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Lt. James Cater

Desperate Measures...

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A warning to everyone!


Be really, REALLY, REALLY, careful when you are bored and messing around online!!!!


Idiot me managed to accidently download some CP the other day while BUI. I figured, "no problem, i'll just delete it and that's it". Something didn't feel right so i researched a bit and was stunned by what i found out about the fate of others who did the same.


Tuesday, i'm going to get a pick up a bunch of gear and obliterate my current HD. First i'm wiping it with some software and then i'm going to remove it and toss it in the trash. I'd rather start from scratch with a new one than deal with the Feds sometime down the road.

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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huh,?? whats a CP? wats a BUI??



A certain type of nude pics that are against the law in the U.S. to even think of. (child porn)

On that note it has happened to the best of us man...Just wipe your hard drive...You'll be ok.

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Guest rscsjsuso5

just want to give my two cents to this problem if its CP then find it and delete it, but for BUI thats okay , but if BUI made you download CP then thats not good ,plus if its spyware /virus from the CP then their is a problem. i would suggest to use firefox more secure than ie my opinion and two cents .

hoep all goes well lt. james


enjoy ur holidays and upcoming new year and also maybe a resolution no more BUI .

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Not to make you all paranoid or anything but there is no secure way to wipe a hard drive. The only way is to get rid of it is to burn it. I have a friend who works in computer forensics and the stories he tells me are just incredible.



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Not to make you all paranoid or anything but there is no secure way to wipe a hard drive. The only way is to get rid of it is to burn it. I have a friend who works in computer forensics and the stories he tells me are just incredible.




I suspected something like that, i've actually figured on taking the HD apart and smashing it with a hammer.


BTW...BUI should read Browsing Under the Influence.


I did do virus and spyware checks but nothing was there. Guess the safe thing will be to pick up a new HD tommorrow and be more careful in the future.

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Not to make you all paranoid or anything but there is no secure way to wipe a hard drive. The only way is to get rid of it is to burn it. I have a friend who works in computer forensics and the stories he tells me are just incredible.




Not really true. I can easily render a drive 100% unreadable by anyone, without smashing it or burning it. Is your friend a betting man? :grin:

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If your talking about the magnetic method I asked him the very same question but apparently it doesnt completely erase everything. He wouldnt go into detail on how its possible to recover the data however.



Edited by MaverickMike

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That's why I bring my old HDDs to work now...we have an industrial degausser here that's certified for destruction of classified drives, tapes, and disks. It not only trashes the media, the motors in the HDD no longer even work properly! You can hear the stuff get thrown around inside when the capacitors discharge and the strong magnetic field is briefly generated.

No one's getting anything off my old stuff.

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Hey, if I sent you a box of 3.5 floppys, could you run them through that machine? I keep thinking even a magnet that can lift cars (like at a junkyard) isn't strong enough...



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Sure, I just did that yesterday. The field in the machine is calibrated especially to scramble these things.

It has to be a moving field, a static field like one of those uber magnets likely generates will wipe SOME but not all. I once tried a heavy magnet on a VHS tape, just put the tape on top of it for a few minutes...I couldn't see a single effect. Then I started moving the tape and magnet all around each other like an electron orbiting a proton...the longer I did it, the more the tape degraded.

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NIST 800-88 Enhanced Secure Erase


what it does is change the in-drive encryption key, and it only takes seconds to do as opposed to DoD5220 block erase, which can take days on a 100 gig drive

Degaussers are used to erase magnetic data on disk drives. They create high intensity magnetic fields that erase all magnetic recordings in a hard disk drive, including the sector header information on drive data tracks.

(tells the head where to sit)


Oh yeah, cater, you think it was wise mentioning it in a open forum, big brother and echelon are always watching.


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maverick,,basically, it approximates what is missing to fill in the blanks, like oversampling, kinda.

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I've been fooled way too many times while using P2P software like Frostwire, Emule and the like. Lots of sickos out there sharing video and image files (porn or otherwise) to which they gave names that wouldn't make you suspect it's actually CP.


Dumb question of the day: what would happen if you put your HD in the microwave and fried it?

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You'd probably have to go shopping for a new microwave :)

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If your talking about the magnetic method I asked him the very same question but apparently it doesnt completely erase everything. He wouldnt go into detail on how its possible to recover the data however.





I have done work for OSHA and the IRS. I have access to the same type of machine that Jedi's probably referring to. It trashes everything, even the microcode ID in the drive's chips...and, it's also used by the NSA.

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I would think that it would be simpler to smash the hell out of it with a sledge hammer then throw the remains in the fireplace? it sure would relieve some stress.

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I have done work for OSHA and the IRS. I have access to the same type of machine that Jedi's probably referring to. It trashes everything, even the microcode ID in the drive's chips...and, it's also used by the NSA.


Lol that wasnt quite what I had in mind when i mentioned the 'magnetic' type. I was thinking along the lines of a general household magnet being run over the disk.....


From what my mate says most CP offenders seem to think that they can rub the evidence of their crimes off the disk in this way, or by simply reformatting and this is the way many of them get caught.


If you ask me all CP offenders should be dropped on an island in the middle of nowhere and left to fend for themselves.



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Not to make you all paranoid or anything but there is no secure way to wipe a hard drive. The only way is to get rid of it is to burn it. I have a friend who works in computer forensics and the stories he tells me are just incredible.

So DBAN doesn't work? Cuz I accidently got some bondage midget pr0n in a download and I feel very ashamed.

Edited by Ruggbutt

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