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Breaking Wind in the CP?

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Is it broken or not? or.. can it be improved.. or, would it actually be an improvement?


One thing in Rise Of Flight that impressed me was the CP sound effects. I don't know how real it is, but it just sounds impressive and believable, with the wind noise being clearly combined with the engine sounds.


I've never flown an open air plane, so have no idea.. would you be able to hear the wind, or would the engine sound drown out everything? But even if it isn't that real, it does seem to add a lot to the feeling of being up there.


The engine sounds in OFF are already top notch, but having heard the ROF sound effects, I like them better, but what do you think?


If you've flown Rise of Flight you can comment on the CP sounds.. like them or not?


Any desire to change the OFF CP sounds in any way?

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I like the CP sound effects in RoF. I've never flown in an open cockpit airplane but I used to ride a 80 CI Harley with straight pipes. About the same effect I reckon. I could hear the engine, but mostly the wind.



Edited by Cameljockey

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Indeed the CP sounds in RoF are excellent. Fortunately in the OFF Workshop you can adjust the individual volume settings for engine, effects, etc. So I don't see why with a little tinkering we couldn't get it to be the same or better. Might be a project worth looking into.



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I like the CP sound effects in RoF. I've never flown in an open cockpit airplane but I used to ride a 80 CI Harley with straight pipes. About the same effect I reckon. I could hear the engine, but mostly the wind.




We're working on this for the next phase, or an add-on. I've tuned the rotary and added in background wind louder than it was before, testing it solely on the new Fokker E.V. It's better, but needs more work.


I know what you mean about riding, also imagine that the pipes were behind you. I had drag pipes on my Magna, which is a 4-banger. It was as loud as a NASCAR, and all I could hear were the pipes. But some bikes that are quieter you can hear the wind. It all depends a where the pipes are. Most German crates using the Mercedes engine have them right in front of you.


I will speak with Winder and see about adding in more cockpit effects. It can be done, but I don't want to go too crazy as you wouldn't hear them with an engine roaring in front of you anyway. ;)



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The wind sound is the biggest thing missing right now. Currently, if you turn off the motor (or it dies) you have no sense of speed because there is no wind noise. Would be nice to have, but it should not be in any way tied to the engine speed...should depend on the speed of the plane irrespective of what the engine is doing.

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I've done a couple hours in a Stearman (PT17) and many hours in a Cub with the door open. With the engine running, even at low RPMS or idle on approach, I didn't hear anything but the engine. I felt the wind, but OFF can't replicate that. The only time I heard wind was doing a slip in the Cub and it was beating on the side.

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I've flown in a couple real open cockpit planes, plus a few far less-powerful ultralights. All I ever heard was the engine. That is, until the engine stopped. Then, just like in WW1 pilot memoirs, it was complete silence for a few seconds until my ears adjusted. Then I could hear the wind.


In enclosed cockpit light aircraft, I've always had to shout to be heard by the guy next to me. When the engine stopped, however, I could just barely hear the wind.


I've also flown a number of gliders. All had enclosed cockpits. I never heard the wind at all, even though I could talk to the other guy in a normal voice. But gliders are designed to be sleek, so even those old ones with wing struts didn't make the noise of a deadstick ultralight.


But I have a lot of high-frequency hearing loss.

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turn your engine and cockpit sounds down,,and turn your effects sounds up, and you will hear more.


but,,,not really sure you could hear that much wind over the sound of the engine..lol..ask wf2 next time she is around


i still want the bullet waves built into the game...........



Edited by sitting_duck

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turn your engine and cockpit sounds down,,and turn your effects sounds up, and you will hear more.


but,,,not really sure you could hear that much wind over the sound of the engine..lol..ask wf2 next time she is around


i still want the bullet waves built into the game...........




Yes, that would be pretty startling too. We do have the bullet hits and they sound good.


Just curious if any have any comments on the ROF sound.. I don't know, but it just sounds more realistic, for some reason, even if, as most of you say, you would mostly just hear the engine noise. The bike analogy is good, but I never owned a really loud bike.. a couple of dirt bikes were the loudest and I do seem to remember being aware of the sound of wind, but not sure about that, and it was usually only if I wasn't wearing a helmet.

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I have been a passenger in a Tiger Moth that stunted around (over the grave of Rex Boyden, Aussie RNAS pilot - a bit of a "tribute" I suppose) and travelling and stunting in an open air cockpit is noisy engine-wise, but not so much wind noise as when I ride my motorcycle (I always ride with the visor up unless it's raining). Noisy motorcycle too, but less noticeable than wind noise unless you are REALLY "fanging it". I don't use earplugs, as my hearing is already shot to bits, a result of playing in a band when I was a kid, and working for Qantas on the tarmac. I do sometimes wear my iPod earphones (might be illegal, I'm not sure. But the reason that it would be illegal is if it prevents you hearing emergency vehicle sirens, or the warning of the horn on a car).


Anyway. A motorcycle helmet reduces ambient noise a lot, but "funnels" the wind into your ears if you ride with the visor up. Like Bullethead suggested, in an open air cockpit, all you can hear is the engine noise, though you can hear the wind if the engine is cut off or idled right down.


I think the "realistic sounds" setting in Workshop is pretty good, and if the devs are working on the cockpit sounds, that's great.

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Yes, that would be pretty startling too. We do have the bullet hits and they sound good.


Just curious if any have any comments on the ROF sound.. I don't know, but it just sounds more realistic, for some reason, even if, as most of you say, you would mostly just hear the engine noise. The bike analogy is good, but I never owned a really loud bike.. a couple of dirt bikes were the loudest and I do seem to remember being aware of the sound of wind, but not sure about that, and it was usually only if I wasn't wearing a helmet.


Tsk Tsk - what other sim are you referring to?


I prefer OFF sounds now in 1.32 - far more varied (yes I have the other sim ) - and please dial in your preferences in workshops the weightings have changed.


The only sound 'expansions' coming up are engines and wind noise as indicated by OVS above.


All new craft have new engine and wind noise sounds - this will be part of the upcoming craft packs.





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Rabu, I wouldn't expect wind to be heard, while engine is on (but you should ask Womenfly2 - if you find her).

But I have often had to land my Albatros with engine out (Brisfits prefer to shoot into my Mercedes inline).

And then you hear the wind streaking over the canvas - try it.

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Rabu, I wouldn't expect wind to be heard, while engine is on (but you should ask Womenfly2 - if you find her).

But I have often had to land my Albatros with engine out (Brisfits prefer to shoot into my Mercedes inline).

And then you hear the wind streaking over the canvas - try it.


The only true comparison I can make is my bike. I road with a shortie (or a 'Brain-bucket as they are called) and no windscreen. So it was all hitting my face. It was fairly quiet until I turned my head, then it rumbled like hell. All I could really hear was my own pipes. But I could hear the turbulence of the wind over my ears.


I expect in a biplane that when the engine is off, you'll hear a good robust 70+ MPH wind through the wires, but with the windscreen to deflect it, it would only be as loud as that.


As we work each plane, we'll be looking into to is as Winder said.


All the best,



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Considering the headgear that the pilots wore it seems to me that wind noise would actually be minimal, like wearing a full coverage motorcycle helmet with a face shield.



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Rabu, I wouldn't expect wind to be heard, while engine is on (but you should ask Womenfly2 - if you find her).

But I have often had to land my Albatros with engine out (Brisfits prefer to shoot into my Mercedes inline).

And then you hear the wind streaking over the canvas - try it.


The ROF wind combination just sounds right, but I wanted feedback from others who have actually flown open CP.

The only place I've seen WF2 is over on the SimHQ ROF forum and I have this same question posted over there, even asked her specifically, but haven't heard from her yet.. see the next post.

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We're working on this for the next phase, or an add-on. I've tuned the rotary and added in background wind louder than it was before, testing it solely on the new Fokker E.V. It's better, but needs more work.


I know what you mean about riding, also imagine that the pipes were behind you. I had drag pipes on my Magna, which is a 4-banger. It was as loud as a NASCAR, and all I could hear were the pipes. But some bikes that are quieter you can hear the wind. It all depends a where the pipes are. Most German crates using the Mercedes engine have them right in front of you.


I will speak with Winder and see about adding in more cockpit effects. It can be done, but I don't want to go too crazy as you wouldn't hear them with an engine roaring in front of you anyway. ;)




That's good news, thanks OVS. :ok: Not sure if a bike would be the same, but seems like it would be similar as the speeds are not too far off when you get going down a freeway.

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Tsk Tsk - what other sim are you referring to?


Rise of Flight, but I'm not bringing this up as criticism or something that we can't change if it would be for the better. If the addition of wind noise/engine combination is realistic, or something that really adds to the immersion, it seems like a fairly easy improvement.. not like animated machine guns, animated light movement, river reflections, and some of the other ROF effects that would be difficult or impossible for us to include. And I'm really beginning to think that they may not be able to include many of the more historical dynamic game features that OFF has, but time will tell. To me, ROF has some outstanding features, but is extremely limited in just about everything else that OFF excels at.


I prefer OFF sounds now in 1.32 - far more varied (yes I have the other sim ) - and please dial in your preferences in workshops the weightings have changed.


I have only flown the Nieuports and I have set the Workshops to ambient sounds, and I also tried turning the engine sound down to 10, but could hear nothing comparable to the ROF sound of wind noise while the engine is running. When I get a chance I guess I need to fly some of the other planes.


The only sound 'expansions' coming up are engines and wind noise as indicated by OVS above.


All new craft have new engine and wind noise sounds - this will be part of the upcoming craft packs.






OK, sounds great. Again, I'm asking this with no examples to compare to in real life, that's why I was asking if any pilots have noticed the sound. The wind noise was one of the things that really struck me the first time I flew in ROF and I think it adds a lot to the feeling of being "up there." I posted the question over on the ROF forum (click) and I'm getting feedback there from some who say they are pilots and the wind should be heard.. are they biased toward ROF?

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Lucky you're in an open cockpit. Breaking wind in a closed cockpit is MURDER!



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