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I was out walking my dog today at the Heritage Park off-leash area, and stepped in a hole and rolled my ankle, I heard some popping/crunching sounds and went to the hospital. It's not broken, but I'm now on cruches and and in an air-splint, that's 3 days of work that I don't get to make money at. But 3 weekend days I can spend with my girlfriend :D

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But 3 weekend days I can spend with my girlfriend :D

Don't know if to be sorry for ya or not




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But 3 weekend days I can spend with my girlfriend :D

Don't know if to be sorry for ya or not




LOL! Take it from me Todd...RUUUUN! Run as fast as you can Man!


Oh wait...you cant...never mind, this was only a drill...



:P :D

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Sorry guys, I love this girl too much to run away ;) I've had one day off work in the last two weeks, but now I have a full week off. However, new update in this continuing saga...crutches suck.

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WTF? You used the L word at your age? :wacko:


Word of advice, dont use the crutches, even if it hurts, you'll get there faster if you hop :lol:

Edited by snapple2993

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She's L33t and he's pwned!




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Yeah, yeah. Step in a hole to get your girl in a nurse position. :D

Enjoy that!!! But without the jokes, get well soon with your ankle.


Question: who's now walking the dog around?




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Question: who's now walking the dog around?

Yes, it's always the animals that suffer from the human-related incidents. Even the gopher that was in the hole CowboyTodd stepped in is one hurtin' unit...


...but the expanded sun roof on the critter's home will come in handy now that spring is here. ;)


Don't dislocate your shoulders using the crutches. Those things were invented by some sadistic hospital worker that was just coming off a string of graveyard shifts.


Get some rest and heal up quick.

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I have one thing to say for all of us with a girlfriend/ wife....


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I have one thing to say for all of us with a girlfriend/ wife....

....... or a cat..........

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