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Fuel consumption

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i'm flying alot lately and the unreallistic thing that the fuel is never running out, is it real? even the fuel gauges in the cockpit are not working

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Which difficulty setting are you using?

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Use the wing leveler instead of the AP, fuel will burn off (depending on your difficulty setting).

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I use hard fuel consumption, oh yeah you use fuel. LOst track of how many times I glided into base in my F-100.

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I use hard fuel consumption, oh yeah you use fuel. LOst track of how many times I glided into base in my F-100.



With all that nasty engine noise gone, gliding in your F-100 can be a very tranquil and soothing experience...



...until you see green bolts flying past you and you realize that it is some miles to get back across your lines let alone to the nearest blue airbase. For me, it's off to the Parani POW cage again...

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They don't crash or land, but low fuel reserve makes them head for home base. They don't fight when they're short on juice. Your wingmen won't engage aftery they call "I'm bingo fuel"

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Still a pity that zero fuel doesn't seem to work for enemy planes. Fuel starvation is a great way to force the adversary to break of the fight and/or force him down. AFAIK I never saw an enemy crashing or making an emergency landing for lack of fuel...... Old issue, probably not going to be solvedno.gif


Hou doe,




They just try and run for it when they hit a bingo fuel state I have found - and become easy targets

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Still you can play endurance game with interceptors if your plane operates efficiently at low altitude.

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But only after a very long time and at very high speeds and/or power settings .even after having returned over friendly territory ,as far as I have noticed,


Hou doe,




Not from what I've seen. MiG-17Fs tend to breakoff after a few scant minutes of combat, and hoof it back to their airbases, often becoming easy targets for even the earliest-model sidewinders.

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What's their altitude? If you go with burner at 10000m the fuel can last much longer. Try doing full burner on F-15A ASL and you'll enjoy the glide.

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I'll try it out.

But Fulcrums are able to loiter for a very long time on internal fuel only at quite a distance (from their home base somewhere near the Polish border), where normally they would have only a few minutes time in combat (causing bingo fuel for me .....stars.gif ) and they head for home at very high speeds, often going west first and only turning East after a long detour. In F6 mode they are still at high speed over friendly territory when I have been back at home base for quite some time.... Gonna take a look at the amount of internal fuel and SFC, maybe that is the point.

It's not the most important issue though but it would be a nice addition to see an emergency landing foe for lack of fuel


Hou doe,




Sorry, forget about the whole thing. Issue was covered in June 2007 over at Thirdwire.

AI are different from the aircraft you fly and will NOT run out of fuel.

Pity is that running out of fuel of AI was removed from the game after a lot of complaints (!)

by players. By creating unlimited fuel the engagements can last longer and that was it.

So be it, no issue, sorry to have bothered you all,vava.gif


Hou doe,




PS: one thing I'd like to know though : in what sort of units is the TSFC calculated in the data.ini.

For the Fulcrum they are 1.260 for mil.power and 1.970 for full a/b i.e. a factor of 1.563,

while in real life the consumption in full a/b is a factor of than 2.68. (in kg/Kn/h) higher

than in mil. power.......

Edited by Derk

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