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Anti Aliasing not working with me

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I am running SF2V but have not the best AA-performance.


I already checked out that my drivers (NVIDIA 8600M GS) are most current. The card's setting is to let the 3D-app decide.


Okay, it's not THAT much of a disturbance, but I'd at least try out to smoothen the lines...


Any recommendations?

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I am running SF2V but have not the best AA-performance.


I already checked out that my drivers (NVIDIA 8600M GS) are most current. The card's setting is to let the 3D-app decide.


Okay, it's not THAT much of a disturbance, but I'd at least try out to smoothen the lines...


Any recommendations?


The latest nvidia drivers are broken. AA does not work with them. I have the same problem.

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Yo' kiddin'!?yikes.gif


Hum, and what to do now? Revert to some older version (where would one get one and how could one revert?) or wait for a new one to come up?

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Go to nvidia's site and click on the link for beta and archived drivers, right under where you put in your card and OS in the drop-down lists. Grab one of the 18x series drivers. I'm running the 182.5s right now, but the 186s are fine too.


Apparently the web is full of complaints about the nvidia 191s. FSAA failing, BSODs in many games, really ugly.

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My dear simmers! The solution is out there! I just downloaded the new beta 195x drivers and AA is working :clapping:

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This thread had me look into my own drivers and see what I was running. Apparently I was several behind, despite updating a few weeks ago.


Got the Beta 195 drivers and am installing now.



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Good to see my question is answered not only to mine but more people's benefit... grin.gif

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Wow, I'm seeing quite a difference. Looks great. Thanks for the suggestion about the driver upgrade.

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Hum, yesterday evening I updated the driver to the 195-version, too. But I don't see ANY difference!


Checking the card's properties show the new driver IS installed and system working - still I see the same "steps" on the plane's lines...


Any more input maybe? (I had such high hope and then that... How disappointing.)




edit: I don't assume reverting to the 186-version would be of any benefit, as Biggus saw it (the 195?) working so good... Right?

Edited by stingray77

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There is no way in hell I'd go backwards, FWIW.

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So what version did you update to? 186 or 195?


I checked on the NVIDIA-page again - both should be working with my 8600M GS... So why don't I see any improvement? I can hardly believe that "this is the best it goes"...


(Hey, and this really bites: I didn't worry TOO much about this, until I learnt that it CAN be improved. Now I DO want to get this improvement too......)

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So what version did you update to? 186 or 195?


I checked on the NVIDIA-page again - both should be working with my 8600M GS... So why don't I see any improvement? I can hardly believe that "this is the best it goes"...


(Hey, and this really bites: I didn't worry TOO much about this, until I learnt that it CAN be improved. Now I DO want to get this improvement too......)


check you enbseries file in your mod folder. Put the AA in there to 4 or 8.

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Can you please specify what exactly I should check/change. What's the "enb series"?


Mange tak.

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Can you please specify what exactly I should check/change. What's the "enb series"?


Mange tak.


Did i say the enbseries.ini. Ops i meant your option file in your mod folder. There should be an entry called AntiAlliasing.

But if you have a enbseries.ini file then put AA in that one aswell to 4 or 8.

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Okay, I'll take a look into my /Options - and if I can find some "enbseries" somewhere... (Never heard about...)

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Okay, I'll take a look into my /Options - and if I can find some "enbseries" somewhere... (Never heard about...)


if you'r using the HDR mod you have it.

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No (or at least: not that I know of) - I am running SF2V with "only" the Air and Ground War Expansion Pack 2.0 and a few aircraft skins added.


I am not fully aware if the HDR is something Eric and Co have been using for the Expansion Pack.

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No (or at least: not that I know of) - I am running SF2V with "only" the Air and Ground War Expansion Pack 2.0 and a few aircraft skins added.


I am not fully aware if the HDR is something Eric and Co have been using for the Expansion Pack.


Oh. Well you can find it in the download section. It gives a really good fps boost ingame.

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Ah - I see... And can find it in the Downloads - just for SF1 only. Anybody knows if it works with the SF2-series, too? edit: I just saw that it also works for the SF2.

Furthermore this doesn't cure my "general" problem with the AA, or will I have to live without a good AA, as long as I don't add HDR!?

Edited by stingray77

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Ah - I see... And can find it in the Downloads - just for SF1 only. Anybody knows if it works with the SF2-series, too?


Furthermore this doesn't cure my "general" problem with the AA, or will I have to live without a good AA, as long as I don't add HDR!?


Odly enough they put it in the SF2 Terrains section. Here is the link. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showcat=408

You have to download the right version of it depending on what graphicscard you have.

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Yeah, I found the one for my NVIDIA (1.01A of Sep 25) - still I wonder if my system (HP Notebook with Dual Core 2.5GHz T9300, 2MB RAM, 512 MB NVIDIA 8600M GS) is high end enough.

Falcons warning: "This mod is intended for high end computers and high end video cards starting with 8800GTX and forward on. If you install this with a low end computer, don't go crying about it because I warned you." (1.00 though) made me think twice...


I just downloaded it and try to find sth. in the readme.......

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Yeah, I found the one for my NVIDIA (1.01A of Sep 25) - still I wonder if my system (HP Notebook with Dual Core 2.5GHz T9300, 2MB RAM, 512 MB NVIDIA 8600M GS) is high end enough.

Falcons warning: "This mod is intended for high end computers and high end video cards starting with 8800GTX and forward on. If you install this with a low end computer, don't go crying about it because I warned you." (1.00 though) made me think twice...


I just downloaded it and try to find sth. in the readme.......


I didn't have testers on laptops unfortunately but my HDR mod won't work in SF2I mainly because of TK's new advanced shaders. But if you look in the options.ini in your saved games/thirdwire/sf2* directory, you can disable the DX10 shading by adding "true" in the forcedx9 line. Next week I'll roll up my sleeves and try to find TK's new shading (if its in a ini form) and merge it in my mod. Hopefully it'll fix the stuttering temporary until TK fix it in a future patch.



Edited by FalconCAF

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I just checked the "Options" - yes, "AntiAliasing" setting is "0". Adjusting to "8" works wonders... I'll keep playing with that value (and might try installing the HDR as well).

Thanks again, everybody!

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