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Review at SimHQ

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shredward - Nice to read a terrific...and accurate review of this hobby of ours.


If one didin't already own OFF and had any inkling of interest in WW1 aviation, I can't see how they would have to run out and get it!




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Jens did a nice job there in a brief article. ...moving into “Classic Flight Simulation†territory here


Not bad !


BTW where does the link for the article show for you Shred? if I co to the main Simhq frontpage, or aviation articles? It doesn't show (even refreshing browser).

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Jens did a nice job there in a brief article. ...moving into “Classic Flight Simulation†territory here


Not bad !


BTW where does the link for the article show for you Shred? if I co to the main Simhq frontpage, or aviation articles? It doesn't show (even refreshing browser).


At the homepage, click on Air Comnbat Articles, then Air Combat Reviews. A little hard to find, but a truthful review.

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This maybe crosses into the P 4 wishlist thread, but I wonder whether what P4 really needs is a major sponsor backing it. I don't mean for the development side of things, thats all in very good hands, but commercial marketing. No disrespect to anyone involved, but it's disappointing that you gents are not seeing the type of return that Bhah deserves. It seems to me that OFF is well thought of in the flight sim community, but that's just a slice of what you could call a captive market, and a world away from seeing OFF appearing in shops everywhere with blanket appeal to new customers.


There also seems to be this unwritten expectation that OFF /BHaH is about to be overtaken by something bigger and better, but I'm not so sure overtaken is the right word. I actually think most regular simmers with an interest in WW1 will have both OFF and ROF, and both will be able to stand healthy comparison for some time to come. I have both, and fly both, and find my private analysis of what works and what doesn't is a big part of my enjoyment. It's interesting to see how people tackle similar problems from different directions. OFF BHaH has tremendous potential to deliver enjoyment for years to come and is a long way from being superseded.


It strikes me however the poison for OFF BHaH is the same old multiplayer issue which so badly afflicts CFS3. To my knowledge, that one issue alone is the main reason serious simmers walk away from CFS3. You spend as much time resolving missmatch conflicts as you do flying. I wonder if it is possible to dissable that part of the game, and overlay something much less rigourous. - Something which wouldn't stop a player entering a multiplayer game, but still observe some anti cheat protocols. Perhaps missmatching planes are barred, but replaced with an appropriate stock plane so at least the mission can always play.


Part of me thinks this could be done. Spawns in mission building can be written to choose generic fighters, or bombers. The spawn is not always aircraft specific, but aircraft type specific. Evidently there is an existing mechanism of choice built in, but whether or not this could be bastardised into something more functional is a lot more complicated. Even if the anti cheat protocol became part of the mission, you'd still need to kill off the main CFS3 protocol.


Do-able? I suspect not, but while I am aware of much intricate examination of what works and what doesn't within the existing CFS3 confines,- space marks in the XML's, naming conventions etc, I am unaware whether the anti cheat protocols themselves have been so intricately examined. I suspect it's hard coded and off limit due to copyright issues etc, but all the same, fixing the missmatch bane would be the biggest single step forward which any CFS3 derivative could deliver.


Is this a criticism of OFF? Absolutely not. BHaH has got layer upon layer of things 'right' and is a benchmark achievement you should all be very proud of.

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Powerful review.


"...the most comprehensive World War 1 sim in existence today" It's difficult to imagine a stronger endorsement than that!




Flyby PC - I think the real albatross around BHaH's neck is not the CFS3 multiplayer issue, rather it's the link to CFS3 itself. Unfortunately you effectively have to buy two different flight sims to play BHaH. Even though CFS3 is dirt cheap (if you can find it) you still have to have it. That must hinder sales when potential customers know they must also track down an obsolete sim to enjoy "the most comprehensive World War 1 sim in existence today".

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