over the hangers and ground looped

Not very far down the runway so whatever he did, he did it fast

1st time I've seen anything like this


Do other AI flights attempt landings?


Anyone else have any odd sightings?

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Do other AI flights attempt landings?


They definately do. Have seen it several times, although they aren't particularly good at it. Watched 5 Roland CIIs try to land at an airfield yeaterday and each crashed in turn.

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Yes, some time ago I passed over a German airfield low, cause I was hit and thought about landing there.

I dropped the thought, cause some 5 or 6 Pfalz came in for landing.

when I looked back, they seemed to get it done, all rolling in a line.

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Saw another oddity last night

While forming up, A Flight abandoned the circiut and started chasing 2 high bogies

I didn't think them worth it so I delayed but eventually followed


Turned out to be 2 Biffs that tried to dive away

Just as A Flight was closing in, 3 out of their 5 reversed 180 and bugged out right past us

Thr 2 Aces kept up the chase and the 3 lower A Flighter's bailed

I knew they were lower ranked because they had the same outragous skin I'd just selected

Their leaders hadn't outdistanced them, they just turned and fled

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I shot down an SE5 and landed to get a trophy, the only thing was, it had magically turned into a DH2!

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Yeah, the AI seem to be have skipped the landing classes back in flight school. When returning from a mission, I usually drop in and touch down as soon as I reach the field, while my flight toddles off for a long roundabout approach. Just for the hell of it one time I sat on the field waiting for them to show up; when they did, two of the three crashed on contact. On a second occasion, I followed them on their big loop back to the airfield and all three smacked in a few hundred feet short of the field. Pilots all survived tho- so it doesn't affect anything. Maybe they're just trying to force the upper echlons to give us some newer model crates.

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Hey, that's nice to see, that you really land beside your kill, CJ.

But honestly, I don't recognise a DH2 - only a bunch of broken stuff.

Even in this dark wheather you could hardly mistake an S.E.5 for a DH2 -

did you have too much "artificial horizon" (Lol!)?

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If you look just above the starboard wingtip of the DrI, you'll see a thingy with red, white, and blue stripes on it. If that's not a DH2 tail section I'll kiss your a$$. It sure didn't come from an SE5. Even in the dark lighting I could never mistake a DH2 for an SE5!

Edited by Cameljockey

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Any of you guys ever try to land in a River yet? Well, up until last week I hadn't either....and I'm not gonna go into the details of WHY I had to perform this little maneuver. Lets just say my DV was a bit more ventilated at that point than when I took off. :biggrin: Anyhoo, this may have always been this way, perhaps nothing new, and I had simply never tried it, but when I put her down in the river, there was a suprising splashing and skidding into the water with a very realistic wake, and after a nice soft stop, a slow sinking. I was amazed....I knew flying over the ocean worked this way, but I didn't know they had included the rivers in this coding as well! Again....very cool OFF developer guys. And if any of you guys have a disposable pilot (just in case) give it a try!



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..... On a second occasion, I followed them on their big loop back to the airfield and all three smacked in a few hundred feet short of the field. Pilots all survived tho- so it doesn't affect anything. Maybe they're just trying to force the upper echlons to give us some newer model crates.


I've noticed this. When not leading a flight I used to be polite and let my flight leader land first, so I followed on the wide circuit of the field and watched them all crash on approach!! :blink:

I thought this had been fixed but apparently not





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Really true, Zoomzoom? I would have expected they'd be like overfrozen. You really sank?

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Anyhoo, this may have always been this way, perhaps nothing new, and I had simply never tried it, but when I put her down in the river, there was a suprising splashing and skidding into the water with a very realistic wake, and after a nice soft stop, a slow sinking.


How did you manage the touchdown? I've tried to ditch several times but it's always ended badly. Every time my wheels touch, they dig in and stop, throwing me nose first into an instantly fatal crash. This despite trying to as slow as possible and put the tailskid in the water first.


I've read that most WW1 landplanes that operated a lot over water could jettison their landing gear so this woulnd't happen. Seems to have been a good idea, given my experiences :blink:

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Yeah guys, it was really cool. Granted, I landed real slowly, because I was nursing it in and it was very damaged....very much like a good landing at the home Aerodrome though....you know, a good long flare before touchdown. AND I landed in the river lengthwise...ie. down its length...not crosswise. I was expecting the same thing as you Olham...like hitting ice and rolling over to shore...but no...the wheels went in making a little spray and a wake as they dissappeared under the surface. Then the belly of the fuse skidded into the water, throwing out wake and spray as it sank, then the bottom wing sunk in and dissappeared as I came to a full, and quite a nice gentle stop I must say. If I'm ever in trouble and near a good sized river again, I think thats where I'm heading!! Of course I couldn't get a screen shot cause almost immediately as soon as you come to a full stop, the game exits. I don't know if its certain rivers, all rivers, or only large rivers that this is possible with, but get your disposable pilots out and give it a try. Getting this on video (or a still) might be like getting the next shot of Sasquatch!

Anyway, give it a try and let me know if you guys can re-produce it as well!



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Oh, and did I mention I was in an Albatros, simply the BEST plane in History. That might have made a difference too. :wink::biggrin:




Hey. Now that I think about it, I believe I still had the engine running when I landed. damaged but idling. Perhaps this made some difference as well.....as opposed to a complete deadstick.

Edited by zoomzoom

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Zoomzoom: Oh, and did I mention I was in an Albatros, simply the BEST plane in History. That might have made a difference too.


Now, that explains a lot! Of course that makes a difference! She is just the nicest little lady you could fly!

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Yeah, those dIII's are like a canoe with the plywood fuselage. Makes sense.

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Well, I did it again last night, "land in a river and sink that is", so it is reproduceable. Very cool Dev's....very cool. I made a temp pilot in an Albatros DV and put her down gently with engine ticking over at idle in a nice little river in Free Flight. And its a safe way to land in an emergency as I've never died doing it yet. Now.....where's my paddle?


ZZ. :no:

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