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Old mod on new gen games?

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I'm planning to purchase a couple of the next gen SF titles, I tought in SF2 and SF Israel 2 ( or wathever is called now ), and want to know the degree of useability of the old mods, specially I want to know if is possible to use "old" terrains on next gen sims ( I'm thinking in CAStary, terrains with trees, houses, cows... ), If the Mig's cockpits work on the new games, as I fly Migs really often, and If I can install on next gen sims planes designed for the first series of the games, like the F104 and the F101


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I don´t know anything about terrains in 2nd generation, but there is no trouble with cockpits (some need textures wich were included in the older series, not the case of MiG-21 cockpit pack, in example) and aircraft can be easily adapted. Weapon modding has been gratly improved in this series, i don´t understand why wasn´t it this like before


(Dime alguno en concreto, y en dos dias lo tengo, el mayor retraso seria conseguir los permisos de los autores, pero pretendo dedicarme a adaptar unos cuantos, asi que tirale)




PS: F-101 is already modded to SF2 standards, IIRC, check downloads section

Edited by macelena

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yes terrians work fine in 2nd gen sims. with a little tweaking you can make it act just like a stock terrain. remember to put it into a terrain file in your Mods folder (savedgames/thirdwire/strikefighters2/terrains). in your xxx.ini (snowynorway.ini for Snowy Norway example) make sure the line about catfile points to the cat file for the stock terrian of whatever sim you are running (desert, vietnam, GermanyCE) or the runways will not show up when you fly.

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