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Couldn't Stop Laughing

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Meh, I thought you meant THIS. It made the rounds on most of the other forums I visit, so I guess I'll be the one to post it here. The video is Hi-larious!!!! Probably because it's spot on.

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Well, one is a skit, the other is clever editing and graphics which was unique for SNL.

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Meh, I thought you meant THIS. It made the rounds on most of the other forums I visit, so I guess I'll be the one to post it here. The video is Hi-larious!!!! Probably because it's spot on.


Dude! That was great!!! And so true... unlike the Palin video.


Loved this quote from the article too...


"... it is nice to see the folks at "SNL" continuing to bash the man NBC helped become President. Exit question: Will CNN and other so-called news outlets fact-check this skit?"









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It disturbs me greatly when people are only willing to laugh at one side and not the other. That is the blind vision of the fanatic and it deserves to be exterminated.

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One question: why is there such a resistance against the planned health care???

In most european countries we have such a system for decades (in Germany for more than 100 years...)!

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For one thing, costs are far higher here. By making the gov't pay to cover all these people, well, the money has to come from somewhere, so that means it comes from the taxpayers. Our gov't is so inefficient and poor at running things thanks to tons of bureaucracy and stupid laws quietly passed by special interest groups that we have no confidence in their running this well.

It's sort of like the difference between starving or having just horse manure to eat. Neither option is appealing! The problem is neither side seems really eager to tackle the main problem--skyrocketing costs. If it was cheaper, a lot more people could afford it and those (far fewer) who couldn't could be more easily covered by the gov't...for less!


So instead of tackling the root of the problem, we have them bickering over a bandaid that will likely not solve anything, but whatever it MAY solve will be offset by the NEW problems it causes. As it is we can't afford what we're doing, and Medicare is a program that only still exists because of the laws that say doctors and hospitals can't refuse it. Medicare pays them a fraction of the real costs, so what does that mean? It means they have to charge everyone who's NOT on it far more to compensate.


Neither hospitals nor doctors are getting rich (other than a few surgeons), the lawyers are. Even the lambasted health insurance companies aren't making that much. Percentage-wise their profits are in line with many other industries and actually far less than you might think. I think Tupperware makes more profit!

Malpractice insurance is a major cost factor but it's not being considered in these debates at all.


I bet no one in Europe can retire on the money they get from a malpractice suit for the death of a spouse, can they? You can here, if your lawyer is good and the evidence is strong. Sorry for your suffering, pal, but just because a HUMAN error was made you don't deserve to live well for the rest of your life without working while the rest of us foot the bill in higher insurance payments, taxes, and bills.

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I think you guys needs to ban lawyers. Only in the USA you can suit compagnies and people for not using your own brain. Like the suit at McDonal with hot coffee..... Coffee is surposed to be hot. Or the Cat in the dryer.


Your system rewards stupid people for not using their own brains. Just my 2 cents.

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