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Bullet, have you tried testing the DH5 with Wind turned off?

Most crates performance deteriorates significantly with wind, and it always seems to be a headwind


No, I haven't. But wind is part of life, even on measured test flights, especially if there's a war on and time is short. So the best you can hope for is relavtively calm conditions.


But here's the deal. If wind makes that much difference even on calm, sunny days, than IMHO there's a serious problem with the wind.

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I believe the man said he would look at it.


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Thanks Shred indeed I did


As I said, no need to keep pounding away BH, we got it already.

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[/b]You have the same speed stats I do, but here's the problem: the DH5 can't get anywhere near 10,000 feet to see how fast it goes there. It can't even get to 7000 feet.


However, I find that the DH5's ceiling is about 6700 feet, reached in 10-15 minutes, depending on how gusty it is. So I'd say there's a big problem here. In the time it takes the OFF DH5 to reach 6700 feet, the real DH5 would be about twice as high with the ability to keep on going.


I also have trouble believing the DH5 was SO slow below 10000 feet, which is where it was reportedly at its best. I haven't been able to get it above about 80 knots, and that with doing low yoyos. Trimmed for level flight (difficult to judge due to its extreme gust sensitivity), it seems to average about 70 knots, which is a bit slower than the Fee. And it can't turn anywhere near as well, nor for as long, as a Fee.

I'm not expecting the DH5 to be a great plane. Everybody knows it sucked. But as I said above, I think its suckage has to be taken in the context of its times and the contemporary expectations of its pilots. And right now, or so it seems to me, the DH5 sucks rather worse than it should.

But the paper stats I have say it should be otherwise.


I have tried this DH5 in CFS3 /QC, where I mainly fly, and it was sluggish, I agree.

It seemed to me that the reason is that the max RPM of this plane is not being reached.

(like in one or two other planes )

Its max in RL was 1200. In the sim it is just over 1000.

However, I have "tweaked ", and as a result I am flying over 100 air speed and I was able to down an Alb D11.

I then went on to climb, from 7000, to see how high I could go. I managed 14000, waddling along at 80 air speed.

But at around 7000, where i did the dogfight, it performed well, for what I suppose it is.i.e a mediocre dogfighter.


The tweak, though easy to do, does mean that it can't be used in campaign, though it can , obviously ,in CS3/QC. The tweak makes it an "uncertified craft"


If anyone wants to try it, then, if Polovski gives permission, I can write a couple of paragraphs here, or respond to a PM.

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