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Air War over europe campaign

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Someone should work on some campaigns based on the bombing raids over europe Allies over Italy Germany and German raids over poland ,russia and so forth

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good idea....we got the bombers,Targets, AA, Fighters, etc for it...Ive got a V1 thats available...with launch rails...(and damage.lod)

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I'm getting back to the Tunisia map pgrade reaaaaalllly soon now. Really, I promise!!!


It covers eastern Algeria to eastern lybia (a few hundred km east of Behghazi), Sicily and Italy as far north as Rome. In fact, the northern/eastern city limits for The Eternal City it "THE WALL" (and yes, it has a river running through it. Just one) . So, for playability, I've declared Rome an "Open City", so there's no stargetic targets for bombing raids.


As to North/Western Europe, the EAW WW2 map could use retiling to modern WoE style with all the nice trees and suchlike, but we CAN live without that; but a complete and utter rebuild of the targets ini to something more histoically accurate as to major industiral centers, troop concentrations, etc, etc, and of course, etc.


Gepards BoB map is just bit too small, but nearly good enough for a Battle of France, maybe??


Conversly, one could possibly rebuild the stock GermanyCE map for 1940, although 98.6% ™ of the airfields in the UK would be missing



kevin stein


EDIT: after looking at the map, ALL the UK bases would be missing, as England itself is missing from the map!! So, that would limit us to pretty much just Germnay attacking Poland, then the "Phony War", and the advance through the Low Countries and France.

Doable? Sure!!

Edited by Wrench
added a detail

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Ok...I must correct myself...


Looking in my Terrain Editor folders (note, that's PLURAL!!), it DOES appear I started some retiling of the EAW Euro, adding some 'clear zone tiles' for the airbases. But as the citylist is pretty wrong, I'll have to rebuild that, and locate each airfield, then retile, then adjust the airfield positions to match the center of the tiles (they're the VietnamAB and a custome single AB tile I made for use with runway3s)


Gonna take a LOOONG time to fix, but it looks like I've already started!!


I am NEVER gonna finish Tunisia at this rate!!!! :rofl: To say nothing of the indo-pak map!!!



kevin stein

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Ok....yet another stupid question ....


what did the Luftwaffe call their bases??? Is/was there a 'generic' term, like RAF Station Duxford or something like that?? Or the German word for airbase? Flug-something???


that'll help me locate them faster, if I make those edits in the targets and cities ini ... make retiling go faster!



kevin stein

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Flugplatz I think is for airbase?..ie.Flugplatz Munchen...Flugplatz Bremen

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My guess would be the Flugplatz = airport and Flugfeld = airfield. But we've got plenty of native German speakers who will be able to help.

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I took a look at Gepard's BoB, and he use "fligerhorst" (sp?) So, that's what I used. It's easly changed back when finished.


Here's the tiling I was talking about .... I'm actually about halfway on redoing the airfields (guess I just plane forgot about it...) I've gone through 130 of the 255 target area, and still rebuilding the citiesini


Please forgive the color mismatch ... I plan on repainting it a darker green to try and match the BN series tiles. This is one of the LW airfields in France. I'm going to have to go over each airfield, as there's a LOT of runway4s used, and as per usual, they don't fit within the 4 AB-1 tiles, and need some twising around to fit properly.


Once I get everthing retiled, then is just a matter of flying over EVERY airfield, and recentering them to the 0 point where the 4 tiles meet. Exept for a couple I changed to runway3, and have one of my 'special' tiles, and 1 tile will fit a runway3 on. With just a little space left over.

And tods for said tiles. (yes, those are trees in the surrounding, renamed TODs from Stary/Brain's Germany Farms and Fields mod -- still needs more TODs for the regular BN farms and rivers and cities and whatnot.



kevin stein

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Yes, "Fliegerhorst" (with "ie") is the correct term (Flugplatz is only used for civil airports)!

(btw: "Horst" is - in this case - the german word for nests of birds of prey - especially eagles ["Adlerhorst"]. And it's a name :grin: )

And remember: nouns are always written upper case in German!

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Thank you Shaolin!!!


Some will be different, like Paris-Oley, Le Bourget, Cryodon, Prague, Berlin-Tempelhof -- they just get called "airport". Cause I'm pretty sure that's how they started life. The bases in England just get "RAF ***" (even if eventually used by americans, like Bassingboure, etc)*.

Also added RAF Rhoose, cities of Cardiff and Bristol -- as they were already tiled, but nothing was there. Now Russo can fly over his hometown! (and we can look for Torchwood HQ)


Now, I've got to figure out WHICH cities and bases are in Germany proper, as I've added another location to the Nations ini; Germany itself, with UK and "Occupied Europe" --that makes it a little simplier than trying to figure out which is is what country (although, France, Belgium, Netherlands would be easy -- just eastern europe I'd have a problem with!)



kevin stein


*note to self -- add advert sign at Duxford "Future Sight of Duxford Museaum - coming in 1977"

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