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Rememberance Day

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They shall not grow old, as we who are left grow old.


Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.


At the going down of the sun, and in the morning...








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Lest we forget.


I remember doing the dawn service and that bugle still sends shivers down my spine. You could see the old diggers just reliving certain moments in their minds as that sound resonated through the morning air. Although i never got to see any overseas action, i often asked myself could i be in their shoes and perform the deeds and actions that they and their fallen comrades performed?

I'd like to think i could...........


we will remember them, without them we may not be here.

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The flowers left thick at nightfall in the wood

This Eastertide call into mind the men,

Now far from home, who, with their sweethearts,


Have gathered them and will do never again.

- In Memoriam -

Edward Thomas


We will remember them :salute:

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Here's to all the poor men killed for the pride of nations.


The men who died to fight oppresion.


And the lads now fighting for the greed of oil.


Would be nice if lessons where learnt one day.


Rest in peace.

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Here's to all the poor men killed for the pride of nations.


The men who died to fight oppresion.


And the lads now fighting for the greed of oil.


Would be nice if lessons where learnt one day.


Rest in peace.


While I pretty much disagree categorically with all your reasons for thinking why wars are were and are fought, I'll defend to the death your right to say it, because then I get to say my piece, too, and life would be pretty boring if there was nobody to disagree with grin.gif .


In the US, 11 Nov is a day for thanking living vets for their service defending the unworthy from things they have no clue about. Those of us who have friends and/or family who were KIAs, we remember them on the last weekend in May. A few others might, too, if they can pull themselves away from watching the Indy 500 or however else they're spending the holiday weekend.. When I was little, 11 Nov was a holiday, but it no longer is. Shows you how corrupt our culture is,

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While I pretty much disagree categorically with all your reasons for thinking why wars are were and are fought, I'll defend to the death your right to say it, because then I get to say my piece, too, and life would be pretty boring if there was nobody to disagree with grin.gif .


In the US, 11 Nov is a day for thanking living vets for their service defending the unworthy from things they have no clue about. Those of us who have friends and/or family who were KIAs, we remember them on the last weekend in May. A few others might, too, if they can pull themselves away from watching the Indy 500 or however else they're spending the holiday weekend.. When I was little, 11 Nov was a holiday, but it no longer is. Shows you how corrupt our culture is,



Sorry I should have been more specific which wars I meant lol


WW1 was a war of pride. It just didnt need to happen (in the words of the great Blackadder "It was just too much trouble not to have a war")

WW2 was a war against oppression. In this war we were really and truly fighting for the freedom of our nations.

As for oil... if it wasnt there, the UK and US wouldnt be there either. I'm not suggesting that the troops arent also removing oppressive regimes, of course they are.... but a little naive to think that is the only reason... (I dont see troops in North Korea... oh wait lol,,,no oil..)


Whatever the reasons for a war, its the soldier that suffers for the sins of governments and the soldier that shows the bravery.


Wearing my poppy with pride!

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In memory of Pvt. Prentiss G. Thompson 5/18/1891- 12/03/1918 Bar-Sur-Aube AEF

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Today is the day to forget the whys but to remember those that gave selfless so that we may live...


At 11am I was stood at the cenotaph in Leeds paying my respects as I always do. To those who have passed on may you rest in peace now that your work has been accomplished.

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It's not often I put a suit on... not often I'm quiet for a whole minute either! I make today the exception every year.

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