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Duce Lewis

Another OFF Immersive Moment

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Just when you thought you've seen it all...


It was a balloon buster we took off and there were bogies all about

Albatross, DVII's, and Dr1's, and a nice big dogfight

Mixed in there was a poor hapless flight of Spads getting their clocks cleaned

I noticed that they had an diangonal stripe of red and yellow across their upper planes

No need for us, so we flew on

Crossing the lines, A Flight got stupid and dove down towards 2 flights of Spads

I wasn't happy as we should proceed to the balloon, but we moved to engage

Well, they weren't diving towards the Spads but OVER THEM!!!

Yiles!!! so we reversed and dove for our lines with 2 flights of Spads in hot pursuit

We didn't get far and when they almost reached firing range, I called the attack

Now WE got our clocks cleaned!!!

Tried to stay high and spread my rounds out to different targets

...but eventually 1 of them shot up my engine

Luckily the fight dissipated and I snuck out, my trusty wingman catching up to me

Sputtered, chugged, and clunked over the frontlines when a bogie appeared dead ahead

He was alone so figuring with the wingie present ...I didn't bother to evade

Turned out to be a Spad, tensions rose as we closed, passed, ready to jerk into a turn to engage

But nothing happened!! we passed within 1/2 mile of each other and both just flew on

Then I saw his upper plane ...red and yellow diagonal stripe

He was probably just as shot up as I was and didn't want anything to do with a fight either

And my good ol' wingie stayed put too as if he knew that I needed protection

How much real can you get?


Thanks guys, this sim is a gem!! Salute.gif

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Great story and lots of action drinks.gif


Totally agree about this sim. Salute.gif

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+1. Fantastic action, great story telling and a wonderful sim.


Thanks for sharing, itifonhom

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Nice you told this - yes, you can get surprised by this sim!


My very best moment of surprise was, when we patroled over the line.

The sun stood at the sky like a huge white glow, and gave me an uncomfortable

feeling. So I was somehow on my toes, but still felt a freezing shock, when

suddenly tracers crossed my path, as if the sun was firing at me!


I pushed the stick hard. When I saw the SPAD VII, it was so large already -

how could he get so close unnoticed?! It roared over my flight and went into a

steep dive and away. Impossible to follow in an Albatros. Gone.

A sand SPAD VII - Guynemer, the lone wolf? I was totally thrilled for the rest of

that flight. What a moment!

Edited by Olham

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Thanks guys

OFFF provides the action, we just try to survive it


Olham, that was quite a realistic moment

AI knows hit and run tactics ...amazing!


Anyone else have any immersive moments to share?

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Anyone else have any immersive moments to share?


Once upon a time, I did "lead by rank" and was a low rank myself. I remember one time we were cruising along over Hunland at high altitude and I spotted a flight of Albatri climbing up at us from astern. My CO paid no heed so finally I circled back and made a pass at the Huns from behind them, whereupon they all did split-Ses and were no longer a problem.


But now my flight was way ahead of me and another flight of Albatri were swooping them. My buds dove for the lines instead of fighting but the Albatri were faster. I dove after them but could only pace my buddies, not gain on anybody. As I dove, I saw them go down in flames 1 by one, like the X-wings in Star Wars. But I was too immersed to realize this was a stupid idea--I was trying to help my virtual buds. It wasn't until the last of them was dead and all the Albatri turned to face me that I realized how stupid this had been. Had I kept doing, the Huns would have all been safely below me as I crossed the lines. Fortunately, I was able to make a forced landing just across the trenches after being thoroughly shot up.

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As I dove, I saw them go down in flames 1 by one, like the X-wings in Star Wars. But I was too immersed to realize this was a stupid idea--I was trying to help my virtual buds. It wasn't until the last of them was dead and all the Albatri turned to face me that I realized how stupid this had been. Had I kept doing, the Huns would have all been safely below me as I crossed the lines.

They're no more than electrons in a rock (silicon chip) yet somehow we cherish them

Yep, that's immersion ...or insanity tease.gif

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Well Duce,

it would be even more insane if we'd start the Great War again, just to have the experience of flying crates around, so I prefer the silicon version! :-)



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Mnay a time I've dove down to help out a wingie in trouble

Thought has crossed my mind "What am I nuts?"

Maybe a little of both factors


A couple weeks ago I was returning alone when I spotted 2 DVII's down low harassed by 5 Se5's

Pushed thge nose over and heard the Superman music as I dove to the rescue

1/2 there 1 DVII belched smoke and augered in, almost there the 2nd burst into flames!

Now I'm surrounded by 5 angry Tommies ...I did hit the 1st one rather hard though

Wonder how many RL Aces would've passed this over?

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Wonder how many RL Aces would've passed this over?


MvR for one I bet!!

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talking about immersion, go into the credits section and listen to the 3rd interview. especially to the latter part when he talks about the dogfight itself. when i saw this glimpse i had to make a pic because i immediately had to think about this interview at that moment. another prove what a great job the devs had done



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Short story. Recently on a Scenario mission Our Fokker DVII's against Spad XIII's I saw German AckAck blow a Spad out of the air a short distance in front of me. I almost cheered.

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On my last sortie, I had a HOTAS malfunction that make my control inputs only work intermittantly. But this just added to the immersion. I rationalized this as a turnbuckle stripping out on the control cables or some such that killed so many pilots. And of course, I'm hardwired to think, "I coulda landed that." So I flew the damn thing down to a "good landing" (as in I walked away from the wreckage) instead of just jumping out of the game, DiD pilot and all.


Take that, Zoomzoom! drinks.gif

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MvR for one I bet!!

I agree, but my #1 choice would be Udet

Nothing to do with his later transgressions

Just to survive that long, one must be very cautious


Short story. Recently on a Scenario mission Our Fokker DVII's against Spad XIII's I saw German AckAck blow a Spad out of the air a short distance in front of me. I almost cheered.

For all the times I've been hit by friendly fire, you'd think I'd seen this just once

That must of really made you sit up in your seat

Was it a close call for you too?


On my last sortie, I had a HOTAS malfunction that make my control inputs only work intermittantly. But this just added to the immersion. I rationalized this as a turnbuckle stripping out on the control cables or some such that killed so many pilots. And of course, I'm hardwired to think, "I coulda landed that." So I flew the damn thing down to a "good landing" (as in I walked away from the wreckage) instead of just jumping out of the game, DiD pilot and all.


Take that, Zoomzoom! drinks.gif

Good un Bullet

Crash landings are part of RL and can be as much fun as a DF

Hope P4 can eliminate the auto exit to the OFF Manager

What functions did the gremlins eat anyways?

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For all the times I've been hit by friendly fire, you'd think I'd seen this just once

That must of really made you sit up in your seat

Was it a close call for you too?


No Duce, It was in front of me but not close and he was riddling a squadmate of mine at the time. I was just formulating an action to get after him and save my countryman and then, pow. That was settled. I've seen it before but kind of perrifally (sp). This was in my clear field of view.

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Finished the main mission with about seven hundred rounds remaining, no claims, and on the return to homefield three Escadrille 26 Nieuport 17s dive out of the low clouds and start strafing our airfield. Three of us, three of them. I order my wingman and klingon to attack the two Nieuports that were flying together while I dove after the 'lone wolf'. Nice little viscious fight develops, I've hit this guy in the tail, the fuselage. Finally he arcs up right in front of me, about 70 feet away and I manage a good solid two second burst into his engine and cockpit. Smoke and a sideslip away as I turn hard, figuring he's done. But no, he's diving again for the parked machines. I still have E, so I drop the hammer on him, rolling over to follow him down...about ten whole rounds and I hear CLIC CLIC, but the rounds appear to have shredded his right aileron it seems and suddenly he's swanning down. Then I saw where he was headed in his death throes...one of the hangar tents and envisioning the mechanics in there all I could think of was 'Get out!'. Sure enough the N17 crashed in flames right at the mouth of the hangar. Crazy.

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Anyone else have any immersive moments to share?


Yep, just had one. Actually, I've had two in the past couple of days, but one involved being on the bad side of Jasta 2...we won't discuss that one...:glare:


I've been flying sort of a retraining campaign, (since it's been awhile) so was flying out of character as a British pilot, N17 with Lewis gun. In the middle of a strike mission, being tail ender and having nothing else to do, I spotted a single EA nearby and below, heading towards a friendly airfield. I tried signals, but apparently the flight leader and others were oblivious to this choice target...so...I broke off and dove on him. Just as I was well and truly committed to an attack (proved to be an Halberstadt...) 4 of his closest friend appeared, low over a nearby treeline and heading right for me. :yikes:


Just as I was thinking it couldn't get much worse, it did. The sky turned black with Archie from the airfield below. So, here I am...head swiveling like Linda Blair to try and keep them in sight and closing on my intended victim from above and behind. Then I see two of them go down to ground fire, one in pieces and the other in flames. So, figuring I might as well continue, I closed on the first plane...got very close and fired two rounds at him (they went high, darn wing mount...) Just as I let off the trigger, the Halberstadt just disappeared in a cloud of bits and a puff of black smoke. Apparently the Archie fellows were having a good day, and by some miracle they didn't hit me as well. I've never seen that happen before...especially so close.


Then, as I climb and turn towards the last two, one of them apparently decided to break off! He just turned tail and ran, so I pulled sort of a roll (missing the tree tops by at least 10 feet or so...:ohmy:)and got behind his friend and shot him down with about half my ammo. I could still see the last one, so decided to chase him. Somehow I caught up; he must have been damaged. Oddly enough, there was one of my flight-mates hovering around him, but not shooting. I made a couple of passes, hit him hard but he wouldn't go down. When I pulled off, he was heading for the lines, doing a good imitation of a dolphin while trying to miss the tree tops. Being out of ammo, I figured there was no choice but to head for base... but WOW! I was actually sweating when this was over...:heat:

The whole thing was over in probably 6 minutes, but it seemed like hours. I really liked phase II, but this is a bunch better. I'm glad I got a new rig put together and decided to give this a try. Also glad to find this new forum (yes, been away since the last one crashed or something)...now off to check my screenshots.



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4 of his closest friend appeared, low over a nearby treeline and heading right for me. yikes.gif


Just as I was thinking it couldn't get much worse, it did. The sky turned black with Archie from the airfield below. So, here I am...head swiveling like Linda Blair to try and keep them in sight and closing on my intended victim from above and behind. Then I see two of them go down to ground fire, one in pieces and the other in flames. So, figuring I might as well continue

OFF sure has a way of changing the odds fast

Course if your head swivels like Linda Blair's, it's a walk in the park, eh?

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What functions did the gremlins eat anyways?


All of them. TIR still worked but the HOTAS was completely dead a lot of the time. No stick, not rudder, no throttle, no nothing. They would work for a bit, then quit, then work again. See my thread on the Saitek HOTAS Tune-up thread.

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On my last sortie, I had a HOTAS malfunction that make my control inputs only work intermittantly. But this just added to the immersion. I rationalized this as a turnbuckle stripping out on the control cables or some such that killed so many pilots. And of course, I'm hardwired to think, "I coulda landed that." So I flew the damn thing down to a "good landing" (as in I walked away from the wreckage) instead of just jumping out of the game, DiD pilot and all.


Take that, Zoomzoom! drinks.gif



Excellent work Bullet!....SaluteSalute.gif



And the "I coulda landed that" contest continues.drinks.gifgrin.gif






PS.. "I coulda landed that one with my free hand and my best girlie in the other arm..."

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