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Albatross Albatross...

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Okay what did the Germans make them out of ??? I just completed a flight and emptied my trusty Strutters guns into one at what would normally be a fatal shot into an Alba D11 and the thing just shrugged them off...!!! :blink: Ho hum was an ace flying as well and then a Nieup 17 comes blasting in and guns it out of the sky no problems... after I did all the hard work!!! not fair. Oh well these things happen and I will learn how to get them...

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Hahaha!! Der Dsherrmann planez arr made of Ironwood, mein Herr!

Ant you Crumpetz viss only der one gun may find itt hard to doo damadge to us!


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Hahaha!! Der Dsherrmann planez arr made of Ironwood, mein Herr!

Ant you Crumpetz viss only der one gun may find itt hard to doo damadge to us!



Damn unsporting of you old chap...

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may be related from the FAQ:




1) Do NOT use a "No-CD" version of CFS3.exe many are old V3.0 and WILL CAUSE ISSUES with OFF. You must use a V3.1 CFS3.EXE as found on a purchased CFS3 DVD or CD. .....[sNIP] If you find you cannot hit the enemy when very close, again this is due to an old CFS3.exe. Usually a NO-CD type. Please use an original purchased CFS3.

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may be related from the FAQ:




1) Do NOT use a "No-CD" version of CFS3.exe many are old V3.0 and WILL CAUSE ISSUES with OFF. You must use a V3.1 CFS3.EXE as found on a purchased CFS3 DVD or CD. .....[sNIP] If you find you cannot hit the enemy when very close, again this is due to an old CFS3.exe. Usually a NO-CD type. Please use an original purchased CFS3.


Thanks ooh didn't know about that one... anyway I have a new copy still shiny shiny and I am not running the no-cd patch... as I read it could cause problems...


I was hitting the crate saw the puffs of smoke coming off it... just seemed strange as I can normally take down Halbs with about 50 shots... and I finally got a flamer and that was a Halb...


Halbs Easy :grin:

Abla's Hmmm interesting... with the Kevlar armour... :lol:

Edited by PACMAN

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Okay what did the Germans make them out of ??? I just completed a flight and emptied my trusty Strutters guns into one at what would normally be a fatal shot into an Alba D11 and the thing just shrugged them off...!!! blink.gif Ho hum was an ace flying as well and then a Nieup 17 comes blasting in and guns it out of the sky no problems... after I did all the hard work!!! not fair. Oh well these things happen and I will learn how to get them...

Is this a regular occurance with Albs or a one time event?

Lot of variability in OFF

Sometimes they burst into flames

Other times you end up throwing your boots at em

Also helps to get real (white of their eyes) close to make every round count

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Ze vite in my eyez?!? You vant to see ze vite in my eyez??!!??

Zenn - look behind youuu!!!


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Ze vite in my eyez?!? You vant to see ze vite in my eyez??!!??

Zenn - look behind youuu!!!


Impozzible mein Baron

Ven ve get der little Nieuport 28 der only Albatrozz behind me vill have thick black zmoke billowink out

But don't vorry, you have great new invention too ...der parachute


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Well, I've never had problems with Albatri getting hacked to pieces by Nieuport 17s, bursting into flames and crashing.


Admittedly, it's when I'm the Albatros pilot.

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I was hitting the crate saw the puffs of smoke coming off it... just seemed strange as I can normally take down Halbs with about 50 shots... and I finally got a flamer and that was a Halb...


Halbs Easy grin.gif

Abla's Hmmm interesting... with the Kevlar armour... lol.gif


When it takes you a huge number of hits to get 1 kill, it's almost always because you're scattering them out all over the plane instead of concentrating them in 1 small area. This is mostly a result of firing at too long a range, or being too drunk to hold your aim steady. Also, due to the way hit boxes work, it's possible for the rear part of the fuselage to protect the :vitals" (pilot, engine, and fuel tank) from shots from behind, even if in real life it wouldn't stop a bullet. This is more likely for the Albatros than the Halberstadt because the Albatros fuselage is so much wider. Finally, airframe components like wings required more bullets to take out than the vital parts.


The single Vickers of Entente planes also fires rather slowly compared to a single Spandau. Because of this, the odds of each average burst inflicting serious damage on the target is pretty low unless you can hit the vitals. Otherwise, you have to try very hard to hit the same part on the airframe several times in a row over multiple passes.


Basically, planes with 1 Vickers are analogous to being armed with a penknife. If the enemy stays at arm's length, you can give him lots of little cuts all over but while he'll be sore in the morning, none of them do much to impair his ability to continue the fight. If you get in close, however, you can slash his throat. That's how you have to fly these planes.

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Basically, planes with 1 Vickers are analogous to being armed with a penknife. If the enemy stays at arm's length, you can give him lots of little cuts all over but while he'll be sore in the morning, none of them do much to impair his ability to continue the fight. If you get in close, however, you can slash his throat. That's how you have to fly these planes.


Nicely put. :good:

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Thanks to be honest I have only attacked one once so not really sure just one of those questions...


Can be hard to get a Strutter at point blank with Alba...

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may be related from the FAQ:




1)  Do NOT use a "No-CD" version of CFS3.exe  many are old V3.0 and WILL CAUSE ISSUES with OFF.   You must use a V3.1 CFS3.EXE as found on a purchased CFS3 DVD or CD.  .....[sNIP] If you find you cannot hit the enemy when very close, again this is due to an old CFS3.exe. Usually a NO-CD type.  Please use an original purchased CFS3.

 I have a purchased CD that containing only V3.0 I had to download V3.1 and something like 3.1a from the MS website. Does this means I have the same problem due the old V3.0 software. 











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Can be hard to get a Strutter at point blank with Alba...


The best way is to go for high-deflection snapshots. In my experience, 2-seaters in general, including the Strutter, are slow and have poor roll rates, but have outstanding turn rates and very small turn radii once you get them banked over. They have no trouble turning way inside a fast scout. So here's what you do: let the Albatros come to you cool.gif .


After a pass, the Albatros will certainly overshoot you. As he goes by, turn to follow more or less behind him, but don't try to shoot because he'll be out of effective range and receeding due to his higher speed. He'll almost certainly go upwards at the same time--don't follow him up. Instead, you might want to go into a shallow dive to build up a bit of speed, which if nothing else improves your roll rate, which you're about to need.


At some point, the Albatros will turn 1 way or the other to come back down at you. As soon as you see him commit to a direction, you turn as hard as you can the same way to get your nose way out ahead of his, staying more or less level. What you're trying to do is cut across the diameter of his turning circle, as if you were trying to ram him where you meet. Bank to keep the Albatros easily visible between your wings, use elevator to keep his path angled 90^ to yours, and use rudder to keep him in the same spot on your screen, near your 2 or 10 o'clock. Pick out one of your struts as a reference and try to keep him lined up with it. Objects on a collision course have no relative movement, and collision courses close the range quickest. Hence, the need to hold him still. At first, you'll be way out of range and off target, but no worries, because you're on a collision course so that will shortly change. As you get closer, the Albatros will roll and pull more toward you, so that by the time you're in range, you'll be looking straight down on his upper surfaces.


As you close in, slack off on the rudder to let the Albatros slide around closer to your nose. This is important for avoiding a collision, because it allows you to cut just an RCH behind him after you shoot. I like to shoot when the Albatros is so close that I can't see all his iron crosses due to my wings. As you shoot, get off the rudder entirely so the Hun passes across your nose at the last instant. I open fire when the tip of his nose is about at my 1 or 11 o'clock, try to hold for a split-second with his nose in line with my gun (so I hit the cockpit), then kick opposite rudder to pass behind him, releasing the trigger as I do. Usually, I don't collide with him grin.gif .


With a single Vickers, a pass like this will only fire about 6 bullets. However, assuming you've aimed well, most of them will hit the vitals. Even if you don't kill him, you'll at least take the wind out of his sails, making him relatively easy to finish off next pass.

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That I understand Bullet but I have a habit of chasing after everything I see and if they are flying away from me and dont see me its quiet interesting chasing them... my usual firing range is :-


Wait until you see the whites of their eyes and then get close enough to tell what colour eyes they have...

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 I have a purchased CD that containing only V3.0 I had to download V3.1 and something like 3.1a from the MS website. Does this means I have the same problem due the old V3.0 software. 


No. That's why you need to update to 3.1 before installing OFF ;)


However if you then used a no-cd .. and that was from the old v3.0 you have the problem back.

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No. That's why you need to update to 3.1 before installing OFF ;)


However if you then used a no-cd .. and that was from the old v3.0 you have the problem back.

Ok thanks means no problems on my rig here. 

Edited by Dutch_P47M

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