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A bombing raid on our neighbouring field

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Had to patrol behiend friendly lines two days ago. Right after takeoff, I spotted a flight of

4 FE2b heading north. Instead of following my route, I climbed up to engage them.

When I came nearer, they suddenly split up in two groups of two.

So I had to pick one group and tried to reach them. But now they went down pretty steep

to attack our neighbouring field Halluin/Rekkem. I could hardly follow, and couldn't stop them,

before they dropped their bombs. I heard that whistling, and "whoom!" had they destroyed a

tent. I managed to shoot down both of them, but meanwhile the other group bombed again!


Did they show such clever action before the Super Patch? To me, this was absolutely new.

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That's a very handsome new skin on the Albatros.

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Thanks, Hauksbee. It doesn't really fit perfect back to sides, but I'll adjust that later,

and then make it available.

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Wow, bombers that actually hit something! :shok:


In all the three or four bomber careers I've tried in OFF, not once have I hit the assigned targets with my devastating weapons of mass destruction (ie. bombs weighing a few kilos). That's one of the reasons why I prefer flying the scouts - I'm a lousy bomber. :yes:


Olham, I really like the colours of that skin. Too bad we can't (yet) have only personal skins in OFF...

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One day they'll find a way, I'm sure.


Have never tried a bombing campaign, but from my whole mentality I'm no bomber,

I'm a fighter. How is your Marineflieger doing?

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I'm a fighter. How is your Marineflieger doing?


Oberleutnant zur See Faber is still in captivity. I'm currently flying in Jasta 5 in summer 1918, my first D.VII career. The action is really intense and its a miracle the guy's not dead yet. Very different from 1916 and early 1917... challenging but also great fun.


I hope your Marineflieger has shot down many Nupes and so avenged my POW Oberleutnant. :biggrin:

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Just back from a great CAP. Our flight one got engaged by Pups from RNAS-9.

When I joined the turning, I could shoot one down.

Short after that, I saw two S.E.5a - so new, the claims report didn't even list them yet -

attacking ground targets with bombs. But once they'd released them, they could fight!

I had a helter skelter of a fight with them. Geeze, they are all over the place!

I fought both very agile, and thought I had downed both of them. But the report

"allowed" me only one. Perhaps the other was hit by ground fire - he suddenly burnt,

when I was not firing. Here's a pic.

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The crumpets must be really angry when they lose their brand new scouts as soon as they deploy them! In good hands, the Alb is a match for anything. :good:

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Wow, bombers that actually hit something! :shok:


In all the three or four bomber careers I've tried in OFF, not once have I hit the assigned targets with my devastating weapons of mass destruction (ie. bombs weighing a few kilos). That's one of the reasons why I prefer flying the scouts - I'm a lousy bomber. :yes:


Olham, I really like the colours of that skin. Too bad we can't (yet) have only personal skins in OFF...



:clapping: How can U guys talk about the bombers hitting nothing Only recently I manged to hit a tree albet it with the whole airplane. Kiddin a side, I dropped to 6000ft and look down as the engine of the plane crossed the target Bombs away (4) some hit on ocassion Carrick

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I really like this skin Olham


Has a WWIIish feel to her

Much like an Me 109


Good show with the Se5's!

I just had a good patrol

6 & 6, A&B Flights were looking for some trouble

A Flight turned around 1/2 way but with our 6, we still felt strong

Spotted 5 Se5's 1 O'Clock low

Send the Wingies after the TE Charlies and dove on the leader

The Se is really improved lately and puts up a stiff fight

Got the leader and 2 more, losing 2 and 1 wingie flew off

Then a flight of 4 more Se's showed up

Ran for a bit but they're too fast

They split, 2 attacking the wingies, 1 after me, and the 4th top cover

Called the attack and had a wild fight with 1 then the diving Top Cover guy

Ended up getting all 4 with no losses

Time for some captured Crown Royal!

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Wow, what a fight, Duce! The S.E.5a is a dangerous opponent indeed!

Did you have wingmen left to witness?

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Wow, what a fight, Duce! The S.E.5a is a dangerous opponent indeed!

Did you have wingmen left to witness?

Sure did!

The 2nd group of 4 Se's dove on our 3 reforming DVII's

After shooting down the initial 2, I turned and saw a wild DF, 2 on 2

Sneaking up on this gave me a big advantage and I bagged em both

So with no losses, we lit the afterburners and headed home

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