snapple2993 0 Posted March 13, 2004 Never said that special interests dont serve a purpose, and never said that they shouldnt have influence, just not so damn much. Chief your view has consistently been that the defense of this country is the #1 issue, and that the military is the most important thing. I'll say it again, "In this country the government is created by the people for the people, and the military is a tool of the government" Thats all it is, it is never in the best interest of any country to grant the military any significant amount of political power. Dictatorships are formed this way. When the military becomes the most important and defining part of country it is time to leave. Perhaps you would have done better in Sparta or Prussia. The framers never intended for our military to be so big or influential. Nor were we supposed to be the Police of the world. For the military to ever be considered on high, we would have practically burnt our own constitution, this is how we got the 2nd amendment... to prevent any possibilty of any military influence on civilian life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
navychief 1 Posted March 13, 2004 I never said the military was the most important thing. But you must agree that 9/11 changed things. This country had never been attacked so savagely (save for Pearl Harbor, of course). Things are different now. I believe that there will be another attack even worse than 9/11. I apologize if I offended you. NC Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
navychief 1 Posted March 13, 2004 Abortion: Don't agree. I believe it should be up to the woman. Afirmative Action/quotas: Totally agree. Defense (Homeland security): I agree to a point. Yes, it is not all what it is cracked up to be; but it needs to be improved and strengened. Again, times are different. Defense (Military): I agree Economy: I agree. Education: I agree. Gays: I agree. As far as the issue with Gay Marriage? Marriage should be a man and a woman, period. Civil unions? Whatever, but leave the sanctity of marriage alone. Gun Control: I agree with your stance on gun control. Go after the criminals who have them. Iraq: I'm not really sure what to think about the Iraq war, other than it's already happened, nothing we can do about it, so we might as well stop complaining about why or whether we should've gone to war. Medical Issurance: If Canada is any indication, you had better hope we do not go to nationalized health insurance. North Korea: Don't agree. Do not underestimate North Korea. Seperation of Chruch and State: I personally think it's out of hand. Almost too much political correctness involved with it. Social Security: 100 percent agree. UN and our "Allies": Totally agree. And the UN is more than just corrupt. It is inept. NC Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Fates 65 Posted March 13, 2004 OK...well..this is why a political forum just aint gonna happen. You can never find a moderator for it...and if ya could, we'd all vote for him/her as President. Keep it civil. Keep it safe. <C> Fates Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vegasbob 0 Posted March 13, 2004 UN is corrupt and inept.........then why hasn't George withdrawn our country from the UN? The other countries in the UN are closer to the middle east than we are so they should be more afraid of terrorist attacks. Spain just found out what the cost of being our ally is at this point in time. north Korea is where our military should be occupied at this moment. They have WMD's. Health care: Let people buy drugs from wherever the hell they want to. Force insurance companies to reduce their rates and pay when a claim is billed. Insurance companies are the ones who make all the money. Guns: Give the cops the best weapons available (whatever the military uses). Mandatory death penalty for any felony. We are overpopulated and we might as well start with the bottom of the barrel. Economy: The lack of high paying jobs prevents people from spending money on things they would like to buy therefore hindering the economy. Welfare: regulate it. When I go to the grocery store and see people buying crab legs and lobster tails with their welfare card, I want to beat the crap out of them. I cannot afford to eat that well. Education: being a math teacher in a high school setting, my hands are tied when it comes to discipline. I do teach, parents do not help. I'm also burried in paperwork on a daily basis. add in the 2 weeks per year that mandatory testing takes place and I don't have time to teach. Abortion: There are too many kids running around unsupervised and unparented as it is, why make it worse. Allow abortion. Environment: If environmental laws are not enforced, overpopulation not corrected, alternative fuels not found (it's amazing what soybean oil can do), then the rest of the issues won't matter anyway. Have a great weekend........and VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snapple2993 0 Posted March 14, 2004 You know writing a 300 dollar check that bounces is a felony in Florida... do those people get to visit the chair? Just a joke Ya I left out the death penalty. I'm against it but not from the POV that is usually expressed. Murder rates spike after a publicized execution... for some reason the freakies freakies come out of the wood work and get crazy ideas. This is a fact. Save the sells for rapists, and white collar criminals, and theives. 1st time Murderers get thrown in with them to teach'em a lesson or two. Real Freaks like Dahmer need to be studied, becuase they do have some mental dissorders, that if discovered could be prevented in the future. Repeat offenders of murders (2 or more) get the death penalty without any appeals, unless they serve a scientific purpose... like Dahmer. What could be more degrading then being a lab rat??? Im for legalizing all drugs, and taxing them like cigs and booze. Not everybody drinks and smokes, doesnt that mean that not everybody is gonna turn into a crack head? And stem cells are a great thing! Oddly enough all of this points back to religious POV, KEEP THY RELIGION UNTO THYSELF! As George Carlin says. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vegasbob 0 Posted March 14, 2004 Religion is another story alltogether. It would be great if the Christians would keep their religion to themselves. Unfortunately they are in Muslim countries church planting and getting themselves into heeps of trouble. Remember the two girls that our soldiers had to rescue from the taliban. Church planting. They wanna go back!!!!! Crazy people. I know that the death penalty shouldn't be used on every felony. I was joking on my last post a bit. My problem is that multiple felons seem to keep running right out of the prisons and back into society. After the 19th offence, they might get a just sentence of 2 years probation. I'm a reasonable man. instead of death penalty for all felons, mandatory life sentences!!! how's that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
navychief 1 Posted March 14, 2004 Why hasn't George withdrawn us from the UN? Good question. I wish he would. NC Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snapple2993 0 Posted March 14, 2004 Hey Jesus cant save everybody, let'em keep trying, but dont let'em ask for help when they get into the sh*t. Life sounds good, but a modification of the laws is needed first. Too many laws, and alot of people are doing time for stuff that is minor, like having a bag of weed. Save the prisons for the real criminals and not the ones that dont abide by christian morals. Ever heard "I had to go to prison to learn how to become a criminal" not a joke, Prison is like a university for small timers, and then we let them out, they pull bigger jobs and maybe we catch'em again, and then they go back in and learn more. Kinda odd how some kid busted for stealing a car (just an example) for a couple hours goes to prison and comes out a bank robber. Stick'em in for good, but only the ones that really deserve it. Especially white collar criminals. Blue collar crime costs this country in the 10's of millions, White collar crime is nearing a billion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vegasbob 0 Posted March 14, 2004 marijuana needs to be legalized. That would take it off the street and put drug dealers out of business. Then the Tobacco farmers would have something else to grow since their business is declining. If the government regulated it like they regulate alcohol, there wouldn't be a problem. We could use it for paper products as well and save some forests. You are right about prisons as schools for criminals. Prisoners can also go to college for free. Isn't that nice of our prison system!!!! I should have killed someone so I could get my degree for free. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snapple2993 0 Posted March 14, 2004 Hmmm, thats an idea, since I cant get financial aid. Judge: "what do you plea" My attorney: "Guilty, by reason of free college" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vegasbob 0 Posted March 14, 2004 might have trouble finding a job though!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snapple2993 0 Posted March 14, 2004 HAHAHAHAHA!!! The irony, I'm gonna have that once I graduate college anyway... THANKS A BUNCH "W"!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seawolf 0 Posted March 14, 2004 Cowboy's carry guns... guns scare people. Seawolf I can criticize you when your presenting a misconception and I said "state-approved textbooks". I fail to see how experience has anything to do with something that happened more than two centuries ago. What? You've got a dozen years or so on me... so you got more TV time? Is that the experience factor? Exactly what misconception?? TV Time?? lol you have no idea kiddo ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites