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Missions too long & trouble with warping

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When flying a mission in single player, I know you can "warp" if enemy isn't nearby -- however I've determined that means an enemy within 4 miles! I can usually get to my mission objective without too much time expended but much of the time, when returning to home base you can't warp at all because of the "enemy nearby" thing. There have been a number of times I've had to abort a mission because of jammed guns or a bullet in the engine and couldn't go to the proper waypoints. How can you fly home in a reasonable time without being able to warp?


1 - Is there any way to shorten the time length of a flight -- like maybe being able to warp if an enemy is inside of 4 miles? Can that distance be shortened?


2 - Another problem. If I've got jammed guns and haven't gotten to my final objective waypoint -- I can't warp home because warping will take me to that final objective waypoint instead -- in other words, deeper into enemy territory instead of home. Is there any way just to warp home instead, without having to go through all the waypoints?


I know the game is about realism -- but in real life you can't "warp". If warp can't be used, why is it in the game?


I WILL appreciate any help I can get. This is a great game but these long missions is taking the fun out of it.




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Once you're at the briefing screen you can hit the 'Alternative Objective' button until you get a mission short enough to suit.

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2 - Another problem. If I've got jammed guns and haven't gotten to my final objective waypoint -- I can't warp home because warping will take me to that final objective waypoint instead -- in other words, deeper into enemy territory instead of home. Is there any way just to warp home instead, without having to go through all the waypoints?


I know the game is about realism -- but in real life you can't "warp". If warp can't be used, why is it in the game?


I WILL appreciate any help I can get. This is a great game but these long missions is taking the fun out of it.





Hello Crockett12 - I too found similar problems re campaign v time, so i haven't played it enough to be expert in campaign to help you. No doubt someone will.

I elected instead to play QC via CFS3 in workshops, where little scenarios can be created.


I look forward to the replies on this - may persuade me to go into campaign a bit more too.

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When flying a mission in single player, I know you can "warp" if enemy isn't nearby -- however I've determined that means an enemy within 4 miles! I can usually get to my mission objective without too much time expended but much of the time, when returning to home base you can't warp at all because of the "enemy nearby" thing. There have been a number of times I've had to abort a mission because of jammed guns or a bullet in the engine and couldn't go to the proper waypoints. How can you fly home in a reasonable time without being able to warp?


1 - Is there any way to shorten the time length of a flight -- like maybe being able to warp if an enemy is inside of 4 miles? Can that distance be shortened?


2 - Another problem. If I've got jammed guns and haven't gotten to my final objective waypoint -- I can't warp home because warping will take me to that final objective waypoint instead -- in other words, deeper into enemy territory instead of home. Is there any way just to warp home instead, without having to go through all the waypoints?


I know the game is about realism -- but in real life you can't "warp". If warp can't be used, why is it in the game?


I WILL appreciate any help I can get. This is a great game but these long missions is taking the fun out of it.





1) Yes in the mission briefing you can select 'optional flight' as well as sometimes an 'alternative target' - and you thus can cycle through optional targets - select one closer to home.


2) Warp can be used but there are provisos as you have noted - also you can speed up time so that's another option of getting to your target quicker or home again


3) Guns unjam after a time period....


4) You need to cycle the waypoints in order to warp to a different waypoint other than the next one.






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2 - Another problem. If I've got jammed guns and haven't gotten to my final objective waypoint -- I can't warp home because warping will take me to that final objective waypoint instead -- in other words, deeper into enemy territory instead of home. Is there any way just to warp home instead, without having to go through all the waypoints?




If near the front and disabled do you think any pilot would try to fly all the way back to home base and risk an encounter with a dud engine? Find an aerodrome near by (the targeting 'scope' shows airfields as well, hit 'T'...) or simply locate an open farmer's field, preferably one with the farmer's daughter near by to "rescue" a brave pilote, and attempt an emergency landing. They aren't easy and it adds to the fun, seriously. There are lots of things to do like this to increase your immersion, try to think outside the box.

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If near the front and disabled do you think any pilot would try to fly all the way back to home base and risk an encounter with a dud engine? Find an aerodrome near by (the targeting 'scope' shows airfields as well, hit 'T'...) or simply locate an open farmer's field, preferably one with the farmer's daughter near by to "rescue" a brave pilote, and attempt an emergency landing. They aren't easy and it adds to the fun, seriously. There are lots of things to do like this to increase your immersion, try to think outside the box.


I have had to land in a field a few times..


If I suffer any damage that changes the way my craft handles I always run for home. Better to save the kite and come back alive than to be a hero..

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When flying a mission in single player, I know you can "warp" if enemy isn't nearby -- however I've determined that means an enemy within 4 miles! I can usually get to my mission objective without too much time expended but much of the time, when returning to home base you can't warp at all because of the "enemy nearby" thing. There have been a number of times I've had to abort a mission because of jammed guns or a bullet in the engine and couldn't go to the proper waypoints. How can you fly home in a reasonable time without being able to warp?


1 - Is there any way to shorten the time length of a flight -- like maybe being able to warp if an enemy is inside of 4 miles? Can that distance be shortened?


2 - Another problem. If I've got jammed guns and haven't gotten to my final objective waypoint -- I can't warp home because warping will take me to that final objective waypoint instead -- in other words, deeper into enemy territory instead of home. Is there any way just to warp home instead, without having to go through all the waypoints?


I know the game is about realism -- but in real life you can't "warp". If warp can't be used, why is it in the game?


I WILL appreciate any help I can get. This is a great game but these long missions is taking the fun out of it.





I meant to add there is also an air start option which sees you at your first mission waypoint this also saves time.


Its a wee checkbox on the briefing screen..





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If near the front and disabled do you think any pilot would try to fly all the way back to home base and risk an encounter with a dud engine? Find an aerodrome near by (the targeting 'scope' shows airfields as well, hit 'T'...) or simply locate an open farmer's field, preferably one with the farmer's daughter near by to "rescue" a brave pilote, and attempt an emergency landing. They aren't easy and it adds to the fun, seriously. There are lots of things to do like this to increase your immersion, try to think outside the box.


Precisely thats what I do. Find an aerodrome in our side of the front line or if not able to fly try to land in any place in my front line side.

That's what happened in reality.

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Me if hit and damaged I head home but if hit over the target I like the idea that I have to struggle home with my battered plane... gives me a sense of achievement but hey its not for everyone I know... also IMHO it adds to the game not being able to run away because I have a damaged plane... the Computer cannot do it so its only fair... but saying that I only fly DiD Campaigns anyway...

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Just stick it on 2x or 4x time etc. ctrl+shift+e ctrl+shift+r


Just make sure you are flying high enough and straight enough if you go faster than that you can lose control easily.


(no you can't change these keys they are hidden ones in CFS3).

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As mentioned, Crockett, you can select shorter missions beforehand if you don't have a lot of time in a sitting; I've done it many times. But if you can afford it, taking a longer flight can be a lot of fun. Just yesterday I accepted one that was scheduled for 107 minutes and with an encounter with enemy scouts ended up being 122. Of course that's all open to personal taste, and what's fun and immersive to one can be long and tedious to another.


As far as engine problems, running out of ammo, unjammable guns or any other major malfunction, no pilot was ever disciplined for bringing a crippled bird back home or even landing it safely just inside friendly territory. The first priority is the mission, but if you can't continue with the mission the next is survival and, if possible, saving the machine so you can go back up tomorrow. And OFF doesn't penalize you or make you refly a mission if you don't complete it, like some other sims do. It's just marked down as 15 minutes of flight time instead of 50.


If you want to use warp do so, but it comes with certain limitations and drawbacks. Like anything else, you must accept the bad side of something if you're going to take advantage of the good.

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