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Just Installed the Final Version of TrackIR 5 Software

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Based on the recommendations here, I installed the TIR5 software for my TIR4 and Pro Clip hardware last night. Not much experience to go on yet, but I so far agree with what's been said--the #5 version of the software seems to work way better than the #4 version.


I haven't found a way to import profiles from #4, but in my case this doesn't matter. The "Default" profile that comes with the #5 software is IMHO ideal for OFF and FPS games without modification. I suppose it would also work for anything else, too. However, if you don't like it, editing seems rather easier than in #4 due to the redesigned interface.


In operation, the #5 software is MUCH smoother in panning than #4. Also, with the "Default" profile anyway, it's just more comfortable and natural to look around where I want to. In #4, I sometimes had to crane my neck unformtably to look behind me, while angling my eyes back hard to see the screen. And near the extremes of vision, sometimes the view would go in a different direction than I wanted. NOT SO in #5. There are no contortions needed, you can always see the screen easily, the view always goes where you want it, and there are no "blue jaggies" along the sides of the fuselage when you look down and to the sides. It's MUCH easier to track a flat-turning enemy while you're doing a high yoyo over him. Me likes.

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Thanks RAF Lou and you other chaps contributing to this useful and timely thread. I've recently strayed from the fields of Flanders into somewhere in the Balkans (I think) in the next decade c/o Arma2, which is a seriously heavy state-of-the-art first-person infantry combat simulator (generally you get hit once and you're dead). This has awesome graphics but is noteworthy for being the first FPS to enable TIR, so you can for example run forward but look around you while doing so. I am utterly crap at it but it makes an interesting change (and you get to play with lots of cool stuff inc tanks and an F35). There are Arma2 forums and MP squads with a very serious approach to training and teamwork, and TIR5 is heavily recommended. So both for OFF and for Arma2 I'll give the TIR5 software a go on my TIR4Pro as you suggest, thanks again for the info. Will hang on a while to see whether some sort of consensus emerges as to the cost effectiveness of upgrading to TIR5 hardware.


PS Widowmaker, I'm having a carp crisis and can't catch 'em. Why have I wasted 35 years of my life mostly horizontal next to muddy water?!

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Thanks guys. I am convinced...going to install version 5 software now.


Bigfish2...Arma2 sounds interesting. Is it variable with good replay value like OFF, or just a bunch of scripted scenarios that you play a couple of times then chuck the game in the trash after a few weeks?

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77Scout, check it out Arma2 official website. It started off some years ago as Operation Flashpoint. I guess it's like OFF but without the planes (now why would you want to do that I ask myself?); you can run/drive around a few thousand square miles of beautifully rendered terrain, and the campaign works I imagine along same principles as OFF or Bob2 - ie if you rerun a scenario something different happens each time. It's not like those FPS games where streams of WW2 Germans keep leaping out at you, you shoot them, some more appear, you shoot them and so on, and you find you're only able to progress down a scripted route. The game engine does proper bullet physics etc., and it all looks scarily photorealistic, especially with "blood" set on "high"!! I'm a really nice guy, and war is a very bad thing, so it's a mystery why this stuff is so fascinating, isn't it? But I still love OFF the most.

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Guy's there's a group over at simhq


that get together and play on a regular basis.

I haven't joined them yet, but they seem like a pretty good group.

I played OFP for years and have Arma2.

My only problem with Arma2 is the last time I played for a while I started to get motion sickness.

Just hope it's not a sign of things to come.




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Wow!! Arma II looks amazing...great visually and a full range of freedom of movement. I think I need to order this for some entertainment this winter. I see a WW2 mod is coming out; that would really be up my alley.

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I ordered my copy through Amazon, but I was out at the Walmart in Langford in other day and noticed they had it in stock for the same price. You might want to give your local wally world a ring.

I was surprised any one on the island would have it in stock, seems most of the shops only have console games these days.



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I've installed the TIR5 software and run my TIR4Pro hardware with it, using their default profile. It's definitely smoother and more accurate so I'm sticking with it. Thanks chaps for your lead on this one (and excellent support from Naturalpoint).

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I´ve read that when Arma2 came out it was totally bugged and unfinished,nearly unplayable.Whats the situation now?Are there patches that will give you a better gaming experience? Greetings

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I´ve read that when Arma2 came out it was totally bugged and unfinished,nearly unplayable.Whats the situation now?Are there patches that will give you a better gaming experience? Greetings


A bit off topic. But with the indulgence of other mates here I'll give my opinion.

Firstly it was not totally bug or unfinished at the release. The campaign did have some bugs but most were ironed after 2 patches.

There are still bugs and performance issues that need to be addressed. But BIS devs are known for their commitment in supporting their games. So one thing you can rest assure is that they will support and will solve most of the problems with time.

ARMA II is a fabulous and a very ambitious mil sim project. It's the only real sandbox mil sim experience you have in any platform. Besides, there's an all community creating missions, addons, modd, that turn ARMA's II life expectancy from a couple of months of play into years of great gaming experience.

Today they released another patch, the fourth, where they ironed and improved a few things.

ARMA and OFF are two unique experiences in terms of immersion and playbility. That's what I want and expect in modern gaming.


DerMo of you want to know anything more about ARMA II just PM me and I'll be glad to answer.


Thank you gentleman.

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Sorry, my fault for leading us up the garden path re Arma2! Von Paulus' reply was very interesting and he knows much more about it than me. I've patched the "out of the box" copy with 1.30 which is a massive one, and I'm pretty sure the developers are top notch in terms of support and development, judging by their previous "Operation Flashpoint". They do proper sims, not games. Like our lovely OFF developers, of course.

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Thank you Paulus and Bigfish.Thats what i wanted to know.I think i´ll give it a try..And now back to topicgrin.gif


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