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Well thanks OFF Team...it's the end of a era!

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I really like the atmopsheric look of OFF. It is dreamlike or otherworldly, a vision of an alternate reality. As far as what meets the minds eye for expectations I have thought it would be interesting to play without color. All the old footage is in black and white. I do like details tho. The bits and bobs on the aircraft, lettering on the tires and all that kind of thing, the more accurate the better. OBD have sculpted a sim that leaves me satisfied for now and I do believe for the forseeable future. I look forward to the further developments of OFF and I place my trust in OBD to continue to get it right.

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Yes all aspects of AI is one of the items being reworked/overhauled...


That's great news Winder. The AI is very good except for when the enemy get low to the ground.

When that happens, the enemy seems to stall around, somewhat disinterested in the player's plane.

There may be nothing much that can be done about it, but if it can be improved i would love to see it.


Thanks again for the best sim there is.

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I assume, that enemy craft doing that, are already pretty much damaged, Fortiesboy.

They try to get higher, and stall back. A human pilot would now land on the next clear

spot or a field, as the plane can't go on. The AI cannot "think that far", so to say.

And so, sooner or later they crash.

I had one "golden moment" when I found one of my wingmen creeping low, and I

repeatedly press "R" return. After a while, he really came up higher.

But that might have been coincidence?

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i really love the scenerie in BHAH, especially when looking straight down, the scenerie looks the most real. also this surreal feeling rickitycrate mentioned i like.

on the other hand, i didn't have too many games with photorealism so i can't tell if it's good for a game or not. but when looking at Conradb's picture of the albatros, i would also love to see a sim wich looks as real as possible. when you look at it the first seconds you don't know is it a real movie or a sim.

that reminds me of the baseball games i have. nowadays you have to look at for some seconds to see if it's real or not. really looks like yankeestadium with all that what happens in a game (even with original YES broadcast etc.) when watching it, how the players move, the perfect adapted techniques with motion capturing (where you can see alone from the bodylanguage who it is even without actually seeing his face, and that's great). by the way, finally my yanks have won the ring again and my fav player jeter had one of his best years. i must say that i like those ultrarealistic games. can't imagine why it would harm a game to have it ultrarealistic, especially in a sim. but on the other hand some of you have more experience with ultrarealistic sims and say it's not that good this way. i don't know why but what can i say without having this experience, so obviously you are right.

Edited by Creaghorn

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I think that dwelling on whether or not the view is impressionistic or ultrarealistic (or indeed any other POV) misses the point a little bit. I'm sure that we all flew RB3D and whilst wanting more 'realistic' visuals, managed to become immersed because of the perceived depth of the game. Well, I know I did anyway.


To my mind, I'd like the view from the cockpit to look like a camera's been strapped to my (real) head in my (real) aircraft, but I'm quite aware that what happens is that my imagination would take over and fill in the gaps and hence provide that extra edge of immersion. I suspect this is so because my present crappy AGP setup with an ATI Radeon card is far from perfect, delivering something akin to a Boy's Own pencil picture (with colour fills) of the action, but I can appreciate on an aesthetic level that this is, in a way, absolutely perfect and appropriate for a game like OFF.


In short - do what you want you chaps at OBD: you've already taken CFS3 and turned it from being the red-haired child of the sim world into something sublime. Whichever way you end up going will, I'm pretty sure simply take that sense of immersion - or self-surrender to the imagination - to where I want it to be.


My 2d.



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