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Southside Bucky

Thanks for the new terrain, Stary!

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Dunno, 'bout Gibralta, but it makes a reasonable 'stand in' for northern Italy.


Now I can start using Laton's excellent Hansa-Brandenburg DI, AnsaldoSVA5 and the other relevant Italy/Austro Hungarian war planes.


Any chance you could have a go at producing a Tyrol mountains terrain some time in the future?


Thanks again for yet another excellent addition to the game. :clapping:

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Stary, thank you! A wonderful addition! The world has just got much bigger. I think you may have opened Pandora's box here.

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thanks guys, it's more of a TE test than serious work. And fellow Brits, forgive me giving Ceuta to the Germans so easily.

This map need real historical corrections.


Right now I'm testing the various DEM import resolution options, to have more detailed mountains mesh (essential for, example northern Italy or Istria map), but it seems we're limited here. Incresing the terrain mesh resolution on import "shrinks" the covered data, so it gives 50% or 25% map - ingame 250x250 km size map (FE standard) covers area of 500x500 km true world sat data. But 125meters heightmap resolution looks beautifuly, and also reduces that ugly sudden land features po-pups:

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Maybe Gepard or other terrain gurus would explain this further.

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Nice one Stary can I ask what is this in the readme


3a. Required files:


Iron Duke by Hinchinbrook


I just dropped the folder Gibraltar in my terrain folder and low and behold one great terrain many thanks

Edited by don246

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Really beautiful Stary. I just hope you can solve the size versus height problem. I am so looking forward to an FE Italian Campaign. :clapping::salute::good:

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Dunno, 'bout Gibralta, but it makes a reasonable 'stand in' for northern Italy.


Now I can start using Laton's excellent Hansa-Brandenburg DI, AnsaldoSVA5 and the other relevant Italy/Austro Hungarian war planes.


Any chance you could have a go at producing a Tyrol mountains terrain some time in the future?


Thanks again for yet another excellent addition to the game. clapping.gif



We need the snow toped ALPS!!!!!


Has everyone seen the light house in the Gibralter terrain?! Awsome!good.gif Just waiting for the trees and such. Excellent work I must say. The water looks great too. Many thanks.

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It's not the snow, it's the Alps that creeps me... Still fighting with various settings in TE, not much luck so far.


Those lighthouses are my creations, old objects I did in 2007 for abandoned Major Lee's DBS 2.0 mod, I can't help they're on during daytime. Engine limits :bad:


Same goes for searchlight I did few months ago.

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This might be far fetched. You seem to have enough on your plate right now. But could a version of the Gibralter Terrain be altered to look like the Channel?. Not that the Gibralter Terrain isnt good, but maybe Green up the terrain a bit and add some cliffs on the northern coastline? I was always surprised no one ever added the English coast to any map. Flanders or even Cambria. It would be good for Gotha missions and Handly Page missions. There were lots of Home Defence aircraft that could be used.

Maybe sometime in the futuregrin.gif Just a thought. Good stuff Stary. Good stuffgood.gif

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Time depending. Good Channel map would require lot of research about forces and units, together with a lot more cities and so. But who knows...

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THANK YOU!!:notworthy:


Very nice map!

I nearly can feel the heat of the Mediterranean. :heat:



Keep up with your excellent work! (But take the time you need!)




Edited by matzeb

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As for the Channel map idea - I think one could add some target areas and aerodromes to the coast of England in Gepard's Flanders. There's pretty big flyable zone untouched.

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I have to post again how much I love your Gibraltar, after I have flown over the harbour of gibraltar for the first time.

There you get a realy good feeling!


Thank you again for your attention to detail. :good:



Here one very nice impression of the port with the lighthouse and the battleship.


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We Need those Seaplanes now. yes.gif I wonder what's happening with those? They would look great with the ships and ports.good.gif

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Are floatplanes supported by engine? I think I saw Rufe with floats variant somewhere long time ago.

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Too bad I'm banned from that site... :cool:


Anyway, I cracked the 125 meters heightmap resolution, check the attached shots of test terrain (top-left map corner: 11E 49N), map size 250x250 kilometers full size. 125 meters terrain resolution as opposed to default 500 meters makes difference. View range set at 35 km.


Sorry for large pics.

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That is AWESOME!!! :yikes:


It just makes you wanna fly in it, without any objective!

With this terrain FE will surpass the visual experience of any of the current WWI sims...


Re-read your post Stary, what the heck are you apologizing for large images for???

Edited by B Bandy RFC

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Those look amazing!


Floatplanes work, I've been able to get the Felixstow to successfully land & take off from close to shore.


Positioning the landing gear points so that the boats 'settle' in the water properly takes a bit of testing.


When I'm back from my honeymoon :grin: I'll get back to it.

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Simply beautiful (drool), definately looking forward to this. :yikes::drinks:


You said the view is set to 35km, how ???

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Simply beautiful (drool), definately looking forward to this. :yikes::drinks:


You said the view is set to 35km, how ???


























































^^of course works only on very far horizont distance settings, and may require some extra power, but my system ain't fancy one.


also it doesn't work ok on every map, seems it's related to the .hfd file resolution, but worht trying. With HDR plugin on, sudden framerate drops may occur, so turn it off in the case


@B Bandy:


old habit from modem times :wink:


@Laton: have a nice honeymoon! :clapping::drinks:

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Thanks. I want to see what my new PC can handle (Intel i7 975 CPU and ATI 4890 Crossfires).

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@ Stary,


I've tried the flightengine.ini tweaks mentioned above (and is the same in the Gibraltar readme if not mistaken), but they cause my fps to drop to the teens while on/near the ground, and by half (from 40's to 20's) in the air with only an occasional rise to the 30's. It looks beautiful, but the performance hit is just too much.


I've tried to dial some of these tweaks back a bit (the clip and farscenedetail so far) to between stock and your recommendations, and have recovered some fps. BUT if you happen to know, what variables in you mod have the biggest hit on performance???


Now, you mention turning off ENB series also, but do you mean the effect itself (shift-F12) or just remove the files? Some have posted that there appears to be a fps benefit by just having the files in the game folder, with the effect not activated, and from what I see this is may be true. I'm still on XP (for now) so not getting all the benefit from what I've heard...


My rig is not top notch, but not a slouch either:

XP Pro (looking forward to 64 bit...)

2.66 x 4 GHz Xeon processors

3 GB RAM 667

XFX 4870 1 GB

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Too bad I'm banned from that site... cool.gif


Anyway, I cracked the 125 meters heightmap resolution, check the attached shots of test terrain (top-left map corner: 11E 49N), map size 250x250 kilometers full size. 125 meters terrain resolution as opposed to default 500 meters makes difference. View range set at 35 km.


Sorry for large pics.



Austria and northern Italy, looks like they're on the way. Those valleys look amazing with that lighting. I can almost see an Avaitik DI flying by.good.gif

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