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No, whats wrong with THIS picture?

what would you do?  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. what should the punishment be?


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They say imitation is the sincereist form of flattery, but I just dont see why someone would lie about this.




Pretty obvious the guy has aspirations to be noticed... working for the USO helping entertain the Troops will SURELY get him the attention he so deeply desires for the US Military.


Just imagine the verbal beating he will take when the Marines get a hold of him.



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Choke the a-hole with one of his fake medal riibbons.

If I ever meet one here, I see no reason to temper myself

and I would gladly do time just for kicking him under the pavement....

They're everywhere, every country has its share, some

wannabe walking around with ribbons or medals I and others had

to "work for", is asking for some capital punishment imho...





(proud UN Bosnia veteran and proud wearer of the Dutch

Purple Heart equivalent. See profile pic.)

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Cannot stop being angry, these type of people really piss me off!


If you want attention, apply for Idols, the circus or a game quiz.

Want to be proud of your uniform. then actually SERVE!

Whether the Fire Department, Police, Medical Services or Armed Forces.

If not, be happy with your life, be that dull bank employee and DO

NOT parade around like a dressed up circus monkey. You'll run

into the wrong people one day and get what's coming to you!

The law will be the least of your worries then!


[angry mode off...]


Phew, there it is. Now, I understand he's facing charges and

I understand that wearing an uniform and medals if not

"earned" gets you a hefty sentence and/or fine in the USA.

Very good, wish that was implemented here in The Netherlands






PS: You don't get respect just by wearing something, you have

to earn that privilege. Both wearing the uniform, and getting

the respect.

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a couple of years ago I helped expose a fake SEAL. that worthless piece of human debris is now a long term resident of the State of California Correctional system.

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I second the good man Muesli on this...


I have mates who have fought and not got a thing as in the UK we dont get medals like in some other countries but there was one guy over here who did pretty much the same thing... But nothing was done to him as is said they are in every country I did a tour in both Bosnia and one in Kosovo and all I got was a well done... to be honest I was happy with the fact that I had done my job to the best of my abilities and the people I was with respected that... In my opinion anyone like this should be publicly humiliated and slapped in a set of old fashioned stocks and have rotten veg thrown at them...

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Pretty obvious the guy has aspirations to be noticed... working for the USO helping entertain the Troops will SURELY get him the attention he so deeply desires for the US Military.


Just imagine the verbal beating he will take when the Marines get a hold of him.




That would dishonor the service that those genuine USO personnel provide and diminish all parties involved to a distasteful degree.


I did not vote as the option I would've chosen wasn't available. Short of any judicial punishment he is likely to get, he will soon be if he isn't already "terminated" as an employee of RobaBank. I have a cane I'd like to exercise on back of this tools head.

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Dude was a pogue. A beatdown at the hands of Marines will make everything right again.

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Hard labour for this guy. Have him work his butt off until he gets sick and tired of the military and can't even stand the thought of dressing up like one. I've never served and would never insult the memory of all those who died in my country's service by dressing up and strutting around like some decorated hotshot. And he even made up stories about his deployments! Very weak...

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Here are a couple more pictures of this POS. One as a Lt. Col. and one as a Master Gunnery Sergeant, along with some affidavit papers. This joker even has a blog about his "combat experience" in Iraq and Afghanistan.







Whatever punishment this lowlife gets, it should start with Marine Corps Boot Camp at Parris Island. His Drill Instructors should be let in on what he did. Words cannot even begin to describe the disgust I feel for this coward who has the unmitigated gall to publicly wear his Stolen Valor.


Thank you for listening.

Take care,


Edited by C2Aaircrew

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Give this guy hard time not at LEVINWORTH but I say at Portsmouth let the Marines there at him... This is just sick

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The LibTard trash from HollyWeird thought it was funny enough in "Wedding Crashers" and did little more than a hollow appology after some backlash. I think this case should be high visibility in the MSM, though it likely won't be. Today, despite photographs and affadavits he plead "not guilty".


Posers get called out all the time there have been many on several forums I've been on and currently still active on. Annonymity of the internet provides safe haven as they rarely if ever face any true justice. This tool was not only found out, but had a case building against him and he didn't even know it until the hammer dropped.


I think he deserves a public caning broadcast on all media outlests without censorship so that all may know that this s**t don't fly. Then he should spend his community service on a chain gang during the day and cleaning bed pans at the local VA Hospital at night. No contact with the Veterans he dishonored should be allowed. This disgraceful POS deserves far more than he'll ever get in the way of retribution and far more than he'll have to produce in the way of restitution.


His full citizenship shold be revoked and should be downgraded to that of a Naturalized Citizen. Freedom is NOT free and this low life exercised his freedoms on the blood, sweat and tears of generations of service members that gave themselves so that the citizens of this nation as well as others may be free to experience freedom. This waste of oxygen needs to bleed a little (if not a lot) for this kind of fraud and others of his kind need to see this example get caned as a lesson of what will not be gently dismissed by the legal system.


A sack of doorknobs would be too good for this dirtbag.

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