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Good Riddens

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Families get closure, tax payers don't have to keep feeding him and he get what he deserves.


I agree 100%!!


Why does the public have to wait so long? 7 years, a short time compared to many others. I say get it done 6 months after sentence is given, especially if the DNA and all other scientific evidence matches (you know, the usual stuff that is checked when they think a person may not have done the crime).



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"The anticipation of death is worse than death itself."



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"The anticipation of death is worse than death itself."



I bet the guy who said that had never died before


Personally, i don´t favour death penalty, it sounds some kind of grim having the state to cause a death on purpose,

legally meaning just that, so does euthanasia, in example. I just find it dirty. It is not a matter that he deserves being executed,

wich i think does. I don´t think that there is anything wrong on a "selective assasination", to me, an assymetrical warfare combat

kill, but an execution is just not the way i would make it.


However, sometimes there is nothing wrong on a mislead bullet.

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I bet the guy who said that had never died before


Personally, i don´t favour death penalty, it sounds some kind of grim having the state to cause a death on purpose,

legally meaning just that, so does euthanasia, in example. I just find it dirty. It is not a matter that he deserves being executed,

wich i think does. I don´t think that there is anything wrong on a "selective assasination", to me, an assymetrical warfare combat

kill, but an execution is just not the way i would make it.


However, sometimes there is nothing wrong on a mislead bullet.



What about a Public stoning?

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20 mins and this man is OUTTTTTAAAAAAA HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So long screwy see yeah in St Louee!!!!

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This was too good for him, they should of let him ride the lightning. And they ought to fry that kid too.

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May he not rest in peace :diablo:

Edited by hgbn

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This was too good for him, they should of let him ride the lightning. And they ought to fry that kid too.


nah, Gulag on him!

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This was too good for him, they should of let him ride the lightning. And they ought to fry that kid too.


Kid copped a plea deal.

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Guest Eject

May he not rest in peace :diablo:



The more appropriate term is not NOT REST IN PEACE; rather, and I like the term someone out there in the Net coined, Rest In PIECES!!! (especially if the Xe-cutioners -- six sharp shooters) used each the new KRISS (Search) .45ACP Sub-machine guns in Full-Auto mode, and from a distance of maximum 20 yards. Six full magazine, each 20 ammos, pointed at the -- excuse me Dave -- two-legged animal who drank beer and ate Double Whammy! Really dropped in PIECES would he. Let alone if the sharp-shooters used the Frag Ammo!


Btw, a Jewish professor just managed to PROOF that DNA "signature" can be forged! Meaning, even if the authority made the attempt to prove someguy's DNA, it is not a hundred percent fool-proof. Go to HARETZ newspaper in Israel. I do not recall when the report was published.

Edited by Eject

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this man should be executed by burn his body

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He would not even confess before he died? Pathetic. The evidence was as I understand it overwhelming.

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Guest Eject

The more appropriate term is not NOT REST IN PEACE; rather, and I like the term someone out there in the Net coined, Rest In PIECES!!! (especially if the Xe-cutioners -- six sharp shooters) used each the new KRISS (Search) .45ACP Sub-machine guns in Full-Auto mode, and from a distance of maximum 20 yards. Six full magazine, each 20 ammos, pointed at the -- excuse me Dave -- two-legged animal who drank beer and ate Double Whammy! Really dropped in PIECES would he. Let alone if the sharp-shooters used the Frag Ammo!


Btw, a Jewish professor just managed to PROOF that DNA "signature" can be forged! Meaning, even if the authority made the attempt to prove someguy's DNA, it is not a hundred percent fool-proof. Go to HARETZ newspaper in Israel. I do not recall when the report was published.


Oops came back late Dave, the word PROOF is a Noun, it should have been PROVED (Past Tense). See? My English really got rusty and rusty man.

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