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is it worth it.?

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ok you lot...now i dont have vista coz i hate it,always stuck wiv xp..so..as ya knows, i have n fly the whole series 1 stuff..wov/woe/woi all with lots ov sexy sexy mods n stuff...so do i reeeeeeallly need series 2 ,does it make mucho difference to anything ?...i know for the price there a bit ov a bargain,but am i gonna say ohhh wow so much prettier or am i not gonna notice anything .?


ANSWER ME ...NOW !!!!!! :crazy:



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ANSWER ME ...NOW !!!!!!




a) is gonna get further patches. AI, FM...

b) already has a few new features that first gen isn't likely to get. Like new RWR, or plane wreckage.

c) makes it easier to install prepared mods

d) allows merged install.. which needs a bit of fixing but works

e) Win7-ready. With SF2I some new effects will be thrown in (possibly DX10 only)... http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=305637&id=187224385202&ref=mf

f) once TK is done with remakes, he plans to roll out new modules for SF2 series.


What the remakes so far don't do is improve the looks of terrain :no:

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ooohhh..them faceybook screens look yummy...ok..gonna give the vietnam one a try as never really got into wov much so this may turn me....plus at currency conversion rate its only £12.82...bargain





xx v xx

Edited by racindriver1

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first off I'm glad to see you are back, I had heard you had a bad car accident a few months ago.


Personally I am waiting for TK to release a game with major improvements - like a new terrain engine- then I will make the move over the the new series.


I spent countless hours modding my games to get them to where they are now.... I am very happy with the results and I do not wish

to do it all over again.


In the meantime there is a thread that gives instruction about making the new mods compatible with the older series


Just my opinion.

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  On 9/25/2009 at 8:11 AM, racindriver1 said:

ok you lot...now i dont have vista coz i hate it,always stuck wiv xp..so..as ya knows, i have n fly the whole series 1 stuff..wov/woe/woi all with lots ov sexy sexy mods n stuff...so do i reeeeeeallly need series 2 ,does it make mucho difference to anything ?...i know for the price there a bit ov a bargain,but am i gonna say ohhh wow so much prettier or am i not gonna notice anything .?


ANSWER ME ...NOW !!!!!! crazy.gif





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  On 9/25/2009 at 8:11 AM, racindriver1 said:

ok you lot...now i dont have vista coz i hate it,always stuck wiv xp..so..as ya knows, i have n fly the whole series 1 stuff..wov/woe/woi all with lots ov sexy sexy mods n stuff...so do i reeeeeeallly need series 2 ,does it make mucho difference to anything ?...i know for the price there a bit ov a bargain,but am i gonna say ohhh wow so much prettier or am i not gonna notice anything .?


ANSWER ME ...NOW !!!!!! :crazy:




I bought SF2 Europe as the old version stopped working on my Vista machine for some weard reason. Apart from re-learning old tricks in a new way (if that makes sense!) I've had no problem. Obviously you'll not be able to stay with XP forever, and of course it's debatable how well even SF2 will run on the next MS operating system! :dntknw:

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The second gen stuff works perfectly on XP. I was waiting for W7, but they stopped offering the release candidate for download, I simply couldn't wait til late october and bought all the 2nd series.


I'm finding it easier than I thought to port over all my stuff(minus the decals), but its still time consuming. Not having a weapondata or gundata ini is a giant improvement for installing mods.


I didn't think it was worth it at first, but the focus of new mods is SF2 and all the major stuff is being made with it in mind, so I'd say yes.

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