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European multiplayer

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Hi All,


I wouldn't usually post about multiplayer here in the General Discussion folder, but seeing as it's where most people gather, and given that not that many seem to wander into the MP folder, I thought I'd do it anyway (dodges bricks...).


At the moment, there's a small but dedicated bunch of players who are doing multiplayer, mostly Stateside, with games hosted by Vasco, who's UK based. A while ago, he offered in the MP folder to run midweek sessions for anyone over on this side of the pond (ie, the murky wet one with good access to continental cheeses and wines), and players on mainland Europe. The response was pretty underwhelming, except for a few American players who already do Sunday evening sessions.


Come on chaps - here's your chance to show off your flying and fighting skills/make a complete arse of yourself** flying for the King/Kaiser/Republique! If you've ever fancied finding out whether mulitplayer is for you, here's the perfect opportunity to find out. Set up is straight forward and flying with other people is a sublime pleasure. So take the chance, and see if you can survive Over Flanders Fields, in the company of like minded people...


** delete as appropriate

Edited by themightysrc

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So, how is it done and where could I find more info about MP? I live in Germany and although I'm nor much of an onliner neither a good dogfighter, well someone has to be the target after all!! Maybe it'll help me to improve myself too if I fly MP from time to time.



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Hi ET,


Go into the MP folder and have a look at the MP stickies at the top of the page - they explain it quite well.


Having done that, you should PM Vasco (our gracious host) and see if you can arrange a time when he can help you configure your MP bits and pieces. It's quite straightforward, but it helps if you have someone guide you through. I'd definitely recommend downloading Teamspeak first (a cinch to set up) and getting hold of a headset which has both earphones and a microphone.


See you soon - plus any other players you can persuade to come out to play :)

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Hi chap's count me in once i've figure out how to get online.

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Nice one RD,


Put yourself in Vasco's capables - he makes it easy for new players.


Look forward to seeing at the airfield!


tally ho!

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I would like a go a multiplayer sometime (I am in the UK). But I have had the game less than a week and I bite-wind at the moment. I'll get some practice in and join you soon.

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"I would like a go a multiplayer sometime (I am in the UK). But I havehad the game less than a week and I bite-wind at the moment. I'll getsome practice in and join you soon."




Fab idea - nip over to the MP folder and check out the latest Vasco thread. He da bomb, as the young persons say. If you chat to him, he'll be able to steer you right.


As for getting practice in, well, I'm a completely rubbish pilot and shot and I had a great time on my first MP sesh. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know on here or via PM.




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good.gif Id like to give it a go. since my computer overheats, I cant do any long flights. I am in( USA) so the time differance might be a problemthis.gif

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Count me in! Can't see myself getting into ROF multiplayer as it frankly seems a little limited.


Is multiplayer on OFF pure 2 team combat... or can you fly missions against ai? Would be great to try multiplayer in a 2 seater.

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Dutch of Black Haze (a long established RB3D squadron) have given us permission to use their TS server for our day-to-day comms and mission running - details are available over in the Multiplayer forum. I'm currently on the server and will help anyone who wants to test their MP installation.


Stiffy, we fly co-op missions against the AI, and yes we multicrew 2-seaters online.




Vasco :pilotfly:

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It's a lot of Fun, but you can mostly forget the two combat teams, it's mostly co-operative missions, head to head is out, Due to Latency the same pilot would always get the dirty end of the stick.


However the availability of the server, changes everything


That suits me fine! i'd much rather play co-op as a squadron against AI I'll try to get multiplayer up as a priority when it arrives!

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Just done my first Mp flight tonight and it was great,can't wait till tomorrow....

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Well, nice to see another satisfied customer!


I'll be there tomorrow at 7pm GMT.


Still time for others to get into this - come on chaps, you know you want to...

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I'd love to join you guys but unfortunately I cant get MP working, followed all the instructions but just crashes when I try to start it!

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odd that it should crash only the multiplayer. single player works fine... dont forget I'm running a dual core, far better than a single core 2ghz... Dont think there was much as good as even my dual core back in 2002

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Don't worry Stiffy we'll get you up and running! The main obstacle right now for you and other would be players is Teamspeak. It is impossible to participate in MP games without it.


As far as your rig it sounds like you are running one that is similar to mine so you should be able to join eventually.


I run a 4 gig intel dual core processor with a Nvidia 9800 1 gig video card. I have 4 gig of RAM and 4 gig Mghz. I am also running Vista 64 Premium with no problems!


Once you get on TS one of the guys will sort you out quickly!



Edited by Axgrinder

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