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i am doing some tests with rocket-assisted-take-offs, relying on a formula created by Spillone. I need a decent sized visual model ("bottle"), but i do not do any 3d-work. is there any help out there ?


first results are encouraging: RATO shortens the take-off-run by 1/3 (Su-7) or more (MiG-21).








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If you have some photos or drawings that show the JATO bottles used by Su-7 and MiG-21 I could create them.

:bye: Alex

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thx for your support. i do collect some pictures and when finished will send them to you, o.k. ?




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Here's one, Alex, pitty it's so small:


dang, that looks like the muffler off my grandpa's tractor.


Is there a RATO download, or is it incorporated into the aircraft model? Either way, I like the idea. I was under the impression that it was fairly widely used by the Soviets in the cold-war era.

Edited by Rambler 1-1

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Ok.... Just tested the concept on the MiG-21MF. Thanks to the help by Sokol I've done the right SPRD-99 JATO unit for the MiG-21.


@ Rambler 1-1: The JATO system could be found in the Soko G-2 Galeb release. :)


Here is the result:







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Hi, Spillone,


thx for your "bottle" SPRD-99. some test with a Mig-21 pfm (more to come):










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Confirmed, USMC A-4 used JATO bottles too in Vietnam. Chu-Lai Airfield, will be interesting to take off from the mtal plancking runway there with the help of the JATO bottles. Maybe will be possible to add them?

Edited by Stratos

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Hi Spillone and Sokol, great job with the SPRD-99.

Hope to be able to use it some day, if you intend to release it of course :good:

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