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Making ground objects from terrain folders

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Just wondering if anyone knows if you can take an object from a terrain folder ie; Hangers, tents, towers, etc etc, and use them as ground objects in mission building. Could I get a hanger or watertower to show up in my groundobjects selection? I know all objects need a "configuration settings.ini" and a "Data.ini." along with TextureSets and all. Most of these files are in the terrain folders for these objects, no?

Does anyone know what I'm getting at? It's confusing. I've been trying it out. Not quite sure how to make a Data.ini for say "Hanger_1" in the Cambrai terrain folder. For all I know it's not possible. If someone knows how or wants to try one out please let me know.

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Not sure exactly what you want to do, but you can place any object in the terrain Types.ini anywhere on the map. All you need are the coordinates and a target area to put them in. They can be tied to existing target ares or you can create your own target area by adding it to the Targets.ini. Check out one of my Bridge mods to see how its done. Note: I said any object. Thats not quite true. There has to be a coresponding set of lod/bmp(skin)/.ini files either in the terrain.CAT or placed individually in the terrain folder. Some objects listed in the types.ini either do not have the appropriate files included in the game or do not appear for unknown (to me anyway) reasons. As far as I know inanimate objects like buildings don't need to be Ground Objects. You may also find my FE Objects Gallery in the downloads useful. Creating a new Ground Object requires both an .ini file and data.file, I think. I'm not sure there is any advantage to making buildings Ground Objects. Its not necessary for customizing target areas.

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Thanks for the response Tailspin. I read some old threads of yours on this topic. I understand the way you placed ground objects using coordinates and and target types and such. But I was thinking of adding these terrain objects as ground objects in the GrounObjects folder. That way the could be used in Mission builders such as KMD or Le Missioneur. When using a Mission builder program you can select ground objects (Tanks, Balloons, Artillary, etc etc) and place them where you please. As in my original question, could I add a Hanger or a tower or even fuel drums to my ground objects list, so they too can be placed where I like? Without having to go through the TargetTypes file and finding the right coordinates. Your way works just fine. Just takes a while to get the positioning right. And it's a whole lot of typing. If my way is possible, It would make for some great and easy mission building. I remember in a thread a while back there is a way to make aircraft as static ground objects. So why not everything else? Just need to know what info is needed to create the proper Data.ini files for all the objects in the terrain folders. It should work.

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I don't know know why it wouldn't work. You'd have to come up with a data.ini. Shouldn't be too difficult to modify one from another GO. I'm pretty sure you'll have to change the line in the Types.ini to UseGroundObject=TRUE. I don't know if that will cause a conflict with the other objects, like Hangars, already in the game? I'm not a terrain/object expert by any means. Wrench, ought to know. (ahem...no pressure, kevin) :grin:

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Well First I tried the stationary Dr1 in the Flanders terrain. I created a Dr1 folder in the /objects/groundobjects/Dr1/. Then in the Dr1 folder I created a Texture folder with the skin template and TextureSet inside, /objects/groundobjects/Dr1/Texture, which is correct. Then outside of the Texture folder I made a "Dr1configsettings.ini" file and a "Dr1 Data.ini". Now as far as the Data.ini goes, I used the info from "Flander_TYPES.ini" in the Flanders terrain folder. Changed the top line in brackets from [TargetType061] to [GroundobjectData] just like other ground objects. Also at the top of the new Dr1 Data.ini page above the [GroundobjectData] I typed in:













Ok so here is what I did. This will be long:


1. Dr1 ground object folder in /objects/groundobjects/Dr1


2. Then inside the Dr1 folder has the Dr1 skin template from the Flanders terrain and a TextureSet that looks like this:








3. Outside the "Texture" folder I have a "Dr1ConfigSettings.ini" like this:























Then also I created a "Dr1Data.ini" like this:














FullName=parked Fokker Dr.I
































4. There are two LOD files, one for "static" and one for "Destoyed" and a Dr1Destroyed template


These files I put outside of the "Texture" folder. I have no idea if thats right or not. I'm just trying to copy other ground object's setup.


5. Doesnt workblink.gifthis.gif I get the object name "Dr1" to appear in the ground object menu ( using Le Missioneur and KMD mission builders) and the texture (German) appears as well. Friendly or Enemy preference appears too. I can place the Dr1 object on any map. But when I run the created mission, There are no Dr1 ground objects to be found.


6. Now I'm confused. Whats missing?

Edited by quack74

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Try changing the LOD distance to 6 or 8 Thousand. I don't think you need all that data in the GroundObjectData section. Most look something like this:











If there are no components then you wouldn't need the component data either. You also have to still make sure you've got all your pertinent data matching and entered in the Types.ini, and other files correctly. Usually requires some trial and error...you'll figure it out though.

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I'm kind of at a lose here. dntknw.gif

Not sure what needs to be done , or undone, to get the object (Dr1 ground object) to appear ingame.


Anyone else have any ideas? Anyone have experience with objects and how to create Config files and Data files?


This will be an awsome addition to the game if I or we can get it working. A lot of ground objects to populate the airfields and other target areasgood.gif

Getting close. ------ I thinkblink.gif


Thanks Tailspingood.gif

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The planes at the ground are generated at the airfield by the gameengine itself. (singlemissions and campaign)


In a self scrippted mission you can use all ground objects which are placed in the groundobjects folder. For a static FokkerDRI you must create such a folder and place all neccessary files in this folder. That are all files you find in the FokkerDRi plane folder plus the LOD file, which you must extract first with SFP1E tool. Then you must edit the FokkerDRI_data.ini file in the way, that the plane cant start anymore and and and.

If i remember right, there someone had make static planes for SFP1 for using in scripted missions. Perhaps you should look there how he had done it.


In a similar way you can include Hangars etc in scrippted missions. But i think it would be easier to look for a place on the map where you find what you need.

Edited by Gepard

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Hi Gepard. The Dr.1 I'm refering to is not the stock Dr.1 from the Aircraft folder. As an example for creating more ground objects I just happened to pic the Dr1 static model from the Flanders terrain "Types" file. I guess I should have picked a tent or hanger to make it more clear. I'm aware of making static aircraft from the stock aircraft. You were right about the tutorial thread about this process. I does work.

What I would like to do is take ground objects (Target_TYPES) from a terrain folder and put them in my /objects/Groundobjects/ folder to use them in mission building using KMD or Le Missioneur.

I would be able to populate airfields and create small troop camps very easily using this method. I almost have it done. Justnot sure what info is missing from my above post to get these objects to appear. Again I'm NOT using the stock TW Fokker Dr.1. I want to use any ground object from the Terrain folders.

I think it might be the LOD files. I dont know how they work or where to put them.


I know I can manually type in the coordinates of these ground objects, in the "Types" .ini files to add more to the terrain, but that is very time consuming.

My way if it will work will have the new ground objects right in the dropdown menu in the mission building programs. And as easy as that, just place them on a map where you want them. I'm trying. If you have any input on my Config.ini setup and DATA.ini setup and what I'm missing, I would love to hear it. If anyone here would know It might be you. Thanks Gepardgood.gif

Edited by quack74

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Sorry folks....I don't get over here very often (TS, you shoulda let me know there was a question!!!)


Anyway, what you're trying to do is convert a terrain object into a ground object. In particular, you're speaking of the parked statics that iirc, Capun did. They are best left alone, for what they are ... eye candy and something to strafe. Now, the game WILL generate it's own parked static aircraft, so there's no real need for these even to exist.

These were created before one of the patches/expansion pak that allowed the in-game generation.


You're also consusing GroundObjects with TerrainObjects. TerrainObjects ONLY exist inside the terrain cat, or, like these aftermarket parked statics, in the terrain folder itself.

GroundObjects are added, as you've figured out, via edits of the _targets and _types ini.


An example of a ground objects being used, are the various trucks seen on the airfields. An example of terrrain objects are the hangars, tents, oil drums, etc. Anything that is NOT an aircraft, ship or vehicle found in the GO folder. This would include the aforemetioned 3rd Party parked aircraft; terrain objects.


I haven't looked at the airfield inis for FE, well, ever, but if it uses similiar statements as SF/Wo* and SF2 series, said airfield inis will have parking slots assigned. Now, if one wants to ADD more parked aircraft, you'll have to plot the positions using the HUDData.ini DisplayDebug set to TRUE, and note the offsets.


All in all, I believe it's simply something NOT worth messing with. Leave them as terrain objects, and be done. Take it from the Terrain Targets Guy!


as to building missions, I never figured out how to use either of the mission builders. I just wouldn't worry about it. The game should generate the stock parked planes on it's own (well, at least in SF/Wo* sometimes!). If the airfield inis are like the other, there should be parkingchance= percentage. Up that to 90-99 and see what happens.



kevin stein

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